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Racist ppl..

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  • Racist ppl..

    As most of you know I haven't played tw the latest months. I mean, i love this zone and all, but I cant take the bullshit I get everytime I got online. People call me words and such, which makes me feel bad. Yes I am a minority, but does that make me a worse human being? People call me words just like im not worth anything, just like im a chimp! I'm not, and im willing to fight for my cause. Black people deserve more respect, eventhough I'm swedish and fled from the bushes of Nairobia! I'm a swedish citizen, and I'm not any busch tramp anymore. In sweden they give me social welfare and an identity. I think people in this game need to start relize that black is beutiful!

    Please stop hating ok?

    I'll break your balls if you wont!

    Sudden - the nice negro

    8. No attention whoring/gimmick accounts.
    Your final warning ever. -wadi
    Last edited by wadi; 05-06-2005, 04:13 AM.

  • #2
    Sudden, its because of ppl like Louis Logic that ppl make fun of blacks its the bad ones that make u all look bad i feel horrible too.
    TWLD Season 8 Champion: -FINAL-
    TWLJ Season 9 CHampion: Syndicate

    Goddess> i haven't had sex in over 5 years now because i'm waiting for someone who's worth marrying ... which will most likely never happen so i figure ima be a nun without catholism

    Colonel> rofl.. goddess hasn't had sex in 5 years because thats how long its been since someone has actually been able to find her cooch


    • #3
      Soon white people will become a minority, asians are outgrowing us


      • #4
        I'm black too. Give me special treatment. :shaun:
        Originally posted by Tone
        It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
        Originally posted by the_paul
        Gargle battery acid fuckface
        Originally posted by Material Girl
        I tried downloading a soundcard


        • #5
          Not getting degraded is considered to be "special treatment"?


          • #6
            There's a difference between EQUAL treatment and SPECIAL treatment, TK, and too many people seek to obtain the latter by using the color of their skin for leverage. That kills the legitimacy of people who ARE actually treated unfairly (and I admit that they do exist on this game).

            When I played the game I was called things like "stupid white boy" on a near-daily basis by a lot of black and Asian players. Yet if I shot back an IDENTICAL statement, only substituting "white" for "Asian" or "black", I got some nice red text and sometimes even a "WARNING: Disconnected from server". Equal treatment? Heh.

            It's almost like if somebody says the word "mining", staff will extract N, I and G from that word and warn/ban the person who said it, then emphatically apologize and offer to pay damages to anyone in the arena that claims to be black and got their panties in a knot.

            They don't want equal treatment, they want SPECIAL treatment. They already have it easy enough. The mods kiss their ass while members of my race, often looked at as the "attackers", are publicly and repeatedly belittled by members of other races, without punishment. I'm not denying that there are some pieces of shit in my own race that do the same thing, but I could give two shits less what's done to them. I'm talking about the average white player that doesn't stoop to the level of using things that are beyond a person's control against them.

            People shouldn't even start on the equal treatment bullshit until they learn the difference between "equal" and "special". I felt the effects of racism during my final three years in school, as I went to a predominantly Hispanic school and most of the students seemed to have an anti-white attitude. I didn't bitch about it. I did the only thing I knew how to do. It was immature and borderline suicidal, but I didn't care. I fought. I went toe-to-toe with every son of a bitch that had an unkind word to say about my race. Sure, I lost a lot of the fights due to strength in numbers and gang mentality, but I left my mark in every fight. And by year's end, I had the respect of every motherfucker in the school. They may not have liked me. Hell, I'm sure almost all of them hated me. But they respected me enough to not turn shit into a race issue.

            Wow, I went way off-topic there. Back on track.

            (BEGIN EDIT) Before anyone says something stupid, the difference between me fighting in school and Sudden bringing this kind of shit to these forums comes down to one word: survival. If I didn't earn my respect in that school I wasn't going to survive. I had to show that I wasn't scared of any of those motherfuckers. Whereas Sudden gets his feelings hurt by some fucking Internet tough guys and brings it here for us to view, as if we haven't seen a hundred of these threads already. Each time I see one of these things I honestly wonder if the people making them have actually been exposed to racism anywhere other than this meaningless spaceship game, because they handle themselves like total idiots. (END EDIT)

            Please note that my satirical post above was designed to kill this thread because I'm fucking sick of these racism debates, but unfortunately I'm sure this piece of shit will now grow into a gargantuan hemorrhoid and fester on the forum's anus for weeks.
            Last edited by PH; 05-06-2005, 02:22 AM.
            Originally posted by Tone
            It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
            Originally posted by the_paul
            Gargle battery acid fuckface
            Originally posted by Material Girl
            I tried downloading a soundcard


            • #7
              You're feeling bad coz of a 2D internet game?
              People SHOULD make fun with you
              I don't know how to put this but I'm kind of a big deal...


              • #8
                Pure Hatred has never heard of the phrase "history of oppression", give him a break. It's tough being white, he'll be the first to tell you.


                • #9
                  I'll be the first to admit that whites have had an easier go of things than most races. I was merely pointing out a situation that I personally experienced. And this "history of oppression" shit is ridiculous. Using what happened generations ago as a crutch to try and justify the attitudes of racist minorities today is bullshit. If you expect me to treat you like a king because your great-great-great-great-grandfather was born into slavery then you've got life severely fucked up. Respect is earned, not granted through pity trips. Slavery was fucked up, sure, but it does not entitle you to say "I'm (insert minority race here), and because of that I should get respect". Fuck that. Be a bigger man and earn your respect instead of being a hypocritical douchebag and saying "Oh, you're white, you don't know how it feels". Motherfucker, neither do you, you were never a goddamn slave, so shut the fuck up.

                  Sorry if I'm coming off the wrong way, I'm just sick of people using shit that happened way before their time to try and get their way.
                  Originally posted by Tone
                  It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
                  Originally posted by the_paul
                  Gargle battery acid fuckface
                  Originally posted by Material Girl
                  I tried downloading a soundcard


                  • #10
                    Sudden you black fuck!

                    ... and when are you gonna stop this shit? you are white and everyone knows it.


                    • #11
                      Don't feed the troll.

                      Topic Closed

