Dameon, i'm planning to download or buy all seasons of Lost, I think i'll go with buy because it probably much better quality and dont want to watch alot of episodes in shit 100 by 100 pixel quality.
After wasting my time quickly deciphering the top of the site, using translator says LETATCHFISHLDAYTHENTHROWTHEMAYT, I obviously made some mistakes but that gives you a rough idea.
And under the army men says DARKSTONELIGHTSTONE.
Of course it's Dark Stone Light Stone, and Lets Catch Fish All Day Then Throw Them Away.
Hmm, dark stone light stone seems to be a reference to the stones either used in Locke and Walt's backgammon game or, even moreso, the stones found with "Adam and Eve" in the caves. Apparently Jack still has them.
And they always fish for fish .... dunno the relevance of that one.
And they always fish for fish .... dunno the relevance of that one.
Well, exactly, they always fish for fish, but this time they throw them away, maybe something wrong with the fish? Or maybe they start fishing for fun!