The technology will come on gradually and be gently eased into society so you cant fight it. you wouldnt want to fight it if it were devoloped as a good and ethical thing rather than a brave new world thing anyway. everyone wants to feel good. i think ill just list some random words now instead of typing more sentences.
pleasure, motivation, happiness, focus, concentration, content, peace, love, social, unity, empathy, high, good, positive, euphoria, clean, balanced, calm, energy, purity, clearity, beauty, perception, good vibe, imagination, diversity, harmony, warm, enhancement, drive, success, dulcet, orgasm, functionality, fun, enjoy, intelligence, psychedelia, synaesthesia, wonderful, amazing, joy, tranquility, easy, reward, friendly, heart, lighthearted, open, openhearted, communication, connection, great, nice, real, sucure, dream, tweak, stimulation, confidant, freedom, accomplish, expanded, consciousness, perfection,
pleasure, motivation, happiness, focus, concentration, content, peace, love, social, unity, empathy, high, good, positive, euphoria, clean, balanced, calm, energy, purity, clearity, beauty, perception, good vibe, imagination, diversity, harmony, warm, enhancement, drive, success, dulcet, orgasm, functionality, fun, enjoy, intelligence, psychedelia, synaesthesia, wonderful, amazing, joy, tranquility, easy, reward, friendly, heart, lighthearted, open, openhearted, communication, connection, great, nice, real, sucure, dream, tweak, stimulation, confidant, freedom, accomplish, expanded, consciousness, perfection,