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Hitler had good moral !

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  • #46
    Dont diss the incurables Creager..
    Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


    • #47
      I don't remember too well...

      But Hitler started Barbarossa (sp?) at a fairly early time.

      His mistakes were more along the lines of attacking the wrong points (iirc he tried to capture resource filled areas instead of the capital), that Holocaust vehicles took priority over military ones, and that he re-routed forces in the middle of his attack in order to beat down on a relatively insignificant country which he felt had betrayed him. IIRC. I'm not a major WW2 buff.
      - k2


      • #48
        Originally posted by Cops
        A subspace squad, and you're a silly fuck who shouldn't have rejoined. Talk about hurting the squad image.
        Oh no! Not our precious image!
        Originally posted by Ward
        OK.. ur retarded case closed


        • #49
          Originally posted by uranium
          Candidate C:

          He is a decorated war hero
          He's a vegetarian
          Doesn't smoke
          Drinks an occasional beer
          Hasn't had any extramarital affairs
          Which of these candidates would be your choice

          Candidate C is Adolph Hitler
 a historian I have to correct you on a few pointes here:

          He is a decorated war hero
          Hitler was NOT a decorated war hero. The highest rank he achieved was that of a corporal in the german army in WWI. He was awarded the knights cross 3rd class for valor...equivalent to a simple "loyalty" medal.

          He desired to be an officer above all else, but was refused repeatedly beacuse he lacked the skills needed for such a position.

          Drinks an occasional beer
          Really? This is actually true....he did however, drink an assload of wine and liquor with the upper echalons of the 3rd reich. This apparent by the HUGE wine and liquor stores found at berchesgaden, and his palace in Berlin.

          Hasn't had any extramarital affairs
          This is the biggest farse of them all......
          Hitler was legally married, but his wife is never mentioned. Why? Beacuse almost from the moment he assumed power, he was involed in a public affair with his mistress...Eva Braun.

          Now as far as the moron that stated mr adolf had morals?

          Ask the 6 million jews that he is directly responsible for murdering in cold blood if he has good morals.

          Ask the 10 million other minorities, mentally Ill, pols, Slavs, Homosexuals, and political prisioners if he has morals.

          Ask the 4 million children he murdered if he has morals

          He attacked russia on June 22, 1941, and the russian winter was a pretty big factor in his defeat, but heres the major ones:

          1) Russian winter set in, and german troops lacked winter clothing and supplies
          2) Scorched Earth: This was the deliberate burning and looting of supplies, farmland, and livestock by russian soldiers to prevent advancing german troops from gaining supplies.
          3) Sheer Numbers: When the germans attacked the Soviet Union, they attacked with about 3 million troops, planes, tanks, etc.

          Joseph Stalin order every abled bodied Man and woman to take up arms and fight the invading germans. This means an estimated 10 million troops were sent against the germans. Simple math......the germans simply ran out of fighting men.

          Last edited by xSliderx; 10-29-2004, 01:17 PM.
          Marshmallow Marines
          "Arguing is like running in the special olympics...even if you win yer still retarded."

