I was wondering what some of you think about an issue that I can't seem to get an opinion on. I started thinking about this because of North Korea and Iran (and some other countries) wanting to use nuclear technology.
Is it okay for a country (or a group of countries) to tell another country it isn't allowed to possess nuclear technology, or limit it's capabilities when the country saying that already possesses the technology itself?
Just to clear up where im stuck. I think it's clearly a bad idea for countries like Iran who clearly don't have a stable leader/governemnt to have such technology but, is it morally okay for a country who already has the power to tell another country (which it has no authority over) that it can't have the same technology?
Is it okay for a country (or a group of countries) to tell another country it isn't allowed to possess nuclear technology, or limit it's capabilities when the country saying that already possesses the technology itself?
Just to clear up where im stuck. I think it's clearly a bad idea for countries like Iran who clearly don't have a stable leader/governemnt to have such technology but, is it morally okay for a country who already has the power to tell another country (which it has no authority over) that it can't have the same technology?