Tone, some advice for the future when you try to put forth your arguements.
You may think you have a good arguement in your head, but what you have shown us is that you have done a lot of research, and then made some assumptions. In the future, you need to make sure you have a good arguement put together with a solid foundation. From what you have given us here, here's what I think you need to concentrate on next time:
1) Find atleast 3 good facts that link your target with the events. (In this case link Bush to the attack.) Remember these are facts, and while 1 is enough, someone may be able to brush it aside with something else you haven't seen. 3 is usually the minimum, more is better as it solidifies your arguement.
2) Summarize in your own words. This is very important as it lets others know that you know what you are talking about, doesn't force them to do the research themselves, and allows you to make your arguement as understandable as possible. A summary could be as simple as Person A. has stated that so and so was seen here on the day in question, then link to the article in question.
3) Verify your sources. Very important. Are their facts correct? Can you back them up with another site? Is it taken in context? Are there no assumptions made? If any of these things aren't true, then it invalidates your whole point, no matter how right you are.
4) Make sure your case is watertight BEFORE you present it. Once people start punching holes in it, no matter how much you patch it up with facts, noone is gonna take you seriously.
5) Finally, present it in an objective fashion, this means no propaganda. Don't come out like you are trying to force people to take your view, this makes them defensive. When you put someone on the defense, they won't ever see that they're wrong, or that you're right. If you keep your arguement objective, there won't be any chance to put people on the defensive, and you'll have a better chance of convincing them to see it your way.
In summary, you've really lost this arguement here I'm sorry to say. I give you kudos for trying. I'd suggest backing off for now, and if you come up with a better case months or a year down the road, maybe present it again, but take my suggestions to heart or it may end up just like this time.
You may think you have a good arguement in your head, but what you have shown us is that you have done a lot of research, and then made some assumptions. In the future, you need to make sure you have a good arguement put together with a solid foundation. From what you have given us here, here's what I think you need to concentrate on next time:
1) Find atleast 3 good facts that link your target with the events. (In this case link Bush to the attack.) Remember these are facts, and while 1 is enough, someone may be able to brush it aside with something else you haven't seen. 3 is usually the minimum, more is better as it solidifies your arguement.
2) Summarize in your own words. This is very important as it lets others know that you know what you are talking about, doesn't force them to do the research themselves, and allows you to make your arguement as understandable as possible. A summary could be as simple as Person A. has stated that so and so was seen here on the day in question, then link to the article in question.
3) Verify your sources. Very important. Are their facts correct? Can you back them up with another site? Is it taken in context? Are there no assumptions made? If any of these things aren't true, then it invalidates your whole point, no matter how right you are.
4) Make sure your case is watertight BEFORE you present it. Once people start punching holes in it, no matter how much you patch it up with facts, noone is gonna take you seriously.
5) Finally, present it in an objective fashion, this means no propaganda. Don't come out like you are trying to force people to take your view, this makes them defensive. When you put someone on the defense, they won't ever see that they're wrong, or that you're right. If you keep your arguement objective, there won't be any chance to put people on the defensive, and you'll have a better chance of convincing them to see it your way.
In summary, you've really lost this arguement here I'm sorry to say. I give you kudos for trying. I'd suggest backing off for now, and if you come up with a better case months or a year down the road, maybe present it again, but take my suggestions to heart or it may end up just like this time.