A HEE HEE HEE! Remeber always be careful when trick or treating. Let your parents check the candy to make sure no weirdo kid toucher put pins and/or poison in the candy. Watch out for older kids cause they will throw eggs at you and that could damage your eyes. They will also try and steal your candy. Carry a gun around and point it at people who you think are no good, they will run away, or shoot first, in the latter case... return fire fast.
Dont be frightened if you see alot of black/spanish/indian kids in your neighborhood they will go there becayse their place is bad and they will get shot by gangs. Dont worry they are not zombies just because they are a different color (well discuss zombies later.) That brings up another point, make sure to wear neutral gang colors, because they cruise around shooting people. Beware of zombies/witches/werewolfs/vampire and other unsaid monsters, they like to come out on this day and eat kids or torture then innweird ways.
Remeber to stay in big groups, preferebly with a fat kid. Becayse if monsetr come he will be eaten up first. Run away from cops because they also could be zombies. YOu know what dont trust anyone, just yourself and your parents, unless they were bitten by vampires.
If you follow these instructions you will have a great halloween.
Dont be frightened if you see alot of black/spanish/indian kids in your neighborhood they will go there becayse their place is bad and they will get shot by gangs. Dont worry they are not zombies just because they are a different color (well discuss zombies later.) That brings up another point, make sure to wear neutral gang colors, because they cruise around shooting people. Beware of zombies/witches/werewolfs/vampire and other unsaid monsters, they like to come out on this day and eat kids or torture then innweird ways.
Remeber to stay in big groups, preferebly with a fat kid. Becayse if monsetr come he will be eaten up first. Run away from cops because they also could be zombies. YOu know what dont trust anyone, just yourself and your parents, unless they were bitten by vampires.
If you follow these instructions you will have a great halloween.