Originally posted by Kookie
I took one years and years ago, and if I remeber correctly this is how it works
It bases your answers on par with your age (or somethign liek that) and if you "normal" for your agegroup you'd get 100, anythign below 100 means your slightly to incredibly stupid, andythign above = the opposite. For ever 10 points it's supposed to be another year. So if you have 120, your brain is +2 years. if you have 60 your braindead ass is 4 years behind
I believe 130 or 135+ was genius
I took one years and years ago, and if I remeber correctly this is how it works
It bases your answers on par with your age (or somethign liek that) and if you "normal" for your agegroup you'd get 100, anythign below 100 means your slightly to incredibly stupid, andythign above = the opposite. For ever 10 points it's supposed to be another year. So if you have 120, your brain is +2 years. if you have 60 your braindead ass is 4 years behind
I believe 130 or 135+ was genius