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Oh fat, disillusioned youth...

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  • #46

    Canadian politics are important because... Uhh oh, I'm running into some static interference here.. I'll have to explain later.. I guarantee they are important though, just can't explain with all this static interference... and snow.. lots of snow... and polar bears too.
    Formerly EEK! A Spider!
    Former TW Moderator, still an all around nice guy


    • #47
      Who gives a fuck? How about there are 30 million people effected by canadian politics so yeah, some of us give a fuck. no you are not one of them, thank god.


      • #48
        Win95 gets a gold star for remembering high school history.

        There's give and take between a 2 party system and a more than 2 party system (and by that I mean major parties). With a 2 party system, forgetting checks and balances for a moment, whoever wins the election conceivably has the mandate of the majority of the people, or the majority of the states depending on how the votes are cut. With this mandate, they are able, in theory, to form policy that would otherwise get bogged down by inter-party bickering. Based on the merit of their policies, they may or may not get relelected for another term. In order to satisfy a majority, a 2 party system draws both parties toward the large "moderate" vote, tempering both liberal and conservative platforms. In a multi-party system (germany, france, england), a majority is usually established by building a coalalition of smaller parties, forcing policy into more extreme territories to try and attract fringe groups.

        Of course both systems can break down (and have in quite a few countries). In a 2 party system, both parties could go so far towards the middle that they become almost indistiguishable (sound like a country you know?), or become very influenced by lobbying groups (you only have two parties to lobby). In a multiparty system, that bottom 3%, the ultra-extremists, can sway policy further than their numbers should allow them (Israel, France at different points in history). Of course this should all be moderated by the intelligent voting public carefully weighing their choices and electing officials without blinding following 1 party or another.

        And you can forget all this idealistic bullshit if you don't vote at all. If you don't vote you have no voice, so ya you're not being a hypocrite by saying anything about politics when you choose not to vote, but you're NOT making a political statement by not voting, you're effectively saying "I don't care about my own well being" because you obviously don't take the time to go to your LOCAL elections where 98% of the policy that really matters to you gets made. Hey, if you're going to feel like that, maybe you wouldn't mind if I took this fucking dump truck and ran it through your living room? What? Nothing to say? Well don't mind if I do!

        You know what I think you they should do? In the US you should have to vote before you get your constitutional rights. Their not not free, you need to earn them. You don't participate, you're dead weight, and you don't deserve the good things the system gives you. Go vote, or get the fuck out of my damn country. There are some eager mexicans just itching to fill your spot.


        • #49

          this is what happens when you don't vote. I have no idea where CNN tucked away the original Associated Press article, I'll repost if I find it.

          You wanna know what's worse? I'll watch this shit out of perverse curiosity.
          Last edited by wadi; 11-11-2002, 02:44 AM.


          • #50
            Why do alot of people that say intellegent and insightful things still don't know the difference between 'there' 'their' and 'they're'


            • #51
              because I'd just spent 12 hours driving around in a small car and decided I was too lazy to correct my grammar.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Annux
                Why do alot of people that say intellegent and insightful things still don't know the difference between 'there' 'their' and 'they're'

                Or "Intelligent" for that matter. Nice post Wadi, and as for high school history, well in the US the vast majority don't know jack squat about history. Most are content to roll about in their ignorance and consider themselves knowledgeable about the topic because they watch the History channel and can say, "I know my History good." Riiiight....

                "The mills of the gods grind late, but they grind fine."
                -Unknown Greek poet


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Win95
                  Or "Intelligent" for that matter.
                  i think he meant that as a subliminal insult.
                  plopp> im not a newbie ok!! im a butterfly waiting to come out of his coon!


                  • #54
                    no no no! win95 is far too superior for slbuminal insults


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Annux
                      no no no! win95 is far too superior for slbuminal insults
                      Your pretty sharp...for a mouth breather.
                      "The mills of the gods grind late, but they grind fine."
                      -Unknown Greek poet


                      • #56


                        • #57
                          I'll bet you ran that one through a spellchecker.

                          "The mills of the gods grind late, but they grind fine."
                          -Unknown Greek poet


                          • #58
                            That insult was funny....for a mouth breather.


                            • #59
                              Thanks Annux, that was both....
                              Originally posted by Annux
                              intellegent and insightful
                              "The mills of the gods grind late, but they grind fine."
                              -Unknown Greek poet


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Win95

                                Your pretty sharp

                                alomst 2 shrap

