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Capacity to cheat

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  • #16
    In the words for Chris Rock, "Men are only as loyal as their options."


    • #17
      Everybody fucking recharge hacks nowadays I swear to god.


      • #18
        Originally posted by pv=nrt
        it's like hitting a brick wall with some of you.

        cheating= always wrong
        the rationale for cheating is different. a majority of times it is laziness. other times people rationalize it with other reasons.

        you are saying it's ok to do something because your life is tough? Oh your dad didn't buy you a new hummer? sure then it must be ok to rape children.
        oh you don't have a new tv? sure it's ok to murder the elderly. you don't have a xbox? go ahead, rob bank. it is just a shade of gray...
        Jesus, your analogies are retarded. When you rape and murder, there is a victim. When you cheat in school, the victim is yourself...and even that's a stretch.

        Cheating in school hurts you by shortchanging your personal growth, but the tradeoff is a higher grade, or graduating from college---which actually can benefit your long term career or financial options. So it's even arguable that you're hurting yourself.

        But when you cheat in a game, or on a girlfriend, there is a victim. It's apples and oranges.


        • #19
          i swear there were some beautiful posts by tk explaining things better than I ever could yesterday. Now it seems they are gone as are other posts. am i nuts?
          To all the virgins, Thanks for nothing
          brookus> my grandmother died when she heard people were using numbers in their names in online games.. it was too much for her little heart


          • #20
            I'll give you a recap on what I said:

            a) whether or not there is a victim does not change whether something is right or wrong;

            b) in many cases where you think there isn't a victim, the truth is that there actually are victims. You just can't always see them or choose not to see them, and

            c) the "grey area" j=t keeps talking about only addresses the pressures that cause people to cheat. Those reasons do not however change whether the act of cheating itself was right or wrong.

            There were also some analogies thrown in, and I'll be the first to admit that there were some that weren't as effective as others, but this pretty much sums up what I wrote.
            Last edited by Troll King; 12-21-2004, 12:28 AM.


            • #21
              Anyone know why TK's posts got deleted? Anything to do with the forum going down all day?


              • #22
                It wasn't just my posts but everybody's posts that were made after the forum last backed up its messages. That's why there's a long gap in time between posts from yesterday to today. Whenever there's a problem with the forums they revert back to the backup. If you check your private messages you'll see the ones we exchanged aren't there anymore either.


                • #23
                  Don't waste the server's bandwidth, suck each other's dicks on AIM.


                  • #24
                    call me richy I miss you.
                    To all the virgins, Thanks for nothing
                    brookus> my grandmother died when she heard people were using numbers in their names in online games.. it was too much for her little heart


                    • #25
                      I'd tell you to join Pallies, but then you'd have to bunk with those nasty diso kids if you wanted to twd at all.


                      • #26
                        I never cheat, wheter it be relationships, work, school, or games. I accept my failing grades (Spanish =P), or suffer my humiliating losses. I don't take much of anything seriously though.
                        Merf. <_<


                        • #27
                          I think cheating affects everyone who doesn't cheat. And IMHO cheating rarely hurts the person who did it. People who might say that probably have the vision of the guy who never studies and cheats his way through school with a passing grade and then has no real knowledge of stuff. But I think a more common occurance is that of the person who studies, and in order to boost his grade as high as possible cheats, for whatever reasons or pressures.

                          Ultimately the guy who cheats, raising his SAT score from 1320->1540, is going to have an advantage over the guy who stays at 1320, because the SAT has got nothing to do with personal growth or knowledge of your field, and yet is used widely by colleges as a benchmark for general aptitude. But that might just be my opinion.
                          - k2


                          • #28
                            I don't have a problem with cheating in school, just make sure you don't get caught.

                            Cheating in a relationship defeats the purpose of being in a relationship. I coudln't look someone in the eyes and pretend to love them if I was cheating on them. If you're cheating on them, you don't love them, just end it.

                            Cheating in games is fun for the obnoxiously immature. Eventually you realize that it just takes the fun out of the game for everyone, including yourself. Where's the fun in winning if you didn't really even play?
                   - Gallileo's racist thread

                            "Mustafa sounds like someone that likes to fly planes into buildings." -Galleleo


                            • #29
                              lol, i got caught cheating on a test...she gave me zero for the page i was working on, still got about a 68%..not bad :grin:
                              9:Everett> well with pascone in -f-, our squad standards just experienced a decrease of 150%


                              • #30
                                Would you consider this cheating.

                                In the 2nd grade (I have no idea why I remember this), my teacher made us all these files that we put around ourselves during tests. She also put some graphicsc and tables and words on it (don't know why). We had spelling tests every week and one week she gave us a word that was on the file (cooperation).

                                Also in 2nd grade (Wasn't cheating), I found the "s" word in a word search. I thought it said shirt so I went to the teacher and I told her I found a word that wasn't in the list you had to find. She took all our papers away.

