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Indoor Growing

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  • #31
    A couple of years ago there was a raid on a house near me because these chinese guys were growing lots of pot. How do they know? It was growing in their front garden. So let that be a lesson to you, don't grow it in your front garden.


    • #32
      capi i think you know who this is..

      anyways, let me tell you know that the mountie police have a huuuge task force dedicated to stuff like this - they actually follow people's electric use... now unless you can get around that somehow, i highly do not recommend what you are going to do, trust me you'll get fucked.


      • #33
        ok my opinion

        3 Factors i would suggest from growing my own.

        1 is the place to be stored.
        - If its a closet in your case, this needs to be sealed and thermo sealed, by this i mean insulation and protection from the law abiders, you know those silver like tin foil blankets they put around you at accident scenes you need to get hold of these and insulate your closet, this reflects the light and heat and hopefully away from mr copta in the sky trying to find people like you.

        2. is the light
        - now i have a board with 30 uv surface mount L.E.D's this is ez to make and costs very little, now these L.E.D's run off p6 battery so very low power needed yet it grew mine to 8fters.
        as long as your ok at soldering you can dazy chain a line upon line of these together or whereever you want them so you can get light anywhere you want it.

        3. heat and water
        - well my plants grew ok with natural lamp light which got pretty hot and in my cuboard the heat just stayed in from the lamp and was reflected with the foil around it. now with the water, i bought a cheap electrical timer on/off switch which i rigged up to a pump which was in a bowl that i refilled everyday. this is low cost but it provided the plants with water when i was too damn lazy to get off my stoned ass.

        hope this helps.
        HTF <ER>> yes because i like 14 year old boys pretending to be female
        Lance> Here is BCG's song
        Social Lif> i bet u stole it fron utube >.>
        HTF <ER>> thats what gets me hot


        • #34
          Originally posted by Fair
          3 Factors i would suggest from growing my own.

          1 is the place to be stored.
          - If its a closet in your case, this needs to be sealed and thermo sealed, by this i mean insulation and protection from the law abiders, you know those silver like tin foil blankets they put around you at accident scenes you need to get hold of these and insulate your closet, this reflects the light and heat and hopefully away from mr copta in the sky trying to find people like you.

          2. is the light
          - now i have a board with 30 uv surface mount L.E.D's this is ez to make and costs very little, now these L.E.D's run off p6 battery so very low power needed yet it grew mine to 8fters.
          as long as your ok at soldering you can dazy chain a line upon line of these together or whereever you want them so you can get light anywhere you want it.

          3. heat and water
          - well my plants grew ok with natural lamp light which got pretty hot and in my cuboard the heat just stayed in from the lamp and was reflected with the foil around it. now with the water, i bought a cheap electrical timer on/off switch which i rigged up to a pump which was in a bowl that i refilled everyday. this is low cost but it provided the plants with water when i was too damn lazy to get off my stoned ass.

          hope this helps.
          That does help alot actually, I never would of thought of a pump! This takes laziness to amazing new levels, grand achievments in the field of nothingness - I love it!

          I just can't wait to fricken move in! I'm going to get a bunch of spraypaint buddies of mine to do a mural on the wall in my living-room as well. B) I'm going to go with something magic/lotr - stoner/hippie - modern day styled - fucked up.
          7:Knockers> how'd you do it Paul?
          7:Knockers> sex? money? power?
          7:PaulOakenfold> *puts on sunglasses* *flies away*

          1:vys> I EVEN TOLD MY MUM I WON A PIZZA

          7:Knockers> the suns not yellow, its chicken
          7:Salu> that's drug addict talk if i ever saw it

          1:chuckle> im tired of seeing people get killed and other people just watching simply saying "MURDER. RACISM. BAD"
          1:chuckle> ive watched the video twice now


          • #35
            Watch your lighting sources wattage and what your plugging this into. A guy here in Philly burnt his house down and the one next to it due to improper ampage on the breakers he had. The lights shorted out the box and caused an electrical fire & in doing so it killed the neighbors in the fire as he was not even home to stop the fire or warn the sleeping neighbors.

            Bottom line is...the guy growing is up on Murder charges, as his neglect does not play a part and in noting it was all due to growing pot he is up shits crick with a turd for a paddle now.

            It's easy to grow indoors, but make sure your low or high pressure sodium lighting will not trip your breaker box as well as start a fire.

            I would definately use a combo of high and low pressure sodium lights to get the yield and strength that most desire.
            May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.


            • #36
              Originally posted by 404 Not Found
              Watch your lighting sources wattage and what your plugging this into. A guy here in Philly burnt his house down and the one next to it due to improper ampage on the breakers he had. The lights shorted out the box and caused an electrical fire & in doing so it killed the neighbors in the fire as he was not even home to stop the fire or warn the sleeping neighbors.

              Bottom line is...the guy growing is up on Murder charges, as his neglect does not play a part and in noting it was all due to growing pot he is up shits crick with a turd for a paddle now.

              It's easy to grow indoors, but make sure your low or high pressure sodium lighting will not trip your breaker box as well as start a fire.

              I would definately use a combo of high and low pressure sodium lights to get the yield and strength that most desire.
              I'll be sure to make all safe, I'm pretty sure my dad would ring my neck if his place (above mine) burnt to a crisp because of my stupidity. From the reading I've done, I think I'm going to start them on regular grow lights/flourescents, then goto MHs. If I can, I'd switch the MHs to HPSs once it hits the flowering stage.
              7:Knockers> how'd you do it Paul?
              7:Knockers> sex? money? power?
              7:PaulOakenfold> *puts on sunglasses* *flies away*

              1:vys> I EVEN TOLD MY MUM I WON A PIZZA

              7:Knockers> the suns not yellow, its chicken
              7:Salu> that's drug addict talk if i ever saw it

              1:chuckle> im tired of seeing people get killed and other people just watching simply saying "MURDER. RACISM. BAD"
              1:chuckle> ive watched the video twice now


              • #37
                Originally posted by Theif of Time
                oh? you weren't being facetious?
                Okay, I was being a facetious dumb brit.

                Originally posted by Captain Knockers
                I'm going to get a bunch of spraypaint buddies of mine to do a mural on the wall in my living-room as well. I'm going to go with something magic/lotr - stoner/hippie - modern day styled - fucked up.
                How the fuck can you combine LotR with hippies and stoners and anything modern? Like will you draw the elf person smoking a joint and shooting someone on the block?

                3:Mega Newbie> bam ashlee whats wrong taking nude pictures???
                3:Mega Newbie> its an art!!!!!!!!
                3:Mega Newbie> only jealous girls and gays dont like it!!


                1:Cape> then ud throw her back when she says she still isnt givin it up


                tim> .?squad tim
                BAM__ Ashl> ?squad tim
                Squad: timo<3ashlee


                MODERATOR WARNING: bam__ Ashlee is a sex machine -Mithrandia <ER>


                • #38
                  How the fuck can you combine LotR with hippies and stoners and anything modern? Like will you draw the elf person smoking a joint and shooting someone on the block?
                  .. that crazy, just maybe crazy enough to work! :grin:

                  I just want to incorporate all those things into the mural, it might be several pictures in one - or some crazy medieval battle on a street. Who knows?
                  7:Knockers> how'd you do it Paul?
                  7:Knockers> sex? money? power?
                  7:PaulOakenfold> *puts on sunglasses* *flies away*

                  1:vys> I EVEN TOLD MY MUM I WON A PIZZA

                  7:Knockers> the suns not yellow, its chicken
                  7:Salu> that's drug addict talk if i ever saw it

                  1:chuckle> im tired of seeing people get killed and other people just watching simply saying "MURDER. RACISM. BAD"
                  1:chuckle> ive watched the video twice now


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Capital Knockers
                    How do you force them to show their sex?
                    take off their pants..
                    Throughout time, there’s been
                    crimes, throughout our history
                    But not as great, as the one of late, affecting you and me
                    Once a nation proud and free, and now we’re weeping sorrow’s tears
                    Tragedy’s approaching, it’s worse than all your fears

                    Come on my countrymen
                    Come on and take a stand
                    Don’t let ‘em take away your land

                    the Wenger bus is coming
                    and all the kids are running
                    from London to Manchester
                    cos he's a child molester

                    fuck islam


                    • #40
                      i grow year round hydro and soil, what kind of lighting are you using, HPS metal-halide or flourescent. no its not all about lighting it also ventilation and your feeding schedule the best place i can tell you to go for question on the net is
                      and heres a forum that will help you ALOT

                      if you cant find answeres to your questions there then you're shit out of luck but when i started growing 3 years ago i searched all over the net and shit and weedtalk is the best outthere along with, from the help from ppl at weedtalk 3 years ago i now yield 3-5 oz's per plant in a 7x14 grow room with 750 watts of HPS for vegetive state and 500 watts MH for flowering

                      depending on how big your plants are, around 1 foot tall you should put them on a 12/12 light cycle with 12 light and 12 hours COMPLETE darkness to sex your plants and when you notice there males CUT THEM DOWN IMMEDIATELY this is how newbie growers ruin there plants is by not cuttying down the males soon enough so yea you need help go to them sites or post here


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Fair
                        3 Factors i would suggest from growing my own.

                        1 is the place to be stored.
                        - If its a closet in your case, this needs to be sealed and thermo sealed, by this i mean insulation and protection from the law abiders, you know those silver like tin foil blankets they put around you at accident scenes you need to get hold of these and insulate your closet, this reflects the light and heat and hopefully away from mr copta in the sky trying to find people like you.

                        2. is the light
                        - now i have a board with 30 uv surface mount L.E.D's this is ez to make and costs very little, now these L.E.D's run off p6 battery so very low power needed yet it grew mine to 8fters.
                        as long as your ok at soldering you can dazy chain a line upon line of these together or whereever you want them so you can get light anywhere you want it.

                        3. heat and water
                        - well my plants grew ok with natural lamp light which got pretty hot and in my cuboard the heat just stayed in from the lamp and was reflected with the foil around it. now with the water, i bought a cheap electrical timer on/off switch which i rigged up to a pump which was in a bowl that i refilled everyday. this is low cost but it provided the plants with water when i was too damn lazy to get off my stoned ass.

                        hope this helps.
                        ok he said...
                        "If its a closet in your case, this needs to be sealed and thermo sealed, by this i mean insulation and protection from the law abiders, you know those silver like tin foil blankets they put around you at accident scenes you need to get hold of these and insulate your closet, this reflects the light and heat and hopefully away from mr copta in the sky trying to find people like you."

                        yea you could do this, BUT the infrareds from copters and police WILL see heat thru that foil shit and that foil is the worst reflector you can get as it isnt even or smoth and creates hot spots on your plants and will burn right thru your leaves, also you want a grow room that is very well ventilated as well know plants eat carbon dioxide and give off oxygen...the better the ventilation the better your plants can breath and not suffocate, it can happen. the best reflector u can get would be to go to home dpot and get a piece of WHITE formica board since it will distribute light evenly and thouroughly and line your growing room with that, its also fire proof

                        ALSO if you can have a fan blow on your plants as soon as possible the wind may blow them sideways but thats what u want it will strengthen the stem so that when u get your buds starting and as they get bigger your plant wont faLL over from having too much weight and a weak stem

                        yea i know alot my fingers are tired and i gottas leave for work so post here and ill be home after midnight to answer more!


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Ashlee
                          How the fuck can you combine LotR with hippies and stoners and anything modern? Like will you draw the elf person smoking a joint and shooting someone on the block?
                          Originally posted by Facetious
                          edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by just
                            capi i think you know who this is..

                            anyways, let me tell you know that the mountie police have a huuuge task force dedicated to stuff like this - they actually follow people's electric use... now unless you can get around that somehow, i highly do not recommend what you are going to do, trust me you'll get fucked.
                            also true even in USA, if a electric company notices a spike in your electric and bill they will notify police and the ymay drive by with an infrared camera or fly above doing the same thing with a chhopper HENCE that is why u need it wel ventilated also...just think when they see a big huge red spot on the camera cuz all the heat is trapped inside a room its a danger to your plants and your freedom, but if your smart you will start your clones or seeds in a low flourescent light about 200-300 watts and then switch to HPS or your MH but i live in houston where the air conditoner runs 365 days a year so my bill is already 140 a month and with my lights its about 190 and i have quite a bit of wattage but there are ppl with more



                            • #44
                              No one has called me capi in a while, so tell me who you are

                              As for RCMP, I intend to use flourescents to start out, and while I start out, I'll let my Hydro bill run high (leave lights/tv or whatver on) so that when i switch to heat lamps, the bill won't spike cause I'll be really cautious of saving power. Besides, I'm growing 4 plants, I'm sure the RCMP has bigger fish to fry.

                              Glad you told me that male/female thing tho, thanks money.
                              7:Knockers> how'd you do it Paul?
                              7:Knockers> sex? money? power?
                              7:PaulOakenfold> *puts on sunglasses* *flies away*

                              1:vys> I EVEN TOLD MY MUM I WON A PIZZA

                              7:Knockers> the suns not yellow, its chicken
                              7:Salu> that's drug addict talk if i ever saw it

                              1:chuckle> im tired of seeing people get killed and other people just watching simply saying "MURDER. RACISM. BAD"
                              1:chuckle> ive watched the video twice now


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Capital Knockers

                                Glad you told me that male/female thing tho, thanks money.
                                That's what I said when I posted "Are you planning to force the young plants into showing their sex?" Changing the photoperiod while they are small to make them reveal their sex. Do note that this does take a bit out of the plants, sets them back some.

                                I said it was all 'about the light'. But it is also all about the seeds. I won't go into the obvious things about starting with quality seeds, but I would tell you to make sure you understand the parentage enough to be able to duplicate the photoperiod that the seed lineage expects. In other words, if you have seed lineage of a tropical strain from Hawaii, then you should replicate a photoperiod and seasonal duration that matches that. This would be different than a strain from say Afghanistan. The tricky part is if you have hybrid lineage, best to go with numbers that the parent plants did best under.

                                The issue of altitude is of interest to me. My experience is that it matters some, (if you match it closely you get very, very good results. If you don’t match it, you get pretty good results.) Would any other experienced people have opinions on this?

