I've read a lot of posts and convos on here and in tw recently about the lack of good up and coming players, and the downfall of TW... Alot of people seem to be blaming the newbies, and blaming the upper staff, but i think its us "in the middle guys" that could be improved... I see people say how "things were different back in my day." I think all of us (people pre-2000) who ended up how we are, didnt up this way because of how cool we were, but because of the cool people who were already here... I remember being a newb and people like KickAshMan, and DigitalWave, and even pritkk now and again, helping out with things.. And not just "?help i have a problem". Like taking the time out of ther "busy" schedule to say "Hey, you know that jav shot your doing would work more often if you did it like this" Instead of "GOD YOU GUYS SUCK, I HATE PUB, IM GOING BACK TO ?BASE" Its this elitist attitude that ive seen, and i've been seen doing, that make the new guys uneasy, and might even be the cause of all the negative feedback all the time. Maybe they learned to say "newb" every time someone killed them because of us. Maybe when i get killed by a guy with 34-652 in pub, i say "newb". They didnt just pull that out of their ass, they learned it from us. Then one day that guy is gonna be an ER and be running TW with extreme assholeness.
So anyways, the point of this post is that i have taken it upon myself to create a ?chat (?chat=newbs) and have invited a few people who ive seen struggling and such on it, and have shown them the ropes. I know some people might say, "well i dont care, if they have a question, they can use ?help" But i dont mean stuff like that, stuff like showing them shots, techniques, different ?arenas, stupid stuff like the %12 sounds and using macros. explaining to them how spiders and lancs arent "lame" and the general ethical and moral ways of TW... Then maybe they'll create their own squads and maybe, just MAYBE, we'll have something other than a group of 12 or so squads that own everything.. Think of it as a big brother type of relationship. Anyways, i just thought maybe some of u would like to join the chat, and help these new guys become something other than vulchers and spawners, and maybe they'll help make TW a better place to hang out in. If you decide to join, please bring a few stray newbies that you find along with you, because having a chat full of elites would be exactly what i dont want...
Peace, Love, and Basing
Editted: After cafeful consideration, I've changed the chat to =NS
I'll just have to stay on ?newbs til they switch
So anyways, the point of this post is that i have taken it upon myself to create a ?chat (?chat=newbs) and have invited a few people who ive seen struggling and such on it, and have shown them the ropes. I know some people might say, "well i dont care, if they have a question, they can use ?help" But i dont mean stuff like that, stuff like showing them shots, techniques, different ?arenas, stupid stuff like the %12 sounds and using macros. explaining to them how spiders and lancs arent "lame" and the general ethical and moral ways of TW... Then maybe they'll create their own squads and maybe, just MAYBE, we'll have something other than a group of 12 or so squads that own everything.. Think of it as a big brother type of relationship. Anyways, i just thought maybe some of u would like to join the chat, and help these new guys become something other than vulchers and spawners, and maybe they'll help make TW a better place to hang out in. If you decide to join, please bring a few stray newbies that you find along with you, because having a chat full of elites would be exactly what i dont want...
Peace, Love, and Basing
Editted: After cafeful consideration, I've changed the chat to =NS
I'll just have to stay on ?newbs til they switch