I am not pasting an article, this is all just me typing.
There have many many religion threads in general discussion, how about a spiritual thread now?
there are nerve plexi in our bodies which respond to emotion and mind states, there may also be energy centers in the same spots which are known by the Sanskrit term chakras.
everybody has had direct experience of the chakras, even if small.
1) Have you ever been up high or at the edge of a cliff and feel a nerve sensation in your crotch? this is the root chakra, associated with survival.
2) The second chakra is situated between the root and the solar plexus. example would be difficult because symtoms can be associated with so many other factors.
3) Have you ever been very nervous or upset about something and had what we call 'butterflies in the stomach'? this is the solar plexus and it is associated with personal power. when your power is threaten it responds.
4) Have you ever had a problem with love or broken heart and felt the horrible sensation in the center of your chest area we know as 'heart ache'? this is the heart chakra and it is associated with love according to the vedics.
5) Have you ever had a lump in your throat and had trouble communicating? throat chakra.
6, 7) Dysphoria in your head? could be the third eye or crown chakras, associated with sight and thought respectively.
It is very interesting how nerve plexi in our body respond to the very states that for thousands of years the chakras have been associated with!
If we do certain meditative techniques on the chakras we can gain temporary change in psychological state and long term change in persona. for instance, meditating on the heart in the right way leads to increased empathy and love. i can tell you from years of experience.
There are many webpages and hundreds of books on the kundalini chakra system. for more information, research.
Of course the highest spirituality is not specific techniques and such, but realizing the world in which we live is nothing more than a holographic matrix illusion and infinite love, infinite suchness, infinite oneness is the only truth.
- Tone