O.o> So, do you have a paypal account?
Send> no
Send> why?
O.o> To bribe you into putting me in :P
Send> how much
Due> td
K2Grey> flag
O.o> You get cap more than anyone one here :P
O.o> How much would it take?
K2Grey> Is paying, or will pay
Send> you tell me
Frozen*Ice> weav!
Send> will pay
O.o> $.5?
Send> ew
Send> he offers me 5 cents
O.o> Per game?
Tyrome> ...
Send> per game
Tyrome> wtf
Send> oo
Send> lol
Due> lol
Tyrome> that shouldnt have killed me
Due> true
O.o> That could accrue preeeeety fast
K2Grey> gj
Send> lol
Tyrome> shoot him?
O.o> I'll just keep a tab until it becomes like $1000
Due> with what?
Tyrome> talkign to froze
Public Ass> jamals?
Send> O.o> I'll just keep a tab until it becomes like $1000
O.o> Sound gool?
Send> hell yes $
O.o> or good?
O.o> heh
O.o> Why don't you play, usually?
Send> i lag or something
O.o> Hurm that sux

Send> no
Send> why?
O.o> To bribe you into putting me in :P
Send> how much
Due> td
K2Grey> flag
O.o> You get cap more than anyone one here :P
O.o> How much would it take?
K2Grey> Is paying, or will pay
Send> you tell me
Frozen*Ice> weav!
Send> will pay
O.o> $.5?
Send> ew
Send> he offers me 5 cents
O.o> Per game?
Tyrome> ...
Send> per game
Tyrome> wtf
Send> oo
Send> lol
Due> lol
Tyrome> that shouldnt have killed me
Due> true
O.o> That could accrue preeeeety fast
K2Grey> gj
Send> lol
Tyrome> shoot him?
O.o> I'll just keep a tab until it becomes like $1000
Due> with what?
Tyrome> talkign to froze
Public Ass> jamals?
Send> O.o> I'll just keep a tab until it becomes like $1000
O.o> Sound gool?
Send> hell yes $
O.o> or good?
O.o> heh
O.o> Why don't you play, usually?
Send> i lag or something
O.o> Hurm that sux