Every single day, 30,000 children die, needlessly, of extreme poverty.
On July 6th, we finally have the opportunity to stop that shameful statistic.
8 world leaders, gathered in Scotland for the G8 summit, will be presented with a workable plan to double aid, drop the debt and make the trade laws fair. If these 8 men agree, then we will become the generation that made poverty history.
But they'll only do it if enough people tell them to.
That's why we're staging Live 8. 5 concerts, 100 artists, a million spectators, 2 billion viewers, and 1 message... To get those 8 men, in that 1 room, to stop 30,000 children dying every single day of extreme poverty.
This comes from Geldof...and I know that his intentions are good, but you have to wonder about the entire plan here. You have the same countries that where given relief monies from Live Aid back in the 80's. That was to stop the starvation and death as well, of children in Africa. Yet it's now 2005 and they still have the same problems that are compounded.
Will live8 turn the deserts of Africa into lush farm land? Will this also stop the tyranny of dictatorship in these countries, give food to the starving and medical releif to those with AIDS and disease...I think not...maybe only as a temporary issue, but not a longterm answer. I just cant see dropping the debt of these countries as being the cure all answer. What's to stop them from getting into debt again? Can we treat them like we do to those declaring bankrupcy? No credit for 10 years, yet your debt will be cleared. I just see this as a promotional gimmick...not a bad idea in thought, but not a realistic answer to the problems underlining the debts of these countries.
On July 6th, we finally have the opportunity to stop that shameful statistic.
8 world leaders, gathered in Scotland for the G8 summit, will be presented with a workable plan to double aid, drop the debt and make the trade laws fair. If these 8 men agree, then we will become the generation that made poverty history.
But they'll only do it if enough people tell them to.
That's why we're staging Live 8. 5 concerts, 100 artists, a million spectators, 2 billion viewers, and 1 message... To get those 8 men, in that 1 room, to stop 30,000 children dying every single day of extreme poverty.
This comes from Geldof...and I know that his intentions are good, but you have to wonder about the entire plan here. You have the same countries that where given relief monies from Live Aid back in the 80's. That was to stop the starvation and death as well, of children in Africa. Yet it's now 2005 and they still have the same problems that are compounded.
Will live8 turn the deserts of Africa into lush farm land? Will this also stop the tyranny of dictatorship in these countries, give food to the starving and medical releif to those with AIDS and disease...I think not...maybe only as a temporary issue, but not a longterm answer. I just cant see dropping the debt of these countries as being the cure all answer. What's to stop them from getting into debt again? Can we treat them like we do to those declaring bankrupcy? No credit for 10 years, yet your debt will be cleared. I just see this as a promotional gimmick...not a bad idea in thought, but not a realistic answer to the problems underlining the debts of these countries.