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Whats the stickiest beverage you've spilt on yourself

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  • #16
    Dandelion & Burdock


    • #17
      gatorade... its a bitch
      Big Chill


      • #18
        All I know is, when you spill 1/2 a beer on your keyboard, it pretty much never works the same again---no matter how many keys you remove and clean with Q-tips.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Pressure Drop
          i heard somewhere that rap supastar Ma$e was mentally handicapped. i think it was but i can't remember and don't have the willpower to look through all the episodes
          Originally posted by turmio
          jeenyuss seemingly without reason if he didn't have clean flours in his bag.
          Originally posted by grand
          I've been afk eating an apple and watching the late night news...


          • #20
            Originally posted by Pressure Drop
            This made me wonder if brown lemonade was the stickest substance ever.

            So in summary the stickiest beverage i've ever spilt on myself is sambuca i think.
            definitely the funniest thing thats been said on forums is a while

            ive never spilt sambuca on myself but i could see that being pretty sticky. same with jager, but ive never spilled that on myself either.

            as far as what ive actually spilled on myself, id say a gin gimlet? i dont know. i spill beer on myself all the time but rarely anything sticky.
            5:gen> man
            5:gen> i didn't know shade's child fucked bluednady


            • #21
              stickiest substance ever is tree sap. i hate that shit.
              Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
              apt>yes u can wtf
              apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
              apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
              apt>so i dont miss the toilet
              Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
              apt>ill show you pictures
              apt>next time I masturbate


              • #22
                Originally posted by Zabuza
                oh, lol, I got coffee on me once, sucked
                You shouldn't drink coffee it will stop your growth! and you're like 5'3 at age 13 or something i believe.. thats pretty tiny man
                1:Hydride> who we play next week
                1:ReNdErED> Pandora
                1:ReNdErED> gulp
                1:ReNdErED> if i see Ease im shiftin across map

                1:Hydride> best feeling EVER
                1:Hydride> its like if you get sacked and when the pain goes away feeling x 999999999999999999999999
                1:cranium> uve obviously never fucked a plastic bag filled with jelly inbetween the couch cushions
                1:cranium> talk about a feeling


                • #23
                  Coffee actually stunts growth?

                  3:Mega Newbie> bam ashlee whats wrong taking nude pictures???
                  3:Mega Newbie> its an art!!!!!!!!
                  3:Mega Newbie> only jealous girls and gays dont like it!!


                  1:megaman89> WOW IF U WERE TRAPPED IN A FIRE I WOULD RUN AND SAVE U ASH
                  1:Cape> then ud throw her back when she says she still isnt givin it up


                  tim> .?squad tim
                  BAM__ Ashl> ?squad tim
                  Squad: timo<3ashlee


                  MODERATOR WARNING: bam__ Ashlee is a sex machine -Mithrandia <ER>


                  • #24
                    I've never spilled sambuca on myself, but I have spilt Amaretto, and it's pretty sticky too. Alot like maple syrup, but it makes everything taste like Dr.Pepper.
                    I really do like pie

                    Aos> im a freelance Gynecologist

                    GHB>I AM ANGRY ON THE INTERNETf

                    Matchbot1> You can't challenge your own squad, silly :P


                    • #25
                      yeh its called a Dr. Pepper wen u mix it with coke and summit else maybe larger


                      • #26
                        lol reminds me of the time me and microstar was cycling back (yes Cycling!) from my house to his we stopped on the way to get a drink so i bought a chocolate fridge i think he got one too, and as we went cycling i read the bottle and it was like damn "shake well before use" which i hadn't done.
                        so i wedged the lid back on and gave a big shook but the lid wasnt on tight enuff and micro got covered in it lol. the good o'ld days
                        HTF <ER>> yes because i like 14 year old boys pretending to be female
                        Lance> Here is BCG's song
                        Social Lif> i bet u stole it fron utube >.>
                        HTF <ER>> thats what gets me hot


                        • #27
                          The stickiest beverage has to be a stick.
                          People who are rather more than six feet tall and nearly as broad across the shoulders often have uneventful journeys. People jump out at them from behind rocks then say things like, "Oh. Sorry. I thought you were someone else."


                          • #28
                            You do not know the feeling of a dumb friend spilling half a bottle of coke on your lap BEFORE the movie starts. You're in this dilemma of SHIT THIS SHIT IS HELLA STICKY, but you can't gtfo to get it cleaned because the movie just started and you don't want to miss anything...Fuck.
                            Failure teaches success.


                            • #29
                              I was once in a similiar state Kim, except half way through a movie (MI:2) I was offered some maltesers so I grabbed a handful and they melted pretty quickly, leaving me with chocolate hands, I rubbed them on my pants....and kept rubbing them and when I got out of the cinema it turned out the choclate had turned into some sort of white powder and it looked a bit dodgy.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Ashlee
                                Coffee actually stunts growth?
                                From what research says...
                                1:Hydride> who we play next week
                                1:ReNdErED> Pandora
                                1:ReNdErED> gulp
                                1:ReNdErED> if i see Ease im shiftin across map

                                1:Hydride> best feeling EVER
                                1:Hydride> its like if you get sacked and when the pain goes away feeling x 999999999999999999999999
                                1:cranium> uve obviously never fucked a plastic bag filled with jelly inbetween the couch cushions
                                1:menelvagor> ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOFL
                                1:cranium> talk about a feeling

