1. Troll on an internet forum
2. Insult reader's choice of television viewing
3. Question their sexuality or attempt to emasculate them
4. ????
5. ????
6. Profit!
This is the single most scathing blanket insult I've received from someone unable to vote, drive, or spell properly all year.
It hurts all the worse, because it was about something incredibly serious, as opposed to being some meaningless troll because some people happen to like a television program.
Just found out that Doohans ashes are going to be scattered in space as per his request,
a fitting end to someone who was in Star Trek
Jarlson of> if this game was a girl i would jerk off to it every night
nopcode> sometimes get mates round, have a few beers and play this yes
oNe-t> YEAH
nopcode> before going out
funfunfun> god the fun never stops does it
MageWarrior> I'm so sexy, frog makes me lapdance for him daily
R.I.P Scotty .i get a little drepressed everytime one of the original cast dies. star trek realy is one of the greatest and most inspirational fictional works ever. i have full confidence that it will still be talked about and watched in some form, several hundred years from now.
work it harder make it better, do it faster, makes us stronger more than ever hour after , our work is never over