I'm one of the many that has been inspired by Hunter's work. He has more than inspired me, he has made me into what I am, quite literally. When I first saw Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas I had no idea what was going on. Couldn't follow it, but watching it again as well as reading some of the good Doctor's Gonzo papers, I began to realize that his mentality was of apathy, he did not care if people looked at him weird. He did his thing despite harsh moral and mental criticism. I can only hope that I'll be able to write half as good as the Duke of Gonzo. You can see some of my work on my website, and I have several more in progress.
All inspired by the man behind the aviators. Hunter S. Thompson's passing has increased my desire to not only remain inspired by this man's work for years to come, but to put a spin on Gonzo that will make everyone remember the man behind it all.
Hunter is gone, but his memory will live forever with Gonzo.
Originally posted by Cops
speculation at best, sometimes the answers are never really apparent. It's really too bad, it's hard to have respect for someone who creates magnificent pieces of literature but gives up on life, i guess i draw the line at suicide.
Cops, if you are able to even accomplish a quarter of Thompson's success, you still won't be able to understand why he did what he did. Suicide isn't for the weak, as I'm sure if you had read any of his work then you could see the sheer passion of it. He lived a long life with much success, and with his passing it only magnifies his life's story and sheds light on his purpose.
Suicide is for the weak, life sucks so blowing your head off makes things better? Not in this universe my friend. I don't think me being sucessful in life will help me to realize why he did what he did, and frankly neither will it help you.
edit: and how did his life really suck, i've seen people down in this world with nothing but their shoes. He was rich, famous and had a great family. When life gives you all the cards and you throw them away and lose all apreciation for the things you've been given i lose massive amounts of respect for you. What makes me sad is that no one has even talked about his family, his son found him dead and the affect that had on him will stay with him for the rest of his life. Selfish actions deserve no praise.
Nobody is praising his suicide, we're "praising" his life, if anything. Not too sure why you should care about why he chose to do what he did. I doubt he cared too much about what a jibbering gypsy named Cops on a forum thought about his decision to take his own life. You don't know the circumstances, so how can you even begin to claim you lost respect for him?
Death means your dead, no matter the method. Mourn the death of an idol of a generation instead of putting yourself on a high horse because you think you understand life.
Save a tree; eat a beaver
1:Mefesto> king let me say you something
1:Mefesto> you are a soon of a biatch with retarded face like nostra damus and you got a hump on your dick
where the buffalo's roam was the better of fear and loathing, as for hunter s, its too bad he shot himself, I figured he would have succombed to his drug abuse rather then doing himself in...
naked lunch was one of my favorites, may he rest in peace and find his way home
what the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others - Confucius
You don't know the circumstances, so how can you even begin to claim you lost respect for him?
Regardless of what Thompson did or may have been going through, suicide is just about the most cowardly thing you can pull. But to each their own, I suppose.
Reclusion "That's what's so illogical about being a smurf. I mean, what's the point in living if you don't have a dick?"
Nobody is praising his suicide, we're "praising" his life, if anything. Not too sure why you should care about why he chose to do what he did. I doubt he cared too much about what a jibbering gypsy named Cops on a forum thought about his decision to take his own life. You don't know the circumstances, so how can you even begin to claim you lost respect for him?
Death means your dead, no matter the method. Mourn the death of an idol of a generation instead of putting yourself on a high horse because you think you understand life.
when the fuck did I say I understand life? Stop trying to build up an arguement against me, I wont play the game your trying to play.
it makes me sick when i think of it, all my heroes could not live with it so i hope you rest in peace cause with us you never did
But yea, anyway, you seem to have a firm grasp on what the template of a 'perfect life' is, seeing how you disapprove of Hunter's death so defencively and even claim to have lost respect for the man. If anyone is looking for an arguement, my furry friend, it would have to be you. Posting quite the provocative replies and even using the F word! My, my, my...
Done with you, tinkerbell. Read the title of the thread and tell me your insincere comments were trying to avoid an arguement.
Next time you feel like sharing your opinion with someone, goto the bathroom.
Save a tree; eat a beaver
1:Mefesto> king let me say you something
1:Mefesto> you are a soon of a biatch with retarded face like nostra damus and you got a hump on your dick
I believe in better living through chemistry, but this guy was beyond that. While I will admit that he could write, his message was lost on me due to his selfishness and cowardice.
Was he a hero for seeking out the ‘American Dream’ while practicing sleep depravation under near lethal combinations of alcohol and drugs? Or perhaps it was whatever drove him to surround himself with an arsenal of firearms and pop off a few rounds into the neighborhood with a high-power rifle?
How could he write things like, in Kingdom of Fear, "They are the racists and hate mongers among us - they are the Ku Klux Klan." Wasn't he doing exactly what he was accusing the Bush Admin of (hate mongering while making a dollar at it?). He also remained highly critical of the US legal system even after using it to escape from charges when the authorities found LSD, cocaine, pot, and dynamite in his house. In my book, a hero is someone who stands up for what and who he is, not someone who runs and hides from it.
I have the flag of piracy flying from my mast, and admire people who do the same. But one has to be willing to accept responsibility for that. Hiding in the bottom of a bottle of booze or running from evil with the help of mind-bending psychedelics is not heroic in my mind.
My opinion is that he was a hypocrite. He made a career of being a self-centered prima donna journalist who flipped off the rest of society. The irony is that, in the end the truth probably sunk in and he couldn’t handle it, so he executed the ultimate selfish act and took himself out.
But yea, anyway, you seem to have a firm grasp on what the template of a 'perfect life' is, seeing how you disapprove of Hunter's death so defencively and even claim to have lost respect for the man. If anyone is looking for an arguement, my furry friend, it would have to be you. Posting quite the provocative replies and even using the F word! My, my, my...
Done with you, tinkerbell. Read the title of the thread and tell me your insincere comments were trying to avoid an arguement.
Next time you feel like sharing your opinion with someone, goto the bathroom.
You have no idea what my values or my perspective on what a decent not even perfect life is (I don't believe in a perfect life, it's not possible). You're really trying to build up an arguement against me by provoking me with names like 'tinkerbell' and 'jibbering gypsy' and I did use the f word but it wasn't in the context in which it would be provocative, this is going to be my last post on the subject because this has taken up enough of my time. Save yourself the time in replying to my post calling me a clever name in which you depict my whole existance and peg me to a T just so you can carry along this arguement.
the question is, though, would your book read as well as his does? personally, i'd rather read his - hero or not
I felt I answered that question when I said, "While I will admit that he could write, his message was lost on me due to his selfishness and cowardice."
To put it another way, I respect the skill it takes to construct a good piece of writing. But, for me, I also need to respect the perspective content that the author purports. So, if Bill Clinton authors a book on the virtues of fidelity, I am not going to read it no matter how well it is written.
Additionally, did he end things this way as one final ‘middle finger’ to all his fans and admirers? This seems to be the case. In an ultimately everlasting way, he has etched into history how he really felt about all those people who supported him by buying his books. He took their money and turned right around and used it in a self-destructive manner that lead him to take his own life.
I don't write books for a living, so I am missing your point. But chances are good that you have already directly supported what I do for a living.