Just seeing what kinda compy gurus we got here, If you own a name brand computer like gateway, dell, compaq <hp>, sony, alien ware, dont even post here k thnx
Well here is what I put together when i got to my perm duty station.
<"note dont bullshit people, just seeing what you got so dont lie fuck nuts"!>
Here we go.
Case "X-dreamer 2" plan on upgrading this, next payday
mobo" Asus sk8n" going to get the sk8v soon
CPU" amd Fx 51 "940 pin"
Ram" 4x512 ocz pc 3200 ecc reg in duel channel
Vid" ATI 9800 xt
Heatsink" swiftech mcx 64 -v with a tornado on top of it est 120 cfm "have water cooling on the way just spent 300 on a custom system its gonna be tight.
PSU" enermax 550wt
Sounds" Audigy zs platnum pro
lan" 3com
1 sata 120 gb 7200 rpm 8mb
1 IDE 200gb 7200 8 mb
Liteon 52x/32x/32x
Sony floppy
Just wana know your system not your monitor ect "even thou im using a 20 inch flat screen tv right now rofl"
And my case is currently a 2 drawer desk i cut a hole in the back and thats where the wires go, with it open im at around 95 degrees farenheit, but with it close i hit 120 ez
, If your an over clocker speak up
or a benchmarker, lets see some screen shots of before and after or pics of your pc, if you wana see my bitch, then say so and i shall post :Ive spent about 4 grand so far") I bought all these parts individualy and built the machine myself thats why name brand buyers are NOOOOOOOOOOBS!!! I can build a 700$ machine that whups your 3grand alien ware :P GG
Well here is what I put together when i got to my perm duty station.
<"note dont bullshit people, just seeing what you got so dont lie fuck nuts"!>
Here we go.
Case "X-dreamer 2" plan on upgrading this, next payday
mobo" Asus sk8n" going to get the sk8v soon
CPU" amd Fx 51 "940 pin"
Ram" 4x512 ocz pc 3200 ecc reg in duel channel
Vid" ATI 9800 xt
Heatsink" swiftech mcx 64 -v with a tornado on top of it est 120 cfm "have water cooling on the way just spent 300 on a custom system its gonna be tight.
PSU" enermax 550wt
Sounds" Audigy zs platnum pro
lan" 3com
1 sata 120 gb 7200 rpm 8mb
1 IDE 200gb 7200 8 mb
Liteon 52x/32x/32x
Sony floppy
Just wana know your system not your monitor ect "even thou im using a 20 inch flat screen tv right now rofl"
And my case is currently a 2 drawer desk i cut a hole in the back and thats where the wires go, with it open im at around 95 degrees farenheit, but with it close i hit 120 ez
