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Happy Halloween Ghouls And Ghosties!

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  • Happy Halloween Ghouls And Ghosties!

    A HEE HEE HEE! Remeber always be careful when trick or treating. Let your parents check the candy to make sure no weirdo kid toucher put pins and/or poison in the candy. Watch out for older kids cause they will throw eggs at you and that could damage your eyes. They will also try and steal your candy. Carry a gun around and point it at people who you think are no good, they will run away, or shoot first, in the latter case... return fire fast.

    Dont be frightened if you see alot of black/spanish/indian kids in your neighborhood they will go there becayse their place is bad and they will get shot by gangs. Dont worry they are not zombies just because they are a different color (well discuss zombies later.) That brings up another point, make sure to wear neutral gang colors, because they cruise around shooting people. Beware of zombies/witches/werewolfs/vampire and other unsaid monsters, they like to come out on this day and eat kids or torture then innweird ways.

    Remeber to stay in big groups, preferebly with a fat kid. Becayse if monsetr come he will be eaten up first. Run away from cops because they also could be zombies. YOu know what dont trust anyone, just yourself and your parents, unless they were bitten by vampires.

    If you follow these instructions you will have a great halloween.

  • #2
    Black kids always have the shittiest costumes made out of plastic bags and toiletries and shit because they're po'

    Every black person I see on halloween is 'dressed' up as a bum


    • #3
      Originally posted by Annux
      Black kids always have the shittiest costumes made out of plastic bags and toiletries and shit because they're po'

      Every black person I see on halloween is 'dressed' up as a bum

      We have a sort of family rule to neevr answer the door on halloween, bloody trickers get me every time with their "treat laws"

      There was a guy in the newspaper a few years back for puttin fairy liquid (dishwasher) in sweets My idol, I hope the damn kids learn their lesson which is "you dont get shit for wearin stupid clothes"


      • #4
        Originally posted by Annux
        Black kids always have the shittiest costumes made out of plastic bags and toiletries and shit because they're po'

        Every black person I see on halloween is 'dressed' up as a bum

        - I am black and I am dressed like a bum this year. How did you guess? I was a bum last year too. -


        • #5
          i m dressed as a skater instead of my usual pothead attire.

          i am a sk8er boi

          ill c u l8er boi

          Originally posted by Yoshiba
          i lag when i smoke weed


          • #6
            annux, stfu. i should let some of my *black* friends read this so they can hunt u down and kill you.
            Dsin> moi
            Kian> moi
            Dsin> wanna hear good news kian?
            Kian> I GOT MY LICENSE TODAY
            Kian> ok ur turn


            • #7
              You mean they know how to read?


              • #8
                Annux, lay off the racism just a bit. You're getting carried away.
                jasonofabitch loves!!!!


                • #9
                  lmfao so tru annux


                  • #10
                    Nignogs are people too, if hardly.
                    Jesus Christ on a pogo stick


                    • #11
                      Written by Andy Rooney
                      No one who's ever been in the Army is ever going to forget the food. The room in which soldiers eat isn't called the mess hall for no reason.

                      I got thinking about what soldiers in the field in Afghanistan are eating. They aren't allowing reporters to see much of anything we're doing over there, so the Army was good enough to send us some field rations to show you.

                      This is an old WW II K-Ration. I remember these well: biscuits, lemon juice powder, luncheon meat, that was famous Spam, D-Ration chocolate bar, sugar, chewing gum, cigarettes, matches and toilet paper.

                      These are today's rations: chicken cavatelli, beef stew, even vegetarian ration. This is the one I'm opening Spaghetti with meat sauce. Got an amazing lot of stuff in here. Sometimes I think the packaging is probably better than the food. But look at all this stuff, it's like Christmas morning. These are Charms. That seems wrong to have a commercial product like that. Maybe Charms gives them to the Army in exchange for the advertising. Peanut butter crackers. It says freshly roasted peanuts. They’re probably three years old. What difference does it make whether the peanuts are freshly roasted or not. This is for heating: you open this up and pour water in it. There's a package down here and there's some chemical reaction that takes place and then you wrap it around whatever you are trying to heat and it gets it hot. Very nice.

                      This little package has Tasters Choice coffee, sugar, moist towelette, fake cream, cream substitute, toilet paper, Chicklettes, and look at this great little thing a bottle of Tabasco sauce. And this is the piece de resistance here: spaghetti with meat sauce. I don't know what this is going to be like. I'm going to cut it with a pair of scissors, which you wouldn't have in the field. Oh, I guess you have to add water to that, wouldn't you. Oh, I don't know. Here it is; does that seem appealing to you? They didn't give you a fork, but I feel obliged to try this for the interests of show business. Not bad, not good. I see why they give you the Tabasco sauce.

                      This is the latest thing: the Army calls it a pocket sandwich that will last for three years. This one is barbecued chicken. See what that looks like: I don't know about barbecued.

                      This is a pepperoni pocket sandwich made in June, 2000. Two years old, that's not so bad. We've got some mystery stuff in our refrigerator that's older than that. Once I put something in the freezer, it's practically immortal.

                      I'd like to invite Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, to come to have lunch with us here at 60 MINUTES some day.

                      Says Rumsfeld: "Not a chance."

                      We could feed him three-year-old chicken sandwiches.

