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I see them on the other side

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  • I see them on the other side

    This is freaking me out:

    AS HE huddled with 11 fellow miners trying to shelter from poisonous air in one of the furthest reaches of the Sago Coal Mine, Martin Toler took an insurance form and a pencil from his pocket.

    In his sentences of farewell, he let his family know that death, as it approached, came with little pain.

    "Tell all - I see them on the other side," wrote Mr Toler, 51, a mine foreman. Nearby were the words, "It wasn't bad. I just went to sleep." And at the bottom: "I love you."
    Full story here:

    Did he really see something or was he hallucinating??
    ☕ 🍔 🍅 🍊🍏

  • #2
    Perhaps he meant I = I'll

    He was dying after all, you can't expect his grammer ot be perfect.


    • #3
      Odd how when one is deprived of oxygen what they see in their minds. Try depriving yourself...can easily be done on whippets; N2O - Nitrous for those educated or Hippy Crack. I have seen the oddest things when watching ppl are on this.

      I just think his brain was effected by the effects of being deprived of oxygen. You brain functions/activity increase when deprived of oxygen, as well as when you are dying..that's why people become lucid and see there life pass just befoe they go. Stimulous perhaps?
      May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.


      • #4
        Perhaps he means the afterlife HMMMMM?
        Originally posted by Facetious
        edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


        • #5
          Originally posted by ZeUs!!
          Perhaps he means the afterlife HMMMMM?
          or perhaps it's just that he was from West Virginia, where every mans sister is usually his own mother too & visa versa.
          May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.

