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The ultimate discussion thread

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  • The ultimate discussion thread

    So the whole abortion, religion, racism discussion topics have all been done before. But now I present to you the ultimate discussion of ethics (PS- morons should not be allowed to view this thread, the intense ethical concepts it sheds light on would be too much for the likes of such morons to read). This has been plaguing my mind for a long while now, normally I wouldn't bring it forward to a bunch of kids on the internet, but I believe there is a pretty large population of somewhat coherent individuals on this board (plus general discussion is pretty boring). This is the topic I present to you: Through human technology, we have reached a point where we are able to basically prolong the life of humans who would naturally die off in other circumstances. Genetic diseases such as diabetes and sickle cell anemia, which would normally kill an individual, no longer do. These genetically "weak" individuals who carry these diseases are now allowed to pass on their weak DNA through future generations, and what the human species is in fact doing is weakening our own gene pool. Where as in the "natural" animal world, individuals who carry these genetic defects will die off, insuring the continued existance of the species.

    This is such a conflict for me because I am a devout left wing ideologist. I strongly believe in people's freedom of choice. But am also a believer that the natural way is the best way. I believe that the farther man is taken from nature and the natural way, the more he will cause harm to himself and others. So part of me is thinking that humans should always have the right to live and reproduce, even if it means having a good chance of a genetically weak offspring, while another part of me believes that because we have become so seperated from nature, and so immersed in our own technology, that we have lost sight of what we are really doing, weakening our species, and possibly leading ourselves down the path of extinction. Throw in the fact that, despite my belief that people should have certain freedoms, I do not have faith in the human species at all, most humans are basically brainwashed morons who can not truly think for themselves (there's rampant proof of that on this forum alone). I hope you understand the inner turmoil I'm going through with this subject, hopefully a few of you will be able to shed some light I might have looked past on this subject so I can get a stronger grasp of it.

    Well, discuss away.

  • #2
    i dont think we are weakening our gene pool if we have cures and rememdies for the illnesses we are perpetuating.. i'd say the way we are really fucking our future is pollution.
    Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
    apt>yes u can wtf
    apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
    apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
    apt>so i dont miss the toilet
    Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
    apt>ill show you pictures
    apt>next time I masturbate


    • #3
      We're all just people living and if a person can be saved or saved from suffering through technology then we as a species are better for it, and I hope genetic testing is never allowed for offspring or for potential "parents" because it's a natural process life and if we stick our fingers in it I can only see bad things happen for Humans as a hole. I think it's pretty easy to peg everyone who doesn't think like you as an idiot or brainless. I don't even know if my ideology would be considered liberal but I believe that all ideas, thoughts or theories are opinions and nothing more so much so that what i believe may not even be right or good so i'm a pretty open minded person much like a lot of people on this forum.. so watch how you play with that fire.
      Last edited by Kolar; 06-20-2005, 12:21 AM.


      • #4
        I'd say both. I have no faith in the human race as a whole: But I do have faith in human ingenuity and hope that we will somehow find a solution to our problems (whether it be pollution (very hard) or weakened gene pool (which, with genetic engineering on the horizon, doesn't look too far fetched. Take a very long time, though)
        Part of me thinks the weak should not be allowed to reproduce. Another part thinks that everyone has equal rights to reproduce. Another part things that reproducing is bad, because we're overpopulated as it is.

        Originally posted by Disliked
        Imagine a world without morals... it would be like the tw community
        +++ Divide By Cucumber Error. Please Reinstall Universe And Reboot +++


        • #5
          Brain aneurysm
          Originally posted by Facetious
          edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


          • #6
            Everyone is talking about 'creating a world where our children will live happily and in peace' well...fuck that. I want to live in that world and if it takes genetic manipulation to reach it, I'm in. I want to get old and still be vivid.
            I don't want to die from cancer or any disease. I just want to enjoy life.

            (I'm a Peter Pan-ist)
            I don't know how to put this but I'm kind of a big deal...


            • #7
              There are two forms of Ethics that are said to have objective basis rather than personal morals

              One is Utilitarianism. Utilitarian Ethics summerized is that the right action is the action that leads to the least suffering and most good for the greatest number.

              The other is Natural Law. Natural Law summerized is that the right action is the action that is Natural. Of course this makes no logical sense because anything could be called natural, everything is made up of the same natural matter and energy in the universe. For example, Natural law might say Homosexuality is wrong because the act of intercourse is naturally existant for the purpose of procreation, however we now know that homosexuality is genetic and as natural as anything else. Another example, If something is synthetic, it was created by a natural brain, who used natural matter and natural energy to create the synthetic product.

              Much of Natural Law's Ethics actually leads to the pain and suffering of people, just because in some belief of what might be natural and what isnt. this is based on someones imagination. This entity of Nature is fabricated in an illogical mind and in the end, all that matters is reducing suffering and increasing happiness for all. Certainly something that has a lot of morals that lead to suffering cant be considered Ethical, unless your twisted and pro-suffering.

              This leaves us with Utilitarianism as the only Ethics.

              I believe that the farther man is taken from nature and the natural way, the more he will cause harm to himself and others. So part of me is thinking that humans should always have the right to live and reproduce, even if it means having a good chance of a genetically weak offspring, while another part of me believes that because we have become so seperated from nature, and so immersed in our own technology, that we have lost sight of what we are really doing, weakening our species, and possibly leading ourselves down the path of extinction
              Nature is blind, and by chance, selected negative feedback mechanisms and other darwinian things as its templet. Man can transend nature and use future technology to abolition suffering thoughout the living world. Even with extinction risk, it is well worth the effort, unless you believe the purpose to life is to survive, suffer, die and make a next generation who will do the same.

              Last edited by Tone; 06-20-2005, 05:45 PM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by cundor
                Everyone is talking about 'creating a world where our children will live happily and in peace' well...fuck that. I want to live in that world and if it takes genetic manipulation to reach it, I'm in. I want to get old and still be vivid.
                I don't want to die from cancer or any disease. I just want to enjoy life.

                (I'm a Peter Pan-ist)

