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Reinquist died!

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Pearl Jam
    you're just crabby because A&M lost, sucker
    yes I am.

    If you want A&M to lose, then
    1, put them on national tv
    2. make them favored
    3. start the game.
    To all the virgins, Thanks for nothing
    brookus> my grandmother died when she heard people were using numbers in their names in online games.. it was too much for her little heart


    • #32
      Originally posted by genocidal
      The Supreme Court is not there so that people can have a different way of getting laws made so they can have kill babies, dictate marital behaviour to the entire population, or anything of the like.
      I'm just as liberal as anyone posting here I'm sure
      Originally posted by Ward
      OK.. ur retarded case closed


      • #33
        Originally posted by genocidal
        Bush, who I believe is for once on the right track mostly, doesn't want activist judges in either direction. Where does activism come from? People not adhering to a strict interpretation of the Constitution and pretty much ruling based on their own opinions and thoughts. That is what Bush and others don't want. It doesn't surprise me that you're too wrapped up in Democrat vs Republican mindset to realize that the pendulum swings both ways - in other words there can be activist judges who are liberal and ones who are conservative.
        I think activism comes from people wanting to change the law for the better. You're talking as if the framers were receiving direct instruction from God. You mentioned two cases where the Supreme Court was able to change the law (for the better) and now you act is if there should be no more changes... that everything is perfect. No wonder Bush doesn't want activist judges- God forbid they actually rule "based on their own opinions and thoughts." I think you're too wrapped up in your liberal label to realize you're more conservative than Bush himself.
        Originally posted by Vatican Assassin
        i just wish it was longer
        Originally posted by Cops
        it could have happened in the middle of a park at 2'oclock in the afternoon while your parents were at work and I followed you around all afternoon.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Cylor
          I think activism comes from people wanting to change the law for the better. You're talking as if the framers were receiving direct instruction from God. You mentioned two cases where the Supreme Court was able to change the law (for the better) and now you act is if there should be no more changes... that everything is perfect. No wonder Bush doesn't want activist judges- God forbid they actually rule "based on their own opinions and thoughts." I think you're too wrapped up in your liberal label to realize you're more conservative than Bush himself.
          You're not realizing what the past activist decisions are based on - law. The judgdes didn't say, "You know I really like black people and it sucks that they have to take a shit in a shittier toilet than me, so let's change it." They determined that segregation (separate but equal) was unconstitutional because it violated the 14th Amendment. Here let me show you the Statement of the Court and the opinions of the Judges so you can decide whether or not their decision was grounded in their own morals or in the law.

          Yeah I don't know where you came up with me saying I don't think any more "changes" should occur. I just think that activism can be very harmful especially on such a powerful position (non-elected, no terms, etc).

          Vyk: The way I worded that was meant for the sake of humour. Either you found the humour in it and we're laughing together or, which is most likely the case since you quoted me saying I'm liberal, you didn't think through what I said and assumed I am pro-life. Well look at what I said. I said "kill babies" (a pro-life statememt) and "dictate marital behaviour to the entire population" (an pro-gay marriage statement through its implication and tone). I was being ironic. FYI, I'm pro-choice and pro-gay marriage.
          Last edited by genocidal; 09-05-2005, 04:50 PM.


          • #35
            don't care, don't care, don't care.
            Originally posted by Tone
            Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


            • #36
              How isn't it consider "judicial activism", what the Bush Admin. is pushing for with nominating conservatives?

              He wants to limit the rights of homosexuals based on his religious beliefs, not base on law and he wants to limit the rights of woman. On all of these issues most conservatives do not use the law as a base to pass judgments or to form ideas. Many conservatives have said Christian beliefs are the foundation of the law therefor it's above it, or just the same as writen laws. In any case those beliefs are not writen in stone, they're inturpteted. I consider this more dangerous then a progressive ideology. I think if anything democrats and liberals and some republicans are trying to develop law based on a fair and equal constitution. equality will win eventually.

              If you don't consider conservative ideas detrimental to your entire society then I think you're too warped up in politics, not us.


              • #37
                I agree that judges shouldn't make unconstutional rulings, but there are always amendments. I mean, come on, the constitution is by no means infallible, it was created 200 years ago. Times have changed, people have become a lot more enlightened.
                The pleasure's all mine.


                • #38
                  a. The women need to learn their place (which is right in front of the sink/stove/washer).

                  b. Them damned homosexuals must be stopped before they ruin societ!!!
                  "That's what's so illogical about being a smurf. I mean, what's the point in living if you don't have a dick?"


                  • #39
                    Just a few things,
                    Bush may be against gay marriage but he hasn't clearly stated he's pro-life (yes he's against partial-birth abortions and other such ones but who isn't? He plays to the majority which is some limits, but no illegal). Regardless of what Bush thinks I am hoping that the Justices appointed will be able to make fair and unbiased decisions regarding these issues. All I was saying was that activism can be a pretty bad thing, whether or not equality prevails in the end.

                    I wasn't arguing the Constitution was the be-all and end-all solution to the country's problems. It was set up to be a framework for what is and isn't allowed and is open to interpretation in a lot of cases. That is why it's a good, living document. Regardless, there are things other than the Constitution that rulings are based in, I was just using that example because someone brought up Brown v Board.

                    Judges who can be fair in determining the rule of law and who can set aside their own opinions and not try to impose them on everyone else are the kind of people I want on the Supreme Court. Rehnquist definitely wasn't some crazy right-wing Justice but he was conservative - and there is nothing wrong with that. I believe we have some competent people on the bench and I haven't seen anything as of yet to indicate Bush's only nominee (Roberts) is anything less than competent.


                    • #40
                      You're pretty good at dodging Gen.

                      Bush is an evangelical, what do you think he belives in? He'll want anti gay, anti abortion and pretty much newer conservatives on these issues deciding. I don't find those kind of people really working to make anything better, equlity is below religious freedom to them. Blacks were released from slavery over time because of progress, the judges saw it as unconstitutional (and hopfully morally wrong) and changed it. The same isn't happening for other minorities today. Wheater Bush or anyone in the USA believes being gay or having the right to an abortion is right or wrong shouldn't be a factor, but it is sadly. This is what Bush means by judical activism, not liberals or conservatives judges making unconstitutional laws, just laws he and conservatives wouldn't like.

                      This liberal "judical activism" is just a Bush talking point and progranda. No one knows what he believes in really since he treats the media, you, me and everyone in the world like children.
                      Last edited by Kolar; 09-06-2005, 09:31 AM.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by DoTheFandango
                        No one can be as bad as that guy.

                        Trust me.
                        You must not have heard of Thomas or Scalia. They are by-far the most conservative justices on the Court. I'm assuming you mean conservative when you say "bad", obviously.



                        • #42
                          Liberal or Conservative...such petty issues.

                          I am distressed over Bush wanting Roberts as Chief and not one of the other judges that have the bench experience.

                          It seems like they are taking the French Fry guy and moving him to management without working the cash register.

                          I dunno...either way things are just f'ed up. Nobody will be happy no matter who gets appointed the chief justice and for the Liberal Conservative issue, the Govt. today and the conservatives would most likely have disagreed with the founding fathers. They had longhair, smoked pot, drank alot and slept with other women.
                          May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by brookus
                            You must not have heard of Thomas or Scalia. They are by-far the most conservative justices on the Court. I'm assuming you mean conservative when you say "bad", obviously.

                            The dude was just a douche. He changed the Cheif Justice robes to make sure everyone realized he was the cheif justice, by adding 4 gold bands on the side of his robe. It was a long standing tradition that the Cheif Justices do not wear anything that could stand them apart from the other 8. Yes, Thomas and Scalia are more conservative by all means, but from what I can hear, they are no where near as douchey as this bag of bones.

                            Rehnquist is being replaced by someone who wasn't even been on the court and yet is being elected Cheif Justice. A little fishy if you ask me.
                            Originally posted by Jeenyuss
                            sometimes i thrust my hips so my flaccid dick slaps my stomach, then my taint, then my stomach, then my taint. i like the sound.


                            • #44
                              one down, eight to go
                              Originally posted by vubinspiran
                              I hate X very hard.


                              • #45
                                There's a lot of assumptions going on in this thread with little evidence. First of all, Bush is not an evangelical. He may be Christian and have staunch religious beliefs but he never tries to dictate his personal beliefs to the entire nation - that would not go over well at all. The only issue he has spoken out against is gay marriage and while some of you see it as a clear black and white issue that is not the case for the majority of Americans.
                                68 percent of America thinks gay marriage should not be allowed. It's not like Bush is some crazy right-wing President running the country on his own whims, despite what all us liberals want to think.

                                As far as abortion goes Bush may be personally against abortion but the only progress he's tried to make as far as banning it was banning the partial birth abortions - something 70% of Americans were in favor of.
                                That shows the numbers I just quoted and now here is a poll that shows Americans favoring a ban on abortion with a few exceptions (those usually include rape and when the mother's life is endangered).

                                It's unfortunate but our President is quite representative of the country. While he does have a large evangelical constituency base he has tried on numerous occasions to distance himself with them while also not pissing them off. It's just politics.

