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GWB Ranting

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  • GWB Ranting

    WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush on Thursday defended his administration's decision to allow a company from an Arab country to operate six major U.S. ports, saying, "People don't need to worry about security."

    Abdel Khaleq Abdullah, a professor at UAE University, said the opposition appears to include "a bit of bigotry."

    "If it was an African country or a European country or an Asian country, it would not have been subjected to this kind of scrutiny," he said.

    "But since this is just purely an Arab country, I think it just stopped some of the lawmakers who are making a big deal out of a purely legitimate business transaction."

    Um...ok...funny that every time I read the news or turn on the TV and see the news, it always has some pictorial of some Arab country burning the American and now Danish flags, calling death to all in the Western world.

    I would not call it bigotry, but just media exposed feelings that shine from the UAE, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Pakistan and so on.....all from their own Arab media sources too!

    It is obvious that they do not have a liking for anything American or Western in culture, except money...and now that Denmark is being targeted too....wouldn't you be a bit worried about a Port of your country being supervised by the UAE? A country being accused of allowing nuke technology to pass through their own ports to N. Korea & Iran? Money laundering to terrorist groups? Marshall Law within their own country more times in the past decade than most have fingers on their hands?

    At his Cabinet meeting, Bush questioned whether a double standard was being applied to a Middle East company, saying, "I find it interesting that it's OK for a British company to manage ports, but not OK for a company from a country that's also a valuable partner" in the war on terror.

    Yeah it's ok for the Brits...they own more real estate in the US than most US citizens & have been a long standing allie to the States for over 100 years. Not to mention so many of us here have centuries of blood lines through Europe and especially the UK! God Bush is a F'n ahole!!!!!!!

    Bush added, "It's really important that we not send mixed messages to allies."

    Um...and again...ok? What a Fu%k Wad! Mixed messages? how about invading a country for WMD and later admitting there where none? What kind of mixed message? This so called war on terror? They go after Sadaam because he had one or two meetings with Osama? Cut me a break...Rumsfeld should be considered Sadaam's butt budy then for the amount of times he met with Sadaam! This entire war was a SHAM!!!!

    If you have not guessed....I am on my Bush Rant!!!

    And now the Arab League of US Citizens is upset? Get over it...stop labeling yourselves as Arab Americans...for F' Sake...either your an American Citizen or not...and if not get the F' out of the country if you feel your being repressed!

    I guess I should have to label myself as a Scottish-Dutch-German-Ukranian-American? NOT!!!

    Pfft! I hate this countries Govt. BS that they president considers himself an Evangelist! ex drug addict cocaine using alcholic schmuck he is!
    May your shit come to life and kiss you on the face.

  • #2
    Plane flies too low into airport

    Plane flies too low into airport
    Meer End Map
    Inquiries have started after an aeroplane landing at Birmingham International Airport came in too low.

    The passenger airliner is reported to have descended to 600ft (182m) six miles from the airport - experts said it should have been at 1,800ft (550m).

    National Air Traffic Services has confirmed the incident near Kenilworth, Warwickshire, happened on Thursday.

    The aircraft and its flight data recorder are being held by the Air Accidents Investigation Branch.

    The Airbus A310, with an unknown number of passengers on board, was being operated by Iranian airline Mahan Air.

    It was spotted flying low over Honiley, near Kenilworth, as it began its descent at about midday.

    A farmer in nearby Meer End rang the airport to say a plane had flown too low over his farm.

    John Conneally said he could see the plane's wheels were down.

    "It looked like it was only 200 to 300 feet up as it nearly hit the straw stack. It happened so quickly it was like a boom," he said.

    The plane then started to climb again, he said.

    "The pilot on the plane must have seen us. We were looking after the cattle in the shed and the cattle went mad," he added.

    Reports say the pilot was alerted and told to climb, which he did before making a second attempt at landing.
    The Airbus A310, with an unknown number of passengers on board, was being operated by Iranian airline Mahan Air.
    was being operated by Iranian airline Mahan Air
    Iranian airline Mahan Air
    Iranian airline
    And with that, the mystery is solved
    Originally posted by Facetious
    edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


    • #3
      Watch out zeus, don't let them fly planes into your nuclear power plants and steal your uranium.

      Stand tall, England!
      --|-- Question #60 | Category: History
      --|-- Question: What husband wife team starred in "a turkey for the president"?
      --|-- Hint: Starts with 'Ron'
      ConCor> ronald reagan
      ConCor> ronal
      --|-- No one has given the correct answer of 'Ronald and Nancy Reagon'


      • #4
        I'm going to Birmingham next wednesday, I do not want to be going anywhere near their airport

        Edit: The train station is next to the airport. Shit
        Edit #2: Apparently the train station I'm going to isn't next to the airport, it turns out there's 3 stations in Birmingham. The gig venue is directly next-door to the airport, however
        Last edited by ZeUs!!; 02-24-2006, 05:33 AM.
        Originally posted by Facetious
        edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)

