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Lets blame the new guys..

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  • Lets blame the new guys..

    I've read a lot of posts and convos on here and in tw recently about the lack of good up and coming players, and the downfall of TW... Alot of people seem to be blaming the newbies, and blaming the upper staff, but i think its us "in the middle guys" that could be improved... I see people say how "things were different back in my day." I think all of us (people pre-2000) who ended up how we are, didnt up this way because of how cool we were, but because of the cool people who were already here... I remember being a newb and people like KickAshMan, and DigitalWave, and even pritkk now and again, helping out with things.. And not just "?help i have a problem". Like taking the time out of ther "busy" schedule to say "Hey, you know that jav shot your doing would work more often if you did it like this" Instead of "GOD YOU GUYS SUCK, I HATE PUB, IM GOING BACK TO ?BASE" Its this elitist attitude that ive seen, and i've been seen doing, that make the new guys uneasy, and might even be the cause of all the negative feedback all the time. Maybe they learned to say "newb" every time someone killed them because of us. Maybe when i get killed by a guy with 34-652 in pub, i say "newb". They didnt just pull that out of their ass, they learned it from us. Then one day that guy is gonna be an ER and be running TW with extreme assholeness.

    So anyways, the point of this post is that i have taken it upon myself to create a ?chat (?chat=newbs) and have invited a few people who ive seen struggling and such on it, and have shown them the ropes. I know some people might say, "well i dont care, if they have a question, they can use ?help" But i dont mean stuff like that, stuff like showing them shots, techniques, different ?arenas, stupid stuff like the %12 sounds and using macros. explaining to them how spiders and lancs arent "lame" and the general ethical and moral ways of TW... Then maybe they'll create their own squads and maybe, just MAYBE, we'll have something other than a group of 12 or so squads that own everything.. Think of it as a big brother type of relationship. Anyways, i just thought maybe some of u would like to join the chat, and help these new guys become something other than vulchers and spawners, and maybe they'll help make TW a better place to hang out in. If you decide to join, please bring a few stray newbies that you find along with you, because having a chat full of elites would be exactly what i dont want...

    Peace, Love, and Basing


    Editted: After cafeful consideration, I've changed the chat to =NS
    I'll just have to stay on ?newbs til they switch
    Last edited by Niceshot; 01-20-2005, 02:23 PM.
    Are you making progress if each mistake u make is a new one?

    NiceShot>I hate everyone.

    If looks could kill my profession would be staring.

  • #2
    Nice read and such, hope it all goes well..

    One thing though, I would suggest not calling the chat "newbs" as this would deter many newer players who don't want to be known as newbs joining. Maybe something simple like ?chat=friendly. One which wouldn't make them realise that you're inviting them cause they're new, but once in could learn the wealth of knowledge there is to learn.
    USS Banana after years of superior jav play has amassed 17999 kills, he is 1 kill away from 18k, Type ?go Javs FOR A GAME OF HUNT (no scorereset) -Kim
    ---A few minutes later---
    9:cool koen> you scorereseted
    9:Kim> UM
    9:Kim> i didn't
    9:cool koen> hahahahahahaha
    9:ph <ZH>> LOOOOL
    9:pascone> lol?


    • #3
      lol, i thought of that after 5 new guys joined it, :P I figure if they say "hey, im not a newb" then i'll just say "well then u can join and help out the newbs" lol, trickery!! :fear:
      Are you making progress if each mistake u make is a new one?

      NiceShot>I hate everyone.

      If looks could kill my profession would be staring.


      • #4
        Yeah, many people are elitist but also, a lot of people are considered elitist because of the people they are acquainted with in-game.


        • #5
          They were only nice to me because my name was Super Chick.

          I may be a dick, but if a newb asks a question, I'll answer them and do my best to help them out. I'm only a dick to people that don't know they're newbs.
          If a newb wants help, and asks for it, I don't know many people that would say "AHA newb STFU!" and the only ones that would do that are other newbs that are in denial and trying to be cool.

          PS- niceshot wants ZH. Atleast he's going about it in a productive manner. Props to that.

          edit- I almost forgot. KJW was making a newb walkthrough that was supposed to explain all of that. I seem to recall there being one on the site, but it was very "this command does this." rather than maybe having categories with detailed explanations...
          Last edited by Volcs; 01-20-2005, 03:10 PM.
          Kthx> Does JB Inc pay his child support with pub bux?

          Undisputed Pre-Menstral Super-Bitch Internet Kickboxing Champion 2005


          • #6
            Originally posted by volcs

            PS- niceshot wants ZH.

            Originally posted by Volcs
            edit- I almost forgot. KJW was making a newb walkthrough that was supposed to explain all of that. I seem to recall there being one on the site, but it was very "this command does this." rather than maybe having categories with detailed explanations...
            That would be cool too. But, as u can see from my "member joined" I didnt exactly look at trenchwars forums too often and i assume most other people dont either, esp newbs.

            If a newb wants help, and asks for it, I don't know many people that would say "AHA newb STFU!"
            But how many times have u seen a newb doing retarded things and not asking for help? How many tmes have you seen people sitting in spec in ?go base for hours on end, waiting there turn? I think a chat like this would be beneficial to other people to help bridge this gigantic gap that seems to be forming between newbs and us... Even if they suck, they all have the potential to be good, and making good connections through us will just help them progress further...
            Last edited by Niceshot; 01-20-2005, 03:20 PM.
            Are you making progress if each mistake u make is a new one?

            NiceShot>I hate everyone.

            If looks could kill my profession would be staring.


            • #7
              When you enter a pub, does it still say (Volcs): w00t is stupid.. ?
              Because instead of that it could say "New to TW? For a walkthrough of any commands visit the TW Newb Guide at Http://" or whatever.
              Lol... w00t isn't stupid...

              Niceshot for ZH and Kim for mod (I'm still impressed that he isn't an asshole.)
              Kthx> Does JB Inc pay his child support with pub bux?

              Undisputed Pre-Menstral Super-Bitch Internet Kickboxing Champion 2005


              • #8
                Originally posted by Volcs
                When you enter a pub, does it still say (Volcs): w00t is stupid.. ?
                Because instead of that it could say "New to TW? For a walkthrough of any commands visit the TW Newb Guide at Http://" or whatever.
                Lol... w00t isn't stupid...

                Niceshot for ZH and Kim for mod (I'm still impressed that he isn't an asshole.)
                ah yes, that would be a good idea. I still wouldnt mind some real interaction tho :P

                and yes it does say that when u enter a pub... good job volcs.
                Are you making progress if each mistake u make is a new one?

                NiceShot>I hate everyone.

                If looks could kill my profession would be staring.


                • #9
                  good idea.


                  • #10
                    I agree with your general idea that a lot of the older players don't give enough back to the newer ones, but a lot of newer players are very resistant to unsolicited advice. Those who play with me know that I'm not afraid to talk (more on that later) and give advice on playing strategy, but more often than not, the response I get is "i play how i want to play. stfu". I do think however that this kind of response is also a symptom of veteran neglect.

                    Going back to the issue of "talking" I mentioned earlier, I find that these days players are very reluctant to communicate outside of pub chat trash talk. It used to be that people at talked to each other in yellow and team chat was one of the first things people learned to do, but today many new players either don't know how to "speak yellow" or they ignore it completely. Again, I blame that on veteran neglect. Too many people think they are too good for pubs where the "newbs" play, and even when they do pub, they save all of their talking for private chats with other veterans.


                    • #11
                      NiceShot seems to be a nice guy


                      • #12
                        pssh yeah im tired of entering a pub and have volcs pm me...

                        jeez that gets annoying


                        • #13
                          Great idea NiceShot


                          • #14
                            I expect a dramatic turnaround in pub quality within the next three months. Should you fail to meet expectations, you will be quartered.

                            Only joking. Having a chat full of whingy, whiney pub players is punishment enough. Good luck with your little enterprise. You'll need it.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Volcs
                              I may be a dick

                              To be or to have? Both would be odd though =P
                              Cig Smoke> He spelled since "sinse" LOOOl

                              YTRE> i wish newbs likes you who think they are vet like hazuki wouldn,t talk like necro

