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USA voting system blows

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Vykromond

    Not that relevant, I just thought it was hilarious.
    LOL, nice



    • #62
      I know what you mean Sleepy, but then again I was just using it as a mere example of how a lot of the us citziens think.

      Try something, create a new, stupid name like "EUROPE IS BEST!", go to some big-crowded pub and start screaming "US SUCKS!" and "EUROPE IS BESTEST". Then after spamming that, take time. Take time for how long it'll take before some yank will bring up the word "nuke". (Or any resemblence for the word "nuke".

      My guess is on 33 seconds. "Nuke" will probably be used in a sentence that will include "WE COULD KILL U INSTANTLY WITH OUR _______!!!!!!111111111", or "WE HAVE THE MOST _____ IN THE WORLD!!!!1"
      Originally Posted by HeavenSent
      You won't have to wait another 4 years.
      There wont be another election for president.
      Obama is the Omega President.


      • #63
        Originally posted by Galleleo
        From my recolection (don't pin me down on this) Bush didnt do that much wrong before 9/11 foreign politics wise.
        Dude, try to find Bush's speeches of the first week in the Whitehouse. (That was before 9/11) He must have used the word Iraq more than for example "Education". Ok, so Iraq wasn't the country that harbored terrorists that were responsible for 9/11. But Bush send a clear message.
        Last edited by Zerzera; 11-04-2004, 06:03 AM.
        You ate some priest porridge


        • #64
          Originally posted by lunch3

          we also provide and advance all major new technologies like drugs and genetic foods. but pfft, we pay more for our pharmecy drugs to cover the cost of investment so more investment and research can go to developing better drugs. while european and many other countries' companies just steal the formula for any drug we make and sell it wholesale top their own countries' citizens, not advancing the technology in any major way.
          Where are your facts on this? You are not going to tell me that pay more on drugs research, on average per citizen, than other Western countries.
          And please publish a list with all pharmecist and cosmetic drugs/medicines of the last 50 year and from wich country the inventor happened to be and in what country he or she did the research. Then I might believe you. Europe is just very sceptic about the manipulation of genes and puts money in researching possible side-effects. While in the US it seems that you should just invest on producing it en masse and then see the side-effects.
          Poor Amish people.. if you know what I am talking about.
          You ate some priest porridge


          • #65
            Slider is amusing, like Village Idiot, Court Jester amusing. Dance to the music you monkey puppet.

            I am American( sadly ), well no, I shouldn't say sadly, there is some good in this country, but so much loop-holes and hypocricies that they almost if not do out weigh the good. Wow, we have nukes, whoop de FUCKIN doo. Who doesn't have nukes? Seriously, America can take anyone? You kidding me? Let's run down the nations shall we, if it came down to actual fighting, because y'know, anymore with an itchy trigger finger can press a button to launch nukes.

            The Asians, most notably Japan and China:
            Hmmm not only sheer numbers, but total and complete discipline when it comes to fighting and the will to win. How many Americans do you know would kill themselves if they thought they were going to lose? 've never heard of an American suicide bomber or kamikaze, have you?

            Europe as a whole:
            Again, numbers. What the fuck is America going to do against what is it, the 20+ nations( not sure ) that make up Europe. The Russians if they were united and complete, could kick America's ass in a heart beat.

            America has the "best army in the world". Two words, bull shit. 'd elaborate, but so many people have already elaborated for me.

            To sum it up( sorry for this long post and if it doesn't all form together well, it's 3:36 am ), you are nothing but a stupid "patriot". Wow, you can wave the flag. Doubt that you will ever go into the military unless you were drafted. I have no desire and never did have the desire to enter the military because I don't care to fight for America or it's "freedom". How can America say we have "freedom" when the government keeps wanting to take sections of it away? Grow up. America is an ok country, but it's hardly the best.

            It's funny, if you compare the world to Street Fighter( I said it's 3:36 remember? ). America thinks it's Akuma, but the rest of the world sees it for what it is, nothing but the pink gi wearing Dan Hibiki( though, Dan can kick ass if you use him right... just like well USA could kick ass if it was run right ).
            Last edited by SpiderMage; 11-04-2004, 06:48 AM.

            "There are those who said this day would never come. What have they to say now?"

            Y'know... if you were any stupider, I swear death by laughter would be a real medical occurance.


            • #66
              heh, im not trying to say that america can own the world or even win wars if it comes down to occupation.

              but honestly, our army is the best, very close to best trained, but definitely best technology-wise. do u know of any other country that can invade 2 middle eastern countries halfway around the globe in just a matter of weeks?

              it isnt our nukes, it is our technology of several different types of smart bombs, stealth aircraft, 12 aircraft carriers. with the wars we fought recently, we havent even used a good amount of our forces yet. we have something like 150,000 troops in iraq...we have 1.4 million in total. we use just 1-2 aircraft carriers in iraq, we have 10 more. we have the biggest satellite network that makes identifying stuff like tanks and organizing for a smart bomb to hit it is easy pie for us. granted if we went to war with a space capable country, our satellites would mean shit as all u have to do is blow them up.

              militarily the usa is able to win the military war against 3 europeans nations at a time at least.

              but what use is a military victory if people don't give up against us and we can't occupy them. the US is only great at destroying military targets, nothing else really.

              zerz: i cant find new york times article i remember reading. but it was article talking about kerry's plan to import drugs from canada because they are cheaper there and elsewhere. supposed experts were quoted as saying that if we do that we would kill the research and investment rich pharmecy markets. some of these experts were research scientists and a few were in some international pharmecy group...bah cant find words but basically people representing many big drug companies that meet and discuss drug related issues. they all agreed that profits from the USA was what mostly paid for the research, and that kerry's law of importing from canada would eliminate these profits and totally transform the drug market and how companies operate. i dunno, new york times seem like a trustworthy source, im lazy, and it does make sense. oh wait here's some links i quickly google searched. they clearly say USA pays the bulk while other countries don't, and that this helps the drug industry's income and research.



              • #67
                Originally posted by lunch3
                heh, im not trying to say that america can own the world or even win wars if it comes down to occupation.

                but honestly, our army is the best, very close to best trained, but definitely best technology-wise. do u know of any other country that can invade 2 middle eastern countries halfway around the globe in just a matter of weeks?

                it isnt our nukes, it is our technology of several different types of smart bombs, stealth aircraft, 12 aircraft carriers. with the wars we fought recently, we havent even used a good amount of our forces yet. we have something like 150,000 troops in iraq...we have 1.4 million in total. we use just 1-2 aircraft carriers in iraq, we have 10 more. we have the biggest satellite network that makes identifying stuff like tanks and organizing for a smart bomb to hit it is easy pie for us. granted if we went to war with a space capable country, our satellites would mean shit as all u have to do is blow them up.

                militarily the usa is able to win the military war against 3 europeans nations at a time at least.

                but what use is a military victory if people don't give up against us and we can't occupy them. the US is only great at destroying military targets, nothing else really.

                zerz: i cant find new york times article i remember reading. but it was article talking about kerry's plan to import drugs from canada because they are cheaper there and elsewhere. supposed experts were quoted as saying that if we do that we would kill the research and investment rich pharmecy markets. some of these experts were research scientists and a few were in some international pharmecy group...bah cant find words but basically people representing many big drug companies that meet and discuss drug related issues. they all agreed that profits from the USA was what mostly paid for the research, and that kerry's law of importing from canada would eliminate these profits and totally transform the drug market and how companies operate. i dunno, new york times seem like a trustworthy source, im lazy, and it does make sense. oh wait here's some links i quickly google searched. they clearly say USA pays the bulk while other countries don't, and that this helps the drug industry's income and research.

                It's hardly a difficult task to take down Middle Eastern countries, 3rd world remember? That's like Texas invading Rhode Island, ooooh wow.

                "There are those who said this day would never come. What have they to say now?"

                Y'know... if you were any stupider, I swear death by laughter would be a real medical occurance.


                • #68
                  Finally an entertaining thread, keep going :up:

                  PS. I'll go try that thing I talked about in pub.
                  Originally Posted by HeavenSent
                  You won't have to wait another 4 years.
                  There wont be another election for president.
                  Obama is the Omega President.


                  • #69

                    I guessed 33 seconds, it took about ~20

                    EUROPE RUL> HEY MAN
                    EUROPE RUL> EUROPE RULEZ
                    EUROPE RUL> AMERICA SUCKS
                    EUROPE RUL> BUSH IS SHIT!
                    EUROPE RUL> MORE MEAT TO THE PEOPLE!
                    Systran> LOL europe is shjit no army
                    Jean-Phili> We lub joo too Europe. Time for your pills now.
                    EUROPE RUL> who doesnt agree with me here that europe owns america
                    Lemming> To hell with self preservation
                    Uluwuluzul> fuck europe man we have lots of nukes
                    EUROPE RUL> and that makes you better then europe?
                    Uluwuluzul> yes? we could invade ur coutnry any dya shitfuck
                    Originally Posted by HeavenSent
                    You won't have to wait another 4 years.
                    There wont be another election for president.
                    Obama is the Omega President.


                    • #70
                      lolol ppl are so funny when they think that only USA got nukes.
                      Originally posted by Kolar
                      My reaction:

                      ;1;Holy Shit
                      ;1;Al Qaeda took care of method for us


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by lunch3
                        but honestly, our army is the best, very close to best trained, but definitely best technology-wise. do u know of any other country that can invade 2 middle eastern countries halfway around the globe in just a matter of weeks?

                        it isnt our nukes, it is our technology of several different types of smart bombs, stealth aircraft, 12 aircraft carriers. with the wars we fought recently, we havent even used a good amount of our forces yet. we have something like 150,000 troops in iraq...we have 1.4 million in total. we use just 1-2 aircraft carriers in iraq, we have 10 more. we have the biggest satellite network that makes identifying stuff like tanks and organizing for a smart bomb to hit it is easy pie for us.
                        militarily the usa is able to win the military war against 3 europeans nations at a time at least.

                        but what use is a military victory if people don't give up against us and we can't occupy them. the US is only great at destroying military targets, nothing else really.
                        Contesting some of these points..

                        Just because your army is fast at mobilizing doesnt necessarily make it the best, this is a moot point, but e.g. weve got something called the Rapid Deployment Force, whose sole "purpose" is to mobilize a batallion anywhere in the world within 48hours, so its not like the USA is "special".

                        Size doesn't matter, if anything all of the wars youve been in recently (and past wars) should prove that, who has the size advantage in Afghanistan & Iraq?
                        Who had it in Vietnam, Who had it in Mogadishu? etc. size doesnt really matter.

                        Another moot point, but e.g. Britain has Aircraft carriers, tanks, missiles, satellites, as do countries like France, Germany, Russia (whoopdedoo), again nothing special.

                        "Smart Bombs", how many have "missed" over the Iraqi and Afghan campaigns? something like 70% i think have missed their targets overall, sure it looks great when you see it on CNN, but thats not always reality.

                        Also, just about best trained, i would disagree, best "equipped", maybe (throw away those useless m16s tho, pathetic low calibre unreliable junk, hell ive seen people in vietnam with head wounds from m16s who just laugh it off)
                        But that equiptment isnt that great if the dude using it is fresh off the cornfields and loses his sergeant/squadcaptain, because AFAIK in the US "grunts" are not taught leadership or what to do in certain situations, thus they are completely dependant on squadcaptains, the approach in Europe anyway is to have more than one squadcaptain, and every single grunt has basic leadership training, and can act if necessary.

                        The US army could be so much better if they didnt spend it all on "new and improved" weaponry, but actually spent it training and evaluating grunts/marines/what have you, so the most competent people are where they are supposed to be, such as proper Fire and Signaling chiefs, as to stop those damned self fragging incidents, or shooting down brits etc, basically eliminate all those mistakes that shouldnt happen.
                        Displaced> I get pussy every day
                        Displaced> I'm rich
                        Displaced> I drive a ferrari lol
                        Displaced> ur a faggot with no money
                        Thors> prolly
                        Thors> but the pussy is HAIRY!

                        best comeback ever


                        • #72
                          im pretty sure ur wrong displaced about many things.

                          1) US troops are trained very heavily in many battlefield situations. From ducomentaries I've seen, I've seen at least 20 different training camps all specializing in training troops for one purpose or another like fake building setups for urban combat, forrest terrain, mountain terrain, high altitude terrain, dessert terrain, sniper training/etc. this is just what i saw on tv, probably many other such places that train our troops in different scenarios. also u hear every now and then about battle excersizes, we are doing one huge naval battle excersize right next to korea because we are show-oofy arrogant dicks. plus u guys are always complaining we invade too much...well isn't combat experience training too?...u think many other countries better trained at this point? plus our whole military is volunteer, that means every soldier wqe have is dedicated and joins the military as part of their career, they are professional soldiers, not drafted.

                          2) yes european countries have all those things like aircraft carriers and planes, but ours are more advanced by something like 15 years on average....and we have about 10 times as much then an average european country. u bet ur 2 aircraft carriers and ill raise u 10. we definitely have by far more submarines too and other support ships. where u guys might have a few satellites we have 30 triangulating and multitasking processing power so we can focus on bombing targets in a faster and bigger blitzgreg type attack. (yes i spelled some stuff wrong but u know what im talking about).

                          3) our smart bombs are 95% accurate, i dont know where ur getting that 70% inaccurate number from, very bogus number. we dropped close to 5,000 bombs in Iraq so far im guessing, and tell me how many hit civilians? not much, maybe 20? plus another maybe 100 that did hit civilians but only hit them because we thought they were enemy, not because they missed their target. plus when i said different types of bombs, we have infrared, satellite guided, lasers guided, video guided missles. many european countries only have infrared guided which can be neutralized. we have stealth aircraft that can sneak in and bomb any target. europe doesnt have that capability just as simple as that. we also have many many more cruise missles, which are very very accurate and can zigzag their way up and down mountainous terrain while staying just 100 feet above the ground at all times. european countries, some, have this too but not as numerous or as accurate.

                          4) our tanks can fire at a greater range then any other tank in the world, same with our aircraft missle's range. as long as we are able to see u coming, u wont make it.
                          Last edited by lunch3; 11-04-2004, 03:55 PM.


                          • #73
                            You actually sound like you're talking about stuff you should be proud of.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Zerzera
                              To add something funny, the average IQ top 10 of World countries :
                               1. Hong Kong |107
                               2. South Korea |106
                               3. Japan |105
                               4. Taiwan (ROC) |104
                               5. Singapore |104
                               6. Austria |102
                               7. Germany |102
                               8. Italy |102
                               9. Netherlands |102
                              10. Sweden |101
                              Our average IQ is under 100? Jesus.
                              5:gen> man
                              5:gen> i didn't know shade's child fucked bluednady


                              • #75
                                We're the dumbest and we have the biggest guns! Go USA rah rah!
                       - Gallileo's racist thread

                                "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo

