All of my immediate family work at a couple of school districts, Conc. They're all in unions. Man, oh fucking man, steer clear. They're headache enough for the blue-collar people. If you get tossed in with the likes of support staff and what have you, you're asking to have your best interests tossed out the window.
As for CS, yuck. It just wasn't my cup of tea. Bottom line is better than half the people who think they're cut out for it aren't. Personally, it was a combination of the math (which was already touched upon by several others so I won't get into it any further) and the realization that your average comp sci dude isn't the type of person I want to be going to work with every day. (Conc is an exception because he's awesome. Sleepy is a good example though.)
If you like websites, designing and developing that is, CIS might be for you. TelCat brings up a very valid point there though. Web guys are a dime a dozen, so don't expect a lavish lifestyle.
I thought I wanted to head down the CIS route, especially considering my affinity for web design. I've since reconsidered, opting to go for a career which mixes technical expertise with artistic expression. (I'm a computer nerd, sure, but art has always tickled me to the point of pissing myself.) I'll be majoring in "Visual Effects & Motion Graphics" when I head back to school in July. I intend to end up doing special effects in the film industry, Pixar type shit basically.
But yeah, I'm getting off track now. CS is rough stuff. It's hard work, but it's rewarding if you've got the mental mettle. CIS can be fun, and it can be rewarding if you find it fun. Do what makes you feel like you're the shit, man. It's the only way you'll be happy and satisfied.
As for CS, yuck. It just wasn't my cup of tea. Bottom line is better than half the people who think they're cut out for it aren't. Personally, it was a combination of the math (which was already touched upon by several others so I won't get into it any further) and the realization that your average comp sci dude isn't the type of person I want to be going to work with every day. (Conc is an exception because he's awesome. Sleepy is a good example though.)
If you like websites, designing and developing that is, CIS might be for you. TelCat brings up a very valid point there though. Web guys are a dime a dozen, so don't expect a lavish lifestyle.
I thought I wanted to head down the CIS route, especially considering my affinity for web design. I've since reconsidered, opting to go for a career which mixes technical expertise with artistic expression. (I'm a computer nerd, sure, but art has always tickled me to the point of pissing myself.) I'll be majoring in "Visual Effects & Motion Graphics" when I head back to school in July. I intend to end up doing special effects in the film industry, Pixar type shit basically.
But yeah, I'm getting off track now. CS is rough stuff. It's hard work, but it's rewarding if you've got the mental mettle. CIS can be fun, and it can be rewarding if you find it fun. Do what makes you feel like you're the shit, man. It's the only way you'll be happy and satisfied.