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Star Wars Three - Spoilers -

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  • #46
    lol thanks Zeus.
    DoCk>> im king of tw, i grant all twers permission to fornicate
    DoCk>> there's sucking up going on? i want in on it too :P


    • #47
      Originally posted by Ikrit
      I did enjoy the lack of dumbassedness of Jar Jar in this movie
      He was there at Padme's funeral but the best thing is that he didn't have one line of dialogue. Thank god.
      DoCk>> im king of tw, i grant all twers permission to fornicate
      DoCk>> there's sucking up going on? i want in on it too :P


      • #48
        Awesome duels over the lava and decent plot, it was worth the 10$ but not the other 20 I spent to get Ender and Cops in .


        • #49
          Originally posted by DangerGirl
          He was there at Padme's funeral but the best thing is that he didn't have one line of dialogue. Thank god.
          Exactly, he wasn't an idiot in this one I liked him until he was an unintelligent glutius maximus (or however you spell that) and basically started the Empire
          Ban Ikrit


          • #50
            Jar Jar is there when they drop off palpatine with the other politicians aswell.

            Its interesting to note, i have been reading alot of reviews that are out there, and i notice that several of them mention Grievous' coughing fits in a way that tells me they have no clue why he is like that. apparently very few of the big name reviewers actually watched the clone wars cartoon series.

            Also, is it just me, or did they not realy tie up the plotline with master cyphadeus(spelled wrong im sure) and his request to create the clone army. Seems like parts of that mystery was never explained. maybe i just missed it somewhere.
            work it harder make it better, do it faster, makes us stronger more than ever hour after , our work is never over


            • #51
              Originally posted by ajaxee
              Also, is it just me, or did they not realy tie up the plotline with master cyphadeus(spelled wrong im sure) and his request to create the clone army. Seems like parts of that mystery was never explained. maybe i just missed it somewhere.
              3 years ago after Episode 2 came out.. I developed a theory which has a few rough spots but kind of makes sense.. I think it's possible that Palpatine was Jedi Master Syphur Dias (another wrong way of spelling it). Palpatine may not even really be Palpatine, if Syphur Dias turned to the Dark Side he could have been powerful enough to take over Palpatine's body seeing that Palpatine was in the best position to take over the Galaxy. Er... if you couldn't really follow there (I know I'm slightly confusing), I'll setup a little timeline.

              1. Syphur Dias turns to the dark side and learns how to take over other bodies
              2. He places an order for a clone army.
              3. He fakes his death and takes over Palpatine's body
              4. Episode I starts and you see the rest from there.
              Ban Ikrit


              • #52
                I could have sworn Leia said she had memories of her mother but how could she if padme died in child birth?
                Does anyone know if the death star was built in the maw or just designed there. I know they had that prototype made and stored there so i figured thats where they started them all


                • #53
                  Why'd the spoiler and non-spoiler threads get merged? The first thread was spoiler free (apart from the obvious and expected plot turns) but now it's all jumbled together. Some of us might not be planning to see the movie for a while


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by iKillburger
                    I could have sworn Leia said she had memories of her mother but how could she if padme died in child birth?
                    Does anyone know if the death star was built in the maw or just designed there. I know they had that prototype made and stored there so i figured thats where they started them all
                    The Death Star from Episode IV and DS2 from Episode VI were both built outside of the maw. There was that one protoype that was built there but it was much smaller than the other two, imagine trying to get something the size of a small moon past tons of black holes... *shudders* the thing would probably be torn apart before it got past the first two.

                    Edit: oh yea.. and Leia was probably refering to the person who adopted her Queen Boreah (or something like that (her husband was Senator Bail Organa (probably also King Organa))). If Leia really knew the truth don't you think she would have acted differently when she saw Vader?
                    Ban Ikrit


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by iKillburger
                      I could have sworn Leia said she had memories of her mother but how could she if padme died in child birth?
                      People tried using that as the excuse of why she couldn't die in the movie. Unfortunately, this is Lucas. The Flanneled One doesn't ever really seem to care as much for continuity as he does his advertising and merchandise. I really didn't think he was going to revolve everything around a small itty-bitty two-keyword line. "Images, feelings really." We know he’s prone to just do whatever suits him. Hell, just look at the changes he made to the classic trilogy DVD, in particular Greedo shooting Han first. <_<
                      DoCk>> im king of tw, i grant all twers permission to fornicate
                      DoCk>> there's sucking up going on? i want in on it too :P


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Ikrit

                        Edit: oh yea.. and Leia was probably refering to the person who adopted her Queen Boreah (or something like that (her husband was Senator Bail Organa (probably also King Organa))). If Leia really knew the truth don't you think she would have acted differently when she saw Vader?
                        Nah it's just a plot hole. Watch RotJ again, she was talking about her real mother. In the OT I don't think Padme was supposed to die in child birth, although she probably didn't keep the twins for long either. And just because she remembered vague images of her mother doesn't mean she knew about her dad. Hell, he didn't even think that Leia existed until RoTJ, so obviously she never spent any time around him when she was younger.
                        My father in law was telling me over Thanksgiving about this amazing bartender at some bar he frequented who could shake a martini and fill it to the rim with no leftovers and he thought it was the coolest thing he'd ever seen. I then proceeded to his home bar and made four martinis in one shaker with unfamiliar glassware and a non standard shaker and did the same thing. From that moment forward I knew he had no compunction about my cock ever being in his daughter's mouth.


                        • #57
                          There was some dude walking around dressed up like ob1kanobi looking all serious like he wanted to duel.
                          it makes me sick when i think of it, all my heroes could not live with it so i hope you rest in peace cause with us you never did


                          • #58
                            ROFL :greedy:
                            "I'm a fucking walking paradox, no I'm not
                            Threesomes with a fucking triceratops, Reptar
                            " - Tyler the Creator
                            Yonkers video -


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Liquid Blue
                              Hell, he didn't even think that Leia existed until RoTJ,
                              I dunno, i kinda think he knew in a new hope because when she was captured tarkin kept ordering her execution and vader was more obstinate than he should have been


                              • #60
                                Vader lookin' all badass while we stood in line for the movie. lol

                                DoCk>> im king of tw, i grant all twers permission to fornicate
                                DoCk>> there's sucking up going on? i want in on it too :P

