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NBA and "The Man"

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  • NBA and "The Man"

    Ok, this article is about the NBA wanting to present a more professional image by banning jewlery during games. It's nothing less than vile that anyone in their right mind would genuinely argue that this is a race issue. There is NO DEDUCTIVE VALIDITY to the argument, it's illogical, lacks any sufficient or concrete support and is moronic to even propose. WHO AGREES WITH ME?

  • #2
    the fans of the nba are predominantly white and middle-class. the players of the nba are predominantly black. the upper-middle class folks that can actually afford tickets to games do not like black people dressing like black people, it scares them. hence, the dress code. professionalism, my ass. if tickets were mostly sold to black people youd absolutely never see this dress code in effect. i personally enjoy athletes having the ability to express themselves. if every nba player was as boring as tim duncan how the hell could you decide who to root for?
    5:gen> man
    5:gen> i didn't know shade's child fucked bluednady


    • #3
      Smart (but totally racist) business decision.

      The main problem with the league right now is not image, it's quality of play. The reason why most people think the game sucks right now because there's a lack of overall talent, and because players are more concerned about stats, getting a highlight on Sportscenter, and marketing dollars than about being a team player.

      The league is trying to put lipstick on a pig, and doesn't address the actual problem. It just makes its black players appear less threatening, which makes it more attractive to shallow, racist Americans. And let's face it...most Americans are shallow and racist.

      Who knows, it's probably a good strategy from the corporate perspective (which is what David Stern is supposed to be concerned with addressing). It makes its players more "marketable", less threatening, and puts the focus on the players instead of the refs and the shitty quality of play.


      • #4
        Originally posted by jesus=terrorist
        The reason why most people think the game sucks right now because there's a lack of overall talent, and because players are more concerned about stats, getting a highlight on Sportscenter, and marketing dollars than about being a team player.

        Seriously though, it might be smart from a business standpoint, but it's not going to fix the game's real problem, which is this: I can probably count on one hand the number of real basketball players left in the league. How many current point guards know how to actually run the floor like a point guard's supposed to do? I count two: Steve Nash and Jason Kidd. And they are two of my favorite players to watch because, excellent shooters as they are, they know their role and they adhere to it. Just about every other point guard in the league shoots first and asks questions later. They can't pass, can't direct traffic, can't work with their teammates period.

        I hated the Utah Jazz when I was growing up, but today watching game footage of John Stockton is like watching God himself on the court. He was the master of a lost art. Players today need to start putting their egos in check and play the sport the way it's supposed to be played instead of seeking personal glory. Personal glory doesn't win games, titles or gold medals. That's right, we lost to Argentina because our team was almost entirely comprised of selfish, idiotic showboaters that know next to nothing about the game. In Stockton's day, something like this would never happen.

        Good luck trying to re-educate these morons on the basics of the game though. Their primary logic is "ME HAVE BALL, ME SHOOT/DUNK BALL" and it'll stay that way until we get more point guards that can run the floor, and more players that don't think passing the ball is a cardinal sin.

        Fuck, I'm tired. I doubt any of that made sense, and it's completely off-topic. So uh.. yeah, the dress code is bullshit. You want loud and disruptive dressers? Bring back Dennis Rodman. Enough said. Shut up and play basketball.
        Originally posted by Tone
        It is now time for the energy shift of the 7th root race to manifest on the 3D physical plane and uplift us back to 5D.
        Originally posted by the_paul
        Gargle battery acid fuckface
        Originally posted by Material Girl
        I tried downloading a soundcard


        • #5
          Originally posted by PH

          ...watching game footage of John Stockton is like watching God himself on the court. He was the master of a lost art.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Jason Richardson
            "One thing to me that was kind of racist was you can't wear chains outside your clothing," he said. "I don't understand what that has to do with being business approachable. ... You wear a suit you still could be a crook. You see all that happened with Enron and Martha Stewart. Just because you dress a certain way doesn't mean you're that way. Hey, a guy could come in with baggy jeans, a do-rag and have a Ph.D. and a person who comes in with a suit could be a three-time felon.
            That is so true, and so deep.

