The next Beta Weekend Event will start Friday morning, January 7th.
The game will probably be out ~03/22/05, or early in 2005 as they say.
I'll just post some information about Guild wars, for you who don't know what guildwars is.
Here is a link of the full faq, if you are intrested in reading.
Request/wish! V.I.M!*
Currently I don't have any one-weekend key, and I can't pre-order. So if there is someone out there that has pre-ordered Guild wars, and still have the "share with friend" key (one beta event weekend key). Please I beg you, contact me in-game, or by messaging me in-game (in ss), or you can drop me message here on the forums. I would appreciate it!
Thanks in advance!
(V.I.M = Very important matter, ^-^)
The game will probably be out ~03/22/05, or early in 2005 as they say.
I'll just post some information about Guild wars, for you who don't know what guildwars is.
Originally posted by, game faq
Request/wish! V.I.M!*
Currently I don't have any one-weekend key, and I can't pre-order. So if there is someone out there that has pre-ordered Guild wars, and still have the "share with friend" key (one beta event weekend key). Please I beg you, contact me in-game, or by messaging me in-game (in ss), or you can drop me message here on the forums. I would appreciate it!
Thanks in advance!
(V.I.M = Very important matter, ^-^)