No they didn't have a GC, that was my other brother..... I know they thought they wanted an xbox so that's partly why I got it... I'll get them Tony Hawk 4 for sure.... and will look into Halo(+JSRF) if they get live.... TYVM Sleepy Weasel.
Banzi> im gangsta
yungsta> i say #1 overall player is Bhang
yungsta> banzi is like top 500
Khons> id say banzi
genes> in base elim?
Ramiel> lol
yungsta> naw, banzi is trash
Khons> or maybe mineral :)
To all the virgins, Thanks for nothing
brookus> my grandmother died when she heard people were using numbers in their names in online games.. it was too much for her little heart
Again I will voice my view. Growing up I was a Nintendo kid and then I went to Computer (the highest level of gaming as far as I am concerned) But recently I bought a PS2 becasue there are so many games and so much to do with it. The market is proving that the PS2 is also the choice console. But it all comes down to what you want to do with your system weather you want to go online or player multiplayer at home, not have to worry about your memory or collect memery cards.
"Bilbo" SS is a sophisticated chat channel, nothing more.
Super Smash Brothers Melee is one of my all-time favorite games. I wasn't disappointed with my N64, but my GameCube (cool name) has limited game choices. But I'm not interested in all the garbage like sports games, racing games, kid games, and "sucker" games like Zelda or Mario Sunshine. I look at the content, not the name, how many people would have liked Star Wars Episode 2 (let alone Episode 1!) if it wasn't a Star Wars movie? Same goes for Mario Sunshine.
Edit: Anyone know when Mario Kart is scheduled to come out?
Personally, I will have to go with the Xbox. Look at it from the online aspect. Xbox live is far superior to what the PS2 has to offer. Whereas, the Xbox can geared for internet play allready. It has a 40gb harddrive and an ethernet port. With a PS2 you need to BUY a hard drive and BUY a ... modem. With your PS2, anyone with a 56k connection (after purchasing a modem) can get on a server, whereas with your Xbox you need Boradband. Many would say that is the downfall ot online Xbox, but the oppisite it seems to me. I have Xbox live, and I have never once encountered the scantest bit of lag. With my friends online PS2 (thought he has cable) there are frequent lagouts from the people on 56k. As one who has b oradband, like most poeple do now days, the Xbox is obviously the right choice. And when new games like UT2003, It would seem to me that the Xbox will hail supreme in the online console industury.
Originally posted by stark out of those two.. ps2. overall gamecube own
s you all.out of those two.. ps2. overall gamecub
e owns you all.out of those two.. ps2. overall ga
mecube owns you all.out of those two.. ps2. ove
rall gamecube owns you all.out of those two.. ps
2. overall gamecube owns you all.out of those tw
o.. ps2. overall gamecube owns you all.out of tho
se two.. ps2. overall gamecube owns you all.out
of those two.. ps2. overall gamecube owns you a
ll.out of those two.. ps2. overall gamecube owns
you all.out of those two.. ps2. overall gamecube
owns you all.
[EDIT:Actually Mario Sunnshine is a damn solid platformer, much better than any piece of goat shit that sony has ever shitted out of its shitty shit hole. Don't let it's theme and name throw you off, just because its not goth black enough for you fuckers that are too cool for school, it's fun and has more gameplay than anyone is willing to admit at the rick of some 13 year old disapproving of them or some bullshit like that.]
I'd go with X-Box. It may not have many established games, but theres some nice titles. And despite what Sony fanboys say the controler and system size are perfectly alright. I would probably take gamecube second.
PS2 offers more variety, but IMO lesser quality games. Plus, its (or at least was) a big money drain.
Psychiatrists say that 1 of 4 people is mentaly ill. Check 3 of your friends; If they're ok, your it.