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Spastic is another word for retard

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  • Spastic is another word for retard

    here is the log of a privbasing match with a mix of basers that dislike leviterrs versus spastic and people in favor of leviterring:

    (keep in mind, this is from spec)

    Log file open: dumbasslt
    namnlos> hey can i have a go at the basers laters?
    THE CRIMSON KIN> hey has anyone told these guys that levis aren't allowed in here?
    Windreaper> raven: learn to dodge
    Pure_Luck> do we get to duel after this? or u guys aren't good at that?
    Bluedandy> Muahaha
    MaisouL> proj
    MaisouL> logging
    THE CRIMSON KIN> I'm not good at that
    namnlos> in turretwarz?
    Raven__> ahh
    brookus> oopsie
    Overdue> nice banner
    Overdue> boo
    Overdue> hoo
    Windreaper> overshooting gets you killed only when you're dumb
    P MaisouL> want me to post it after game?
    Windreaper> for most people that's 90% of the time tho
    Top> fu poid
    Next elimination match is starting. Type ?go baseelim to play
    P Project [V-irus> doesnt look good coming from you
    pure_heat> rdy to stop now?
    Raven__> doh
    Raven__> i messed up
    Raven__> brb
    Windreaper> pure_luck: yes, you get to duel
    P MaisouL> simple log
    P MaisouL> :\ oh well
    Windreaper> heh, levi duel= ;
    P MaisouL> it will be fine
    namnlos> in turretwarz!
    Windreaper> terr w/ 3 levis attached
    Turbonium> what r we doing
    MaisouL> wow, someone in a lev already
    Raven__> lol
    Raven__> ill get you boo
    Pure_Luck> we are waitinf on somoene
    Raven__> doh
    Bluedandy> I R LEVI I R KEWL
    namnlos> lol not me base is for laggers!!
    tekwiz99> what took you so long? :0
    THE CRIMSON KIN> so lemme explain the ground rules. . in the base (that's that thing you LT around annoying people) there's this flag, see. and you want to take the flag and hold it
    arrogance <ZH>> hahaha
    Cpt.Guano! <ZH>> whats a base?
    Cpt.Guano! <ZH>> admnit!
    Pure_Luck> crimson.
    MaisouL> lol crim
    Pure_Luck> whats a flag?
    Cpt.Guano! <ZH>> how many levis can we get?
    arrogance <ZH>> 2d here to save the day
    brookus> ew
    arrogance <ZH>> 4 levis re allowed
    Raven__> ew indeed!
    Cpt.Guano! <ZH>> nice!
    THE CRIMSON KIN> it's like a little round crystal ball thingybob
    Pure_Luck> we go
    Raven__> sweet
    Cpt.Guano! <ZH>> greening is ok?
    Raven__> were actually having fun this game
    Pure_Luck> 1 terr 2 sharks rest spiders foru
    arrogance <ZH>> yes, green up your teams levis
    Raven__> muahahahaha
    Windreaper> we're going to play all lancs
    THE CRIMSON KIN> just pretend that everyone who isn't a terr is a levi and you'll do okay
    Turbonium> pfft
    Raven__> doh
    Raven__> ooh ns
    Raven__> ahh
    Raven__> professional rapists
    namnlos> laggy one.
    Raven__> true
    PhaTz> ?
    Raven__> you got me to 100
    PhaTz> matchbot?
    SuperMet> muahahahaha Da Farmer! rides again
    Windreaper> oo bot arrives, finally
    PhaTz> twbot
    arrogance <ZH>> here we go
    Puppet*Master> yay
    arrogance <ZH>> guano can you cap?
    Private Basing: Freq 1 vs. Freq 2
    brookus> eep
    Raven__> doh
    PhaTz> lol...
    arrogance <ZH> assigned as captain for Freq 1
    Cpt.Guano! <ZH> assigned as captain for Freq 2
    T MaisouL> are you going to allow them to have levs? <3
    Freq 1, pick a player
    tekwiz99> ow
    T Bluedandy> Hell no
    namnlos> ill smoke!
    T Windreaper> why not?
    T Pure_Luck> we aren't using levs
    T Pure_Luck> shut the fuck
    T arrogance <ZH>> attach to attack flag
    T Windreaper> just assign a spawn spid or two
    T MaisouL> are you sure, luck?
    namnlos> im back in 3 min!
    Windreaper in for Freq 1 with ship 8
    Freq 2, pick a player
    T Pure_Luck> positice
    T MaisouL> can you survive?
    pure_heat in for Freq 2 with ship 8
    Freq 1, pick a player
    Turbonium in for Freq 1 with ship 2
    Freq 2, pick a player
    T Pure_Luck> we aren't retarded
    T Bluedandy> I doubt that
    T MaisouL> omg it's the new disease POSITICE
    T Puppet*Master> youll see
    PhaTz in for Freq 2 with ship 3
    T Bigwig> chyeah. hahaha
    Freq 1, pick a player
    T tekwiz99> Remember: its not a proper repel unless its a repel :P
    T Puppet*Master> it will be good fight
    Bluedandy in for Freq 1 with ship 3
    Freq 2, pick a player
    Pure_Luck in for Freq 2 with ship 8
    Freq 1, pick a player
    BooHoo! in for Freq 1 with ship 3
    Freq 2, pick a player
    Turbonium> wow
    T Raven__> remember guys if you dont catch the bullets you wont be on the baseball team
    Puppet*Master in for Freq 2 with ship 2
    Freq 1, pick a player
    THE CRIMSON KING in for Freq 1 with ship 8
    Freq 2, pick a player
    P MaisouL> this is going to be halarious
    Turbonium> fastest picking i've seen in like a year
    SuperMet> wow LevTerr vs. the world lol
    arrogance <ZH>> lol
    T tekwiz99> Remember: its not a proper repel unless its a repel :P
    Pure_Luck> lol
    SuperMet in for Freq 2 with ship 3
    Freq 1, pick a player
    Pure_Luck> teams are already decided
    Windreaper> well, not too many options here
    brookus in for Freq 1 with ship 3
    Freq 2, pick a player
    MaisouL> turbo, I've gone this fast
    Windreaper> going to take a leak, brb
    Pure_Luck> Spastic vs these losers
    Raven__> NO
    Next elimination match is starting. Type ?go elim to play
    Raven__> oooo
    arrogance <ZH>> levterr vs. esteemed representatives of the basing community =]
    Bluedandy> $
    Turbonium> i dont care mais
    namnlos in for Freq 2 with ship 3
    Freq 1, pick a player
    Pure_Luck> levterr?
    Pure_Luck> wtf
    Pure_Luck> heh
    Raven__> its spastic vs world!
    MaisouL> ok turboner, be quiet
    brookus> sucky reps
    T tekwiz99> Remember: no leak is a good leak :P
    Da Farmer!> I cant get in awwwww
    Turbonium> i was only talking about what i saw
    Puppet*Master> more like spastic vs wr
    T delectable> hi farmer.
    T tekwiz99> unless... its a leak
    T Da Farmer!> hi
    T Raven__> remember: if you dont stop making that joke itll get old =P
    SuperMet> wait yeah i'm the only LevTerr here :P
    T delectable> how are you doing?
    Pure_Luck> dummy
    PhaTz> <- a-s
    2dragons in for Freq 1 with ship 3
    Freq 2, pick a player
    Raven__> pst spastic pick me =)
    Raven__> <- a-s too
    MaisouL> 2d in a spide, funny
    tekwiz99 in for Freq 2 with ship 3
    Freq 2, pick a player
    2dragons> isn't it
    MaisouL> yeah, hilarious
    brookus> highlarius
    THE CRIMSON KIN> riot on 3d street even
    delectable> pick me
    Raven__> woah
    Raven__> weird safes =/
    Cpt.Guano! <ZH> in for Freq 2 with ship 5
    Freq 1, pick a player
    arrogance <ZH> in for Freq 1 with ship 5
    Freq 2, pick a player
    MaisouL> is anyone else going to post this log or can I ignore what proj said and post it myself?

  • #2
    Windreaper> pak
    Cpt.Guano! <ZH>> uh hold on getting 1 more
    Pure_Luck> mai go eat a dick
    SuperMet> what happened to Phatz?
    Bigwig> luck, go eat your uncle
    MaisouL> that was to the antilt people luck
    C 1:MaisouL> lol ty bw
    Mefod in for Freq 2 with ship 3
    Windreaper> mef you traitor
    C 1:Marth and Roy> what?
    Freq 1 is ready to begin
    Freq 2 is ready to begin
    Both teams are ready, game starts in 30 seconds
    C 1:Marth and Roy> whoa
    arrogance <ZH>> gl LT's
    C 1:Marth and Roy> hello
    Cpt.Guano! <ZH>> gl!!
    Puppet*Master> gl
    Cpt.Guano! <ZH>> haha
    C 1:MaisouL> hi o.O
    arrogance <ZH>> die die die!
    SuperMet> good luck
    Cpt.Guano! <ZH>> be nice
    Go go go!
    C 1:Got Balls Biotch?> brb
    namnlos> see
    Thunderstroker> freq 1 lagout
    namnlos> lag wins
    namnlos> all time
    namnlos> base sucks
    Turbonium> !
    Cpt.Guano! <ZH>> tek
    Cpt.Guano! <ZH>> type !lagout to the bot
    T tekwiz99> lol, put me down <pressed f11 for accident>
    brookus assigned as captain for Freq 1
    E brookus> shark?
    ThiX> im here
    T tekwiz99> freq 2, spider
    Thunderstroker> ok
    Windreaper has been substituted by ThiX
    C 1:Bigwig> mai
    C 1:Bigwig> shark?
    T MaisouL> um tek..
    T MaisouL> :match:!lagout
    C 1:Got Balls Biotch?> i got a job for site design. 3 grand!
    T tekwiz99> LET ME back
    namnlos> lag
    T tekwiz99> it didn't work
    MaisouL> holy shit
    T POiD> !lagout to matchbot
    C 1:Got Balls Biotch?> <-- happy
    T tekwiz99> ok
    MaisouL> tekwiz99> lol, put me down <pressed f11 for accident> tekwiz99> freq 2, spider
    tekwiz99> !lagout
    Pure_Luck assigned as captain for Freq 2
    MaisouL> luck type :match:!lagout tek
    E tekwiz99> TY
    brookus> lol
    C 2:code> is there any other basing chats that notify with #myth starts? this one never does..
    Thunderstroker> this is fun
    Mefod> hate basing
    C 1:MaisouL> lol bw, mb
    C 2:code> pm me if so
    C 1:MaisouL> I can shark if you need it
    MaisouL> ?lag
    PING Current:170 ms Average:180 ms Low:140 ms High:17650 ms S2C: 0.4% C2S: 0.3%
    C 1:Thunderstroker> yeah
    Windreaper> networek problems
    arrogance <ZH>> i vote pure luck for terr
    ThiX has been substituted by Windreaper
    Thunderstroker> 7K-7- K
    Thunderstroker> oops
    Thunderstroker> 18-6
    Turbonium> asfd
    Turbonium> sa
    Turbonium> fas
    MaisouL> I can sub shark for wind if he needs it
    Turbonium> yga
    namnlos> die
    namnlos> laggy!
    Mefod> hate basing
    namnlos> hehe me to
    namnlos> lag wins...
    Thunderstroker> 12 minutes monsterscore posible
    MaisouL> ooo hey that's pretty good, keep talkin mef and namn
    Shade's Child> Arroz
    Shade's Child> turbos!
    Shade's Child> Bluuuue!
    Shade's Child> tck!
    T MaisouL> hey shade
    Shade's Child> bwook!
    T Shade's Child> hoi
    T MaisouL> this is basers vs lt's
    arrogance <ZH>> shadeeeeeeee
    T Mootland Farmer> Shade!
    T MaisouL> I'm logging and posting on forums afterwords
    Shade's Child> Sup sexy?
    T MaisouL> <3
    T Shade's Child> sweet
    brookus> oopsie
    Bluedandy> Oh hi Shade
    T Bigwig> i think they want to duel after this too
    T MaisouL> IN LEVS!
    T Bigwig> but i don't see anyone doing that
    Shade's Child> Win it and I'll give you all kisses!!!!
    Bluedandy> Yay Europop Just Can't Get Enough!!!
    MaisouL> ?find melo
    Not online
    T Thunderstroker> boohoo has a nice score
    T MaisouL> Pure_Luck> I WANT A SD IN THE BLUE SHIP
    T MaisouL> your mom has a nice ass
    T Shade's Child> boohoo is the shit
    T MaisouL> so true
    namnlos> OMFG
    T Shade's Child> can't wait til he gets back to form
    namnlos> DIE!"
    Last edited by Maisoul; 12-08-2002, 12:50 AM.


    • #3
      MaisouL> I just love your banner boo
      MaisouL> such a nice lt
      Puppet*Master> new
      Windreaper> $
      Puppet*Master> damnit
      arrogance <ZH>> not even close puppet
      T MaisouL> is it just me, or do they have a terr that's used to levs, sharks that are used to turreting and repping, and spiders that are used to protecting?
      T Shade's Child> that could be
      namnlos> 2dragons die someday?
      T Shade's Child> guano is a pretty good spid
      MaisouL> Die Another Day
      T Shade's Child> I wonder why they have him terring
      T Bigwig> what they have is, ass's used to being pumped, mouths used to sucking cock, and brains not used to working
      T MaisouL> Pure_Heat> GUANO YOUR A GOOD LT, YOU TERR
      Puppet*Master> god
      T Shade's Child> lol
      T Bigwig> guano doesn't kill ppl
      T MaisouL> that's a pretty good description, wig
      T Shade's Child> in spid?
      Mefod> thrustbullet $
      2dragons> hbit me
      T Bigwig> at least he's not supposed to
      2dragons> :0
      Thunderstroker> put anti on
      Turbonium> !@
      MaisouL> ?lag
      PING Current:180 ms Average:180 ms Low:140 ms High:17650 ms S2C: 0.9% C2S: 0.3%
      tekwiz99> laggot
      Turbonium> i know
      2dragons> damnit mefod
      Mefod> hehe
      MaisouL> lol wind
      Mefod> dont like the speedshots
      2dragons> nope
      MaisouL> ?time
      Time left: 5 minutes 20 seconds
      NOTICE: 5 minutes remaining.
      Bigwig> what a slaughter
      Cpt.Guano! <ZH>> haha again after
      Pure_Luck> lets go one more time after this. horrendous
      arrogance <ZH>> sure
      Shade's Child> we like to base
      Pure_Luck> or maybe u should go with one squad not all of u put together
      arrogance <ZH>> just wait till twdb =]
      arrogance <ZH>> one squad is gonna be worse
      Shade's Child> well, we don't have 8 on
      MaisouL> pure, you'd still be owned.
      arrogance <ZH>> then you have chemistry and teamwork to deal with
      namnlos> ??????????????????
      namnlos> YOU DIED!
      brookus> lol pup
      namnlos> OMG!
      Bigwig> just let us merge with diso and then we'll play you
      Turbonium> lol
      Puppet*Master> fuekn die3
      T Head_Hunter> yo
      T Mootland Farmer> yo
      T Head_Hunter> hey moot
      T Shade's Child> Hello
      Cpt.Guano! <ZH>> haha ow
      T Head_Hunter> hey maisoul
      T Head_Hunter> yo poid
      T MaisouL> hi head
      T Head_Hunter> what up
      T POiD> oi
      T POiD> afk shower time
      T Head_Hunter> whats knew
      T MaisouL> poid is sexy
      T Head_Hunter> lol u need it
      T MaisouL> head go stalk him
      arrogance <ZH>> <insert comment about how levterring != basing here>
      T Head_Hunter> on it
      Shade's Child> I have no pants
      Mootland Farmer> I like sand
      MaisouL> we're thrilled to hear that, shade
      Turbonium> oops
      Cpt.Guano! <ZH>> HAHA ow
      Puppet*Master> lamer
      Cpt.Guano! <ZH>> ns
      Puppet*Master> gtf in base
      brookus> lamer? lol
      SuperMet> it wasn't lame puppet
      Turbonium> no laming in basing
      MaisouL> ?time
      Time left: 2 minutes 19 seconds
      T Head_Hunter> robo ref died
      MaisouL> ?lag
      PING Current:160 ms Average:180 ms Low:140 ms High:17650 ms S2C: 0.9% C2S: 0.3%
      Windreaper> wow
      Puppet*Master> omg
      Puppet*Master> dont warp
      T Shade's Child> again?
      Bigwig> omg
      Bigwig> stop whining
      C 6runken Tiger> anywaone want to do a 4vs4 sd durl for fun?
      Turbonium> i didnt warp
      Turbonium> i died
      C 6runken Tiger> duel*
      T Head_Hunter> sigh yea
      2dragons> die!
      Mefod> hehe
      C 6:Lockdown> ooh ooh me
      T Head_Hunter> prob a hacker
      tekwiz99> lol
      C 6:Lockdown> challenge us
      Windreaper> $
      T Mootland Farmer> ^
      Turbonium> $
      T Head_Hunter> poid hows melee?
      C 6runken Tiger> no.. not that hardcore.. just in priv arena
      ThiX> 100
      T Shade's Child> showering
      T MaisouL> poid said showering
      T MaisouL> :\
      T Head_Hunter> o yea
      T Shade's Child> all of melee is in the shower
      T MaisouL> with poid
      T Head_Hunter> i gota get my nockerlers
      NOTICE: 1 minute remaining.
      T Head_Hunter> dam i should join melee then
      SuperMet> yay we finally got base!
      C 4:vietsoul> girls girls yum yum yum
      Windreaper> o?
      SuperMet> um... scratch that
      brookus> and then
      Head_Hunter> wrong!
      Head_Hunter> lol
      C 4:vietsoul> girls girls they r so fun
      Windreaper> ew
      Shade's Child> lol supermet
      Windreaper> soz team
      namnlos> DIE
      C 4:vietsoul> girrrrrrrrrrllllllsss i want girls
      C 4:exiled soul> in bed
      C 4:vietsoul> some ex
      Result of Freq 1 vs. Freq 2: 125032 - 10241
      Freq 1 wins this game!
      BooHoo!> gg
      NOTICE: Game over
      Windreaper> gg
      brookus> gg
      ThiX> gg
      Bluedandy> gg
      arrogance <ZH>> gg =]
      Cpt.Guano! <ZH>> haha gg
      MaisouL> gg
      namnlos> gg
      SuperMet> gg
      Puppet*Master> gg
      MVP: 2dragons!
      Cpt.Guano! <ZH>> okok AGAIN!
      Mootland Farmer> gg
      Head_Hunter> gg
      SuperMet> yay i got most points!
      arrogance <ZH>> hehe
      Shade's Child> fine by us
      pure_heat> shit game but go
      namnlos> laggy one!
      Cpt.Guano! <ZH>> let us regroup for a sec
      arrogance <ZH>> you guys want another?
      SuperMet> i got most points! 1941 ! woohoo
      Pure_Luck> of course
      Cpt.Guano! <ZH>> yes please
      arrogance <ZH>> ok
      namnlos> sure a duel in turretwarz!!
      Shade's Child> we'll pass on that namn
      namnlos> scared?
      arrogance <ZH>> this is about LT's trying to prove their worth in basing, not the other way around
      Windreaper> that's where it's going to end up anyway
      Bigwig> yeah. where else would you put it
      Shade's Child> Mai: Hippy Pappy Bithuthdy
      Head_Hunter> mai: 89 again
      Bluedandy> It's Mai's birthday? wtf?
      MaisouL> no it's not

      (refer to subject name)
      Last edited by Maisoul; 12-08-2002, 12:53 AM.


      • #4
        This should prolly be moved to the useless forum.
        .: Website, Reseller & Adult Hosting


        • #5
          it was requested, so don't blame me


          • #6
            wow, people can be such jerks

            Spastic is better than any squad you are in, maisoul.

            Don't judge others.


            • #7
              do i really sound that funny when logged?

              anyways... i wanna say thanks to all the basers that put up with our sucking and didnt rub it in our faces. you guys were great and had excellent attitudes and everything. that was a lot of fun

              beware though... Spastic will get better at basing and we will put up one hell of a fight in twd!!!

              oh yeah and thanks to everyone that played with us that wasnt on spastic... domi spearhead namn mef and phatz


              • #8

                he mentioned me,


                • #9
                  oh... and to maisoul:

                  this is for you



                  • #10
                    Umm, Mai stop talking shit. Everyone knows we dont practice basing as much as u guys since thats all u do. We did compete the third round. Overall, we will be ready for leagues and the basers were actually nice cept for the loser who started this post.


                    • #11


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Pure_Luck
                        Umm, Mai stop talking shit. Everyone knows we dont practice basing as much as u guys since thats all u do. We did compete the third round. Overall, we will be ready for leagues and the basers were actually nice cept for the loser who started this post.
                        you mean like how LTing is all YOU do?
                        and its just a log, you didn't complain when he said he was gonna put it up, so stop bitching now.


                        • #13
                          LTin'g isnt all we do. We tend to duel more than LT lately. So you should stfu. this post wasn't even directed towards you. Yet you take it out to bash us. We play your game , you talk shit, we play our game, you talk shit. we aren't going to stop LTing so maybe you should treat us differently. Just a thought, bigwig. I'm sorry the whole reason you play pubs is to stop us. sad. But besides u and mai, i think everyone else will agree it was fun and we should do it again. And respect that we based the same way you guys do .


                          • #14
                            Before I move this to UC, why on earth was this posted?
                            gravy_: They should do great gran tourismo
                            gravy_: Electric granny chariots
                            gravy_: round the nurburgring

                            XBL: VodkaSurprise


                            • #15
                              Maisoul isn't a baser. He's a whiner, lagger and a typer. There's a huge difference. And btw

                              O_o <----
                              Originally posted by Diakka
                              Lets stop being lil bitches

