Aww sorry to hear about that Once I was babysitting for someone and their cat died. It was about 21 years old. Yea, I felt pretty horrible telling them about it.
(ph)>12 is just right
In the most dangerous game...warping will only prolong your defeat. ?go warpwars -Chao <ER>
1:Chao <ER>> what the FUCK?
1:Chao <ER>> I just adverted and no one came
1:Chao <ER>> at all
1:Mantra-Slider> chao
1:Mantra-Slider> you are in the wrong arena
Panda <ZH>> ?find chao <ER>
Chao <ER> - hero
Losing "family members" sucks. Luckily I still haven't lost any grandparents, but it shouldn't be too far away, my moms parents are 95 & 93, my dads are 78 each. I still can't imagine my dads parents die, neither can Displaced. They've always been there, and they should be there to remain.
Typing this after having 6 beers, it feels weird looking behind me onto my bed, and not having my cat there... it fucking sucks.
It really fucking sucks.
Originally Posted by HeavenSent
You won't have to wait another 4 years.
There wont be another election for president.
Obama is the Omega President.
Once I got a dog, probably the cutest puppy ever. He was a little yellow lab but he was very special, he had some gene inside him that turned most of his coat into this beautiful red colour. And he had these amazing green eyes. He was the coolest little guy ever. We only had him for a month or two and one morning he was just eating his food normally and he began choking. My dad took him outside and tried to stop him from choking but there was nothing he could really do.. the puppy died in his arms.
I've also got an amazing cat, one day about 6 or 7 years ago he just appeared on our back doorstep, so we let him in, and ever since then he has been just about the greatest pet ever. I don't even want to think about losing him.
Losing "family members" sucks. Luckily I still haven't lost any grandparents, but it shouldn't be too far away, my moms parents are 95 & 93, my dads are 78 each. I still can't imagine my dads parents die, neither can Displaced. They've always been there, and they should be there to remain.
Typing this after having 6 beers, it feels weird looking behind me onto my bed, and not having my cat there... it fucking sucks.
It really fucking sucks.
i know exactly how this feels, da1. i also haven't lost a family member yet, but then i suppose my animals were my family
my cat is sitting here on the desk with me, he's 13. i really can't fucking imagine him not being there. it makes me really, really sad knowing he'll be gone in a couple of years, and knowing no cat can replace him. it's a similar story to yours, Bob- he lives down the road but basicaly lives with us. he is pretty much neglected by his real owners. he's the bestest cat ever
Sorry to hear Da1. I've had many animals that I've loved that have passed away. It's sad and it sucks...but that's when you buy another one to love and to bring more joy.
I can't bear thinking about a life without our Mooch.
Last night I woke up at half past 1 to the sound of her crying outside my window. She had climbed up to the second story just to tell me to let her the inside; "It's cold out here ya bastard, let me the fuck in." Watching her scramble inside my window as I wound it out was hilarious even in the drowsy stupor I was in.
Don't get me started on Squeakers, our parrot. The way he chirps when taking a bath, the way he jumps up and down on his perch in anticipation of sharing our dinner, the way he goads you into tickling his belly and then after he's taken a chunk of flesh from your finger, laughs evilly, "KEKEKEKEKEKE" (I'm serious, he does sound like that)
it feels weird looking behind me onto my bed, and not having my cat there... it fucking sucks.
It really fucking sucks.
I sure can relate to that. Everytime for the first month I would look around in the usual places my cat would be, on the chair, the stairs, sitting on my bed, etc. That's probably the hardest part of the whole ordeal...looking around to their usual places and realizing they'll never be there again.
Used to have a really fat B&W cat who was quite a bitch... well, to other cats. If our younger cats would get close to her, she'd kick their asses. But she was cool, loved to curl up on peoples knees/stomachs. And if she was particularly crabby, would not let you get up.
Then we had a cat who was even older than her, older than me for that matter, who died at the age of 17 or 18. She used to be a stray, and was still very independant. For 18 years. she ended up getting cancer, and we had her put down. She didn't have the strength to stand, let alone eat or drink.
Still have two cats, a brother and a sister. The guy is very opinionated, his opinion usually being "feed me" or "pay attention to me" whereas his sister is the more independant sort that goes and hunts birds. (And hunts her brother)
Originally posted by Disliked
Imagine a world without morals... it would be like the tw community
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