cyclops. As much as I love wolverine (fucking badass) he has to be close to his opponent to kick their ass... cyclops can play it safe and kill it.
Who would win, I guy throwing apples or a guy throwing oranges?
bullshit, cyclops is a pussy
wolverine also has a mutant ability where he can heal wounds incredibly fast, like in mere seconds, so even if he did get hit, he'll be fine, AND wolverine is faster than him so he can get closer so ezpz
1:megaman89> great
1:megaman89> made my gf emo
1:requiem> LOL
1:Ri$e Again$t> /wrists
1:megaman89> not gna buy me food for a week now
1:megaman89> jesus fuk
1:Chief Utsav> this is me
1:Chief Utsav> caring
1:megaman89> gna starve
1:Cig Smoke> what u noobs talkin bout
1:Sauro> its an a b conversation cig smoke
1:Cig Smoke> and im about to (C) ur way outa here
1:grandmastahs> LOLOL