in your opinion looking for intelligent life on another planet may be a waste but not in mine or many others.
Although unlikely it could have potential benifits if you found an intelligent race willing to give us superior technologies etc... but the chance of this happening are very remote as finding intelligent life has proved fruitless so far and communicating with them could involve a time lag of 10's to 100's of years for nearby stars in our galaxy and realisticaly they are probably even further away.
I don't think they spend that much on it in reallity sepecialy if you compare it with something like USA's war bill for Iraq :P
our curent technology isn't capable off getting to a nearby planet out side our solar system let alone carry armed forces to enslave another intelligent race.
anyways why is space exploration mutualy exclusive to researching our close linked chimpanze and other apes?
Lets do both, and feel alright.
Although unlikely it could have potential benifits if you found an intelligent race willing to give us superior technologies etc... but the chance of this happening are very remote as finding intelligent life has proved fruitless so far and communicating with them could involve a time lag of 10's to 100's of years for nearby stars in our galaxy and realisticaly they are probably even further away.
I don't think they spend that much on it in reallity sepecialy if you compare it with something like USA's war bill for Iraq :P
our curent technology isn't capable off getting to a nearby planet out side our solar system let alone carry armed forces to enslave another intelligent race.
anyways why is space exploration mutualy exclusive to researching our close linked chimpanze and other apes?
Lets do both, and feel alright.