I, the undersigned, not being of sound mind in the slightest, hereby start this petition to have Spacely freed from Trench Wars forum prison. His fellow inmates are having far too much fun with the carnival equipment he transported to the prison, and as such this "punishment" facility has turned into a field day. Annux and Melufa have been seen mooning people from atop the Ferris wheel on multiple occasions. Jerome has replaced the milk bottles in the ball-throwing game with real people. This is out of control. Thus, Spacely and his carnival equipment should be removed from the prison in order to maintain an environment that focuses on rehabilitation rather than recreation.
I, the undersigned, will not remember this fucking post at all in the morning, but please post and support Spacely's freedom.
I, the undersigned, will not remember this fucking post at all in the morning, but please post and support Spacely's freedom.
