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relatively obscure drinking games

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  • relatively obscure drinking games

    1) sink the bismarck

    get a pint glass, fill it 2/3 with beer

    float a shotglass in the beer, and everyone takes turns pouring beer into the shotglass. sink the shotglass and you chug. simple but fun.

    2) zoom schwartz profigliano bederman

    hard to get used to but pretty damn fun and you can play it anywhere

    stand in a circle

    the person starts the game by saying "the name of the game is zoom schwartz profigliano bederman"

    then there are the four options

    a) zoom - goes to the person youre looking at (you have to start the game with a zoom)
    b) profigliano - goes to the right
    c) bederman - goes to the left
    d) schwartz - goes back to whoever zoomed, profigianod, or bedermanned you

    you lose if:
    you take too long to respond or dont know its your turn
    if youre the third person in a row to say the same thing
    or if you complete the phrase "zoom schwartz profigliano bederman"

    when you lose you have to start the game over with "the name of the game... zoom"

    this game is harder than you think if youre dumb

    any other good ones?
    5:gen> man
    5:gen> i didn't know shade's child fucked bluednady

  • #2
    Originally posted by Facetious
    1) sink the bismarck

    get a pint glass, fill it 2/3 with beer

    float a shotglass in the beer, and everyone takes turns pouring beer into the shotglass. sink the shotglass and you chug. simple but fun.
    That was one of my favorite to play.

    Not that it's obscure, but we always played a game in college called, 'Kill your Liver,' or that's what we called it at least. It was the simplest card game to play when we were already gone, and we played until everybody but one had either, passed out or threw up. Basically you pass around a cup (or as many as you need) and you make a bet on whether the card you pick is going to be red or black, if you get it right, you pass it on, if you get it wrong you have to drink your bet and everyone's bet before yours. Chugging four or five beers was very commonplace in this game, because most people would just bet a whole beer, or two when it was their turn, especially if they were the first to bet.

    So remember, when you can't remember how to play kings, asshole, and no longer have the coordination for rut, go for Kill your Liver. It's a great way to end the night.


    • #3
      Tower of Death

      1 empty beer bottle
      1 deck of cards
      1 empty ice cube tray

      Balance the deck of cards on top of the bottle. You have to lean in close and gently blow the top card from the deck. I prefer a short, sharp blow (wahey) which will dislodge the first two, then move around to the other side of the deck and blow back the other way, and this usually seperates the moved cards enough so that there's space to move your head underneath just the top card and blow up, making it fall off

      If you blow more off then take a shot with the straw


      A pair of hands

      In a circle, one person has to clap their hands, but either to their left or their right, and not just slap their hands together but brush them past each other so you end up pointing at the person next to you. So you clap to the person to your left, they then clap to the person to their left, they clap to their left, etc. However there's more than one move. You can clap your hands above your head and then it skips the next person, so if you're going to the left and someone claps then the person two places to their left has to carry on clapping. If they don't clap or the person next to you accidently goes, they drink. The other move is to clap your hands together and point to a random person in the group, and they carry on going in the direction that the claps were previously going. You can also clap back to the person who just clapped at you, thus changing direction. You can't use two special moves together


      A table
      A coin
      A cup

      My favourite. You need a big fucking jug of beer, a coin and a table. Fill a pint glass with beverage, and put it near the edge of the table. Put the coin half on and half off the table, and using an upward motion you have to flick the coin into the cup. If you don't, you drink. You MUST say 'touchthecup' whenever you pick up any glass/jug, otherwise you down what you're holding. Go round the circle until everyone's fucked
      Last edited by ZeUs!!; 10-11-2005, 01:08 PM.
      Originally posted by Facetious
      edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


      • #4
        7's (or also 7, 11, doubles)

        Do not say any numbers of the table of 7 or any numbers with 7 in it.
        One starts, next is clock-wise.
        If the forbidden number is on it's turn, the person has to say something else and you will go counter-clock till the forbidden number comes again, back to clock wise.

        hint: when it's your turn for the forbidden number, make a comment where the next person will react on; wich means he will lose. or call a other number on your turn.

        example: 1,2,3,4,5,6, "huh", back to person who said 6: 8,9,10,11,12,13,"15", back to the person who said 13: 15,16,etc.

        First 2 rounds are easy, after a while, if you won't get passed 27,28 =)


        • #5
          When we played that we just carried on in the same direction, and I think it got to the 60's, then it came to me...
          Originally posted by Facetious
          edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


          • #6

            need 2 dices:

            objective: throwing the dices: lowest person has to drink.

            You may throw 3 times, but the person who starts desides the maximum of throwing times. So if the starter only throws twice, you may only throw two times maximum.
            With one throw you may leave one dice on the table. Example: throw one is with 2 dices. On throw two, you may leave one. On throw three you have to use both again.
            Throwing a dice off the table = obviously drinking (standard rule with all dice games)

            Raking numbers:
            double number = make it a 100 number. so two 2's = 200. two 5's = 500.
            21 = "mex" it. the loser will have to drink double. (if two persons have 21 it will be, obviously, 3 drinks for the loser, etc)
            31 = point someone to drink. it's a bonus, doesn't count to the throwing adds. So if you already threw one time before it, make it to 31, then you can throw again and your throwing count is still on 1.

            Hint: if you have a number 2 or 3 on the table, don't be a wuss and leave one and go for the 21 or 31. Even if ya start with 200. (two 2's) This tactive gets ya drunk tho.
            Hint 2: team with everyone to always pick the same person with 31, Tehe.

            This game and the above game are, in my experiance, simple, quick drinking and most fun games.


            • #7
              Ahh! Me and my friends made a board game for when we are supposed to get a bit drunk. We called it cocktail, we even have some plastified cards "so that we dont lose them when someone throws up :sick: ". There is a number of pairs, a boy and a girl who play together and there is always a glas with some drink in front of each of those pairs, there is 2 dices that indicate the number of "houses" you can advance... there is 8 diferent types of houses, go back 10 houses, house to send another pair to drink, house where everyone drinks "toast", red card house, black card house, advance 10 houses, go back to begginning, and you win house of course. Every pair takes turns to roll the dice and do what the "house" mandates, pairs are disqualified if one of it's members throws up or pass out. The red card houses are questions that are posed to the group that landed in the red card spot, there is a lot of diferent cards with lots of interesting questions if they don't awser they must drink the number of glasses indicated, the black cards are things that the pair must do in order to pass the test, things like smoking a cigarrete with your nose :sick: running around the table pretty fast that sort of interesting and difficult things to do when you are drunk ^-^ , if they succeed in the test they will earn a reward that is stated in the card if they lose they will withstand the punishment "number of drinks" in the card. Pretty simple, pretty fun, we had lots of care doing the game and we played it already a dozen times... i can guarantee everyone gets real drunk... we drink a small glass of beer most of the time or small shot glasses if we are going for more alcoholic drinks, the later option is more crazy because you end up drinking ALOT.
              A kiss is a rosy dot over the 'i' of loving.

              Cyrano de Bergerac


              • #8
                Originally posted by ZeUs!!
                When we played that we just carried on in the same direction, and I think it got to the 60's, then it came to me...
                Try going to 70!
                With me on the board, we never pass 28. Best part is confusing people (well, they confuse me) with manipulating on your turn with the 'forbidden' number.


                • #9
                  You can't, its a multiple of 7. I liked the way you said "60??? TRY GOING TO 70!!!!" like its the famous extra killer 10 for the hardcore drinkers
                  Originally posted by Facetious
                  edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


                  • #10
                    oh yeah the other game you can play that confounds dumb people is to start out saying the numbers 1-21 in a circle

                    whoever gets to 21 can change one of the numbers to any word or phrase of their choice, including other numbers if they want

                    drink and start the counting over if you mess up
                    5:gen> man
                    5:gen> i didn't know shade's child fucked bluednady


                    • #11
                      Do you play Ring Of Fire in Jamerica? If not:

                      Ring of Fire

                      A deck of cards

                      Roughly spread the cards out into a circle, and sit around them. You each then take a card going round the circle, and do what the card tells you. If you break the circle take an extra drink to what the card tells you:

                      Ace: Have one shot
                      Two: Have two shots
                      Three: Nominate three shots - you can give all three to one person or spread them out amongst various people
                      Four: Down what you're holding
                      Five: Question card - Ask someone a question about a subject they know a lot about (and there's a chance they know the answer), and if they don't get it make them drink
                      Six: Everyone downs what they're holding
                      Seven: 7's - Rules outlined in SEAL's post
                      Eight: I have completely forgotten, make something up
                      Nine: Rule card - Invent a rule, it can be anything like everyone has to talk with a lisp, or assigning everyone names of the opposite sex, or not being able to swear or point, etc
                      Ten: Waterfall - Everyone starts drinking, and you can only stop when the person to your right has stopped. The person who picked the card is the first to stop. Basically the person to the right of whoever picked the card is fucked
                      Jack: Toilet card - You can only go to the toilet if you have one of these, and you have to redeem it when you do
                      Queen: Thumb card - You have to declare you have this card when you get it. At any point of the game you quietly put your thumb on the table (or your leg if you're on the floor) and wait for everyone else to notice you've done this, and they have to copy you. The last person to put their thumb down downs their drink
                      King: Accent card - Make someone adopt an accept - My favourite's pirate

                      We play the usual pub rules like you can't be double parked (you can't have two pints at once, so when you recieve a new one you have to neck the one you're currently working on)
                      Originally posted by Facetious
                      edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


                      • #12
                        40 Yard Dash

                        5 shots of Everclear
                        1 open field
                        Gullible people

                        You take the shots of everclear one at a time over about 10 minutes. You wait five more minutes, and then it's off to the races. You and your friends line up and see who can make it the farthest without falling over. If you finish, you're a winner.
                        5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
                        5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
                        5:royst> i wish it was calculus

                        1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something

                        1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead


                        • #13

                          Everyone gets a cup. Arrange all the cups in a circle with a middle cup, and fill them all with about a shot's worth of beer. Try to bounce a quarter into the cups and if it goes into the middle cup everyone drinks their cup, with the last person to finish getting to drink the middle cup. Make a shot and you go again. Make 3 shots in a row and you get to make a rule.
                          The song doesn't make your hands clap,
                          The hand claps make the song


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by ZeUs!!
                            Do you play Ring Of Fire in Jamerica? If not:

                            Ring of Fire
                            That's what we call Kings, what I was refering to as not remembering how to play when you're plastered. The rules are very different no matter where you go though, kind of like Beirut (though those varry less). I don't know what people play now, but I'm sure it's not much different than 8 years ago.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by ZeUs!!
                              You can't, its a multiple of 7. I liked the way you said "60??? TRY GOING TO 70!!!!" like its the famous extra killer 10 for the hardcore drinkers
                              hence the fun in the muliple of 7... 2 persons will go back and forewords..

                              but. oh i misread it. no thanks to my partipitation we never get past 49..

                              in my experiance the "mexican" and 7's are the most social/ fun ways ways. i know alot of games (they are easy to find on internet too) but most are either WAY to quick or difficult/ takes too long to learn someone.

