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The Queens Hotel

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  • The Queens Hotel

    Outside the Queens this morning theres a banner advertising a psychic festival

    Whats the point in advertising for a psychic festival? All the people who are going to turn up to it will already know about it
    Originally posted by Facetious
    edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)

  • #2
    I knew you were going to post that


    • #3
      they need people to hoax too.
      1:Remu> by the way, valker is expensive...
      1:M_M God> well, but you get quality time for your money
      1:M_M God> and I like how his beard tickles me
      2:Falk> finland = part of united kingdom?
      1:RiiStar> lol i think i killed TW :D


      • #4
        That's a trippy thought, even though it's been said many times before.
        Originally posted by Tone
        Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


        • #5
          There's a Queen's hotel and pub in Barrie, Ontario. The drinks are cheap until 10:30 on saturday nights, but it doesn't get rammed until midnight, then it's an awesome place to dance and get drunk.
          There once was a man from Nantucket.

