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USA voting system blows

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  • #76
    Originally posted by lunch3
    im pretty sure ur wrong displaced about many things.

    1) US troops are trained very heavily in many battlefield situations. From ducomentaries I've seen, I've seen at least 20 different training camps all specializing in training troops for one purpose or another like fake building setups for urban combat, forrest terrain, mountain terrain, high altitude terrain, dessert terrain, sniper training/etc. this is just what i saw on tv, probably many other such places that train our troops in different scenarios. also u hear every now and then about battle excersizes, we are doing one huge naval battle excersize right next to korea because we are show-oofy arrogant dicks. plus u guys are always complaining we invade too much...well isn't combat experience training too?...u think many other countries better trained at this point? plus our whole military is volunteer, that means every soldier wqe have is dedicated and joins the military as part of their career, they are professional soldiers, not drafted.

    2) yes european countries have all those things like aircraft carriers and planes, but ours are more advanced by something like 15 years on average....and we have about 10 times as much then an average european country. u bet ur 2 aircraft carriers and ill raise u 10. we definitely have by far more submarines too and other support ships. where u guys might have a few satellites we have 30 triangulating and multitasking processing power so we can focus on bombing targets in a faster and bigger blitzgreg type attack. (yes i spelled some stuff wrong but u know what im talking about).

    3) our smart bombs are 95% accurate, i dont know where ur getting that 70% inaccurate number from, very bogus number. we dropped close to 5,000 bombs in Iraq so far im guessing, and tell me how many hit civilians? not much, maybe 20? plus another maybe 100 that did hit civilians but only hit them because we thought they were enemy, not because they missed their target. plus when i said different types of bombs, we have infrared, satellite guided, lasers guided, video guided missles. many european countries only have infrared guided which can be neutralized. we have stealth aircraft that can sneak in and bomb any target. europe doesnt have that capability just as simple as that. we also have many many more cruise missles, which are very very accurate and can zigzag their way up and down mountainous terrain while staying just 100 feet above the ground at all times. european countries, some, have this too but not as numerous or as accurate.

    4) our tanks can fire at a greater range then any other tank in the world, same with our aircraft missle's range. as long as we are able to see u coming, u wont make it.
    You might wanna try showing us where you got that information so we don't have to dismiss it out of hand.
    TelCat> there arent 'sort of' get the flag


    • #77
      I'm out of the loop - is this the weekly mandatory "America Vs. Europe and Canada" thread?


      • #78
        pfft, im just saying how it is. i just watch a lot of war shows and documentaries from discovery/history channel and some books and news articles. take what i say as second hand from second hand from primary source type of maybe semi-accurate?


        • #79
          Selex dont go to Canada, go to Quebec!
          Elmo!> Hola
          KJW> Elimo!
          Nimrook> Melo!
          yungsta> jello!


          • #80
            wow these threads made in the last 2 days are boring.
            I can't even find something worth trying to debate over.
            To all the virgins, Thanks for nothing
            brookus> my grandmother died when she heard people were using numbers in their names in online games.. it was too much for her little heart


            • #81
              When will people recognize the greatness of Madagascar? When?


              • #82
                Originally posted by Facetious
                Our average IQ is under 100? Jesus.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by bloodzombie
                  We're the dumbest and we have the biggest guns! Go USA rah rah!
                  Originally Posted by HeavenSent
                  You won't have to wait another 4 years.
                  There wont be another election for president.
                  Obama is the Omega President.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by lunch3
                    im pretty sure ur wrong displaced about many things.

                    1) US troops are trained very heavily in many battlefield situations. From ducomentaries I've seen, I've seen at least 20 different training camps all specializing in training troops for one purpose or another like fake building setups for urban combat, forrest terrain, mountain terrain, high altitude terrain, dessert terrain, sniper training/etc. this is just what i saw on tv, probably many other such places that train our troops in different scenarios. also u hear every now and then about battle excersizes, we are doing one huge naval battle excersize right next to korea because we are show-oofy arrogant dicks. plus u guys are always complaining we invade too much...well isn't combat experience training too?...u think many other countries better trained at this point? plus our whole military is volunteer, that means every soldier wqe have is dedicated and joins the military as part of their career, they are professional soldiers, not drafted.

                    2) yes european countries have all those things like aircraft carriers and planes, but ours are more advanced by something like 15 years on average....and we have about 10 times as much then an average european country. u bet ur 2 aircraft carriers and ill raise u 10. we definitely have by far more submarines too and other support ships. where u guys might have a few satellites we have 30 triangulating and multitasking processing power so we can focus on bombing targets in a faster and bigger blitzgreg type attack. (yes i spelled some stuff wrong but u know what im talking about).

                    3) our smart bombs are 95% accurate, i dont know where ur getting that 70% inaccurate number from, very bogus number. we dropped close to 5,000 bombs in Iraq so far im guessing, and tell me how many hit civilians? not much, maybe 20? plus another maybe 100 that did hit civilians but only hit them because we thought they were enemy, not because they missed their target. plus when i said different types of bombs, we have infrared, satellite guided, lasers guided, video guided missles. many european countries only have infrared guided which can be neutralized. we have stealth aircraft that can sneak in and bomb any target. europe doesnt have that capability just as simple as that. we also have many many more cruise missles, which are very very accurate and can zigzag their way up and down mountainous terrain while staying just 100 feet above the ground at all times. european countries, some, have this too but not as numerous or as accurate.

                    4) our tanks can fire at a greater range then any other tank in the world, same with our aircraft missle's range. as long as we are able to see u coming, u wont make it.
                    Its fun debating this stuff

                    ok my numbers may not be 100% accurate, but AFAIK its close to the truth.

                    1) Yes they are trained at running around in the forest, desert, jungle, whatever, thats not my point, my point is the lack of fundemental leadership training for grunts, which according to info weve recieved here, is lackluster at best, shoot the squadleader of pretty much any bar a commando/special forces unit and the unit will shit itself and cease to function, since they havent been trained for those sorts of scenarios.

                    Sure combat is "training", if you do it right and survive you might learn something, but with yankees shooting other yankees i dont see it as good training, also arbitrary stuff like having some goddamned dolby digital surround sound systems in tanks so that grunts can listen to metallica and gun down em "Iräqies" is just insane, how the hell do these guys expect to win a war when they cant hear anything bar Metallicas - Kill 'em All?

                    Ok they are "volunteers", technically so are we even though we are drafted, again this comes from lectures over here, volunteer armies consist of "better equipped" and "trained" (usually because funds are higher), however actual grunts are more of a similar "caliber", i.e. "IQ" and skill levels are not as spread out, and usually at the lower end of the spectrum, a good example of this is this "cadet college" or whatever it is, serve your time in the USAF or whatever and get a place in a state sponsored college, plus tuition for free, thus most people whom will "apply" for these programmes are people whom are usually "too stupid" to get a place in college, ofcourse its often to do with lack of revenue or the "opportunity" to go to school, not everyone is so well off.

                    With a draft system you get everyone, from the biggest numbnut to the "einsteins" of our current generation, the numbnuts are filtered out, given jobs as cooks, truck drivers etc (basically jobs where they can do no harm), average people are grunts, corprals, under-sergeants/sergeants, smarter people are made into over sergeants, fire and signaling chiefs, basically people who have to be good at maths, have some general smarts etc, so they dont shoot themselves with artillery, missiles, etc, which im sorry to say happens an awful lot to US troops, which would indicate that the "average" career soldier in the US army is dumber than the average European soldier. (just based on track records, i dont think Finland fragged anyone during the winter war, while the US has fragged atleast a hundred of its own, plus brits during the Iraq campaign, not to mention civilians, and civil targets, combine that with Afghanistan and the numbers are already "colossal".

                    2) 15 years on average? please, that would mean that all our crap would be running with like some 486bx while uve all got A64s, were not that far behind, subs etc, are the only possibility really, since as far as i know were not putting much on developing/building subs, Britain has a few, as do france, germany and greece, but they arent that "necessary", for example our Airforce is up to date, with Eurofighters on the way, Hornets currently in service, Eagles etc, its not like were flying around in a Saab from the 80s.

                    Tanks, sure the US spends billions on tank development, we dont have money to spend like that, doesnt rally matter tho, the tanks we do have are "sufficient", plus we dont "need" tanks as much, which is the reason why weve got small and extremely mobile "guerilla" groups with Robot Missiles (exact english name not known, but its Robot Trupp over here), which is basically a 3 man squad with a shoulder fired "smart missile", IIRC ~40km effective range, and extremely accurate, should be able to take out your tanks before they see us, also everyone here is trained to fire and use disposable missile launchers, 6 man squad has 4 of them, effective range ~400 meters, each "batallion" has around 200 men, thus effectively 133.333 missiles per batallion, which "in theory" means we could shoot at 133.333 tanks at a time, not to mention that just here weve got what 8 batallions, or over 1000 theoretical missiles fired at one moment over the battlefield, the robot squads and artillery + tanks weve got now. Now this is only one regiment...

                    I think were very set come war, now i cant discuss details of what weve got when it comes to the technology front, but basically in a matter of minutes everything weve got could theoretically be mobilized and shooting at a specific area. (now at the moment it would take longer since were not at "war", but if everything was "war ready")

                    I think itd be interesting to see the US invade us "just from a observer point of view".

                    3) Info is from reports ive seen/read, thats not the point though, laser guided smart bombs for example are highly inaccurate in pretty much any kind of weather, ill give you cruise missiles for accuracy, but again most of the time intelligence is so far off that you end up shooting civilian targets.

                    Also just looking around in say Baghdad (this is after desert storm, not this war) most of the destroyed buildings were civilian, Saddams bunkers were mostly intact, also how many US soldeirs lost their lives cause they had to laser mark the targets on the ground first, since computer controlled smart bombs were so inaccurate they were pretty much scrapped during Desert Storm, again AFAIK.

                    4)Again who needs tanks when weve got missiles , but ok theoretically it can atleast, now i dont know what the "range distance" is between a Abrams and Some german shite, i dont really care since im not in some tank squad, but again AFAIK our tanks rely on "speed" rather than firing range, we need to be bale to move from spot A to spot B quickly and effectively while being able to fire, the terrain here sort of defeats the purpose of having some tank that can shoot for miles, besides weve got artillery for that..

                    As for airplanes/airforce, AFAIK the uve got the same missiles we do, Same Hornets, Same everything, again thats irrelevant since you wouldnt get into our airspace (theoretically you guys could bomb all our AA shit to hell, but i dont know how great your intelligence is at finding them if you couldnt even find bin laden ok that was below the belt, but its still a valid point.)

                    Fun fun, i get something to do while im bored over here..
                    Keep it coming.
                    Displaced> I get pussy every day
                    Displaced> I'm rich
                    Displaced> I drive a ferrari lol
                    Displaced> ur a faggot with no money
                    Thors> prolly
                    Thors> but the pussy is HAIRY!

                    best comeback ever


                    • #85
                      You are just little children..

                      No I am the strongest.. No I am, my daddy will beat up your daddy.. bla bla bla.. who gives a flying fuck about wich army is strongest..
                      Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Galleleo
                        You are just little children..

                        No I am the strongest.. No I am, my daddy will beat up your daddy.. bla bla bla.. who gives a flying fuck about wich army is strongest..
                        Im extremely bored and it gives me something to do, doesnt mean id really care, but unfounded claims that USA would "Own" anyone do piss me off, so im here to "educate" the masses
                        Displaced> I get pussy every day
                        Displaced> I'm rich
                        Displaced> I drive a ferrari lol
                        Displaced> ur a faggot with no money
                        Thors> prolly
                        Thors> but the pussy is HAIRY!

                        best comeback ever


                        • #87
                          Hmmm, well I guess we will never know unless a war breaks out. Many factors to consider.....hmmm, next election let's vote on proposition 143: bomb the yankee haters, rofl.

                          yeah im same as displaced, im not really emotion about 'my daddy can snipe ur daddy' or something, but i like discussing war strategy and what if scenarios. if i get the energy i will make scenario for US troops invading France, damn French.


                          • #88
                            Why don't you too come together, and have like a big army of plastic soldiers, and then build a fort, and go play with it, and you can argue.. NO I SAID BOOM FIRST YOU ARE DEATH! IMPOSSIBLE I HAVE MUCH MORE SOLDIERS BESIDES THIS ONE IS SYLVESTER STALLONE HE DOESNT DIE!!?!?!
                            Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


                            • #89


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by Galleleo
                                You are just little children..

                                No I am the strongest.. No I am, my daddy will beat up your daddy.. bla bla bla.. who gives a flying fuck about wich army is strongest..
                                But my dad can beat up your dad. :chair:

                                That's galleleo hitting me because I'm stupid.

