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Nintendo DS or PSP

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  • #31
    Speaking of the DS Lite- it comes with some on-board memory that can be used with the Opera browser to store stuff like favourites, pictures etc..

    There's also the MAX Media Player out for the DS, which is simply a cartridge that fits into SLOT-2 which is used for GBA games. The MAX Media Player can store up to 4GB of music, movies, pictures and even homebrew software that can be loaded on the DS- soon you will be able to emulate all the classic games and even hack Wi-Fi networks with just your DS.


    • #32
      I never heard of DSL getting a ram upgrade, however the Opera web browaser DS cart comes with a gba cart for it that contains basically a gba cart's storage worth of extra RAM.

      And that Max Media 4g gba cart costs an insane amount, for about at least (or perhaps, at the most) half to a quarter of the price, you can easily get a half to a quarter of the same amount of storage ability, with better homebrew compatability, not to mention the size would only be a centimeter or two taller than a GBA cart, instead of a big rectangle hanging out on the bottom of your DS, a ridiculous difference in size if you've seen both of these things.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Mr. Peanuts
        DS beats PSP with battery life and general fun. DS is way better for gameplay in my opinion.

        Mario 64 DS is awesome,
        Metroid Prime: Hunters is awesome,
        Mario Kart DS is awesome

        An online Super Smash would be awesome.
        It should be possible to make Super Smash to DS, but I have a feeling that the machine is a bit too weak to make a good fighting game. All the fighting games til now on the DS is pretty crap.

        Saw some pics of the upcoming Guilty Gear X fighting game on the DS, was horrible, it's destroying the series completely.

        BUT! There's still hope, heard some good fighting games are gonna come, so I'm still hoping. Actually, PSP has more potential than DS when it comes to fighting games.

        Originally posted by Richard Creager
        New Super Mario Bros., the first true SMB title since the SNES.
        Sure sounds like fun, maybe.
        The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hour Glass.
        If it doesn't turn out to be a better game than Link's Awakening I won't be pleased.
        Final Fantasy III, the last FF game to be released in North America.
        We can only hope its the last final fantasy released ever.
        Seiken Densetsu DS: Children of Mana, a continuation of Square's Mana series.
        Same as zelda, but seiken is in a much worse boat since none of them past the first one has been worth playing.
        Final Fantasy is good, stop hating you mainstream gamer hoe. And the new screens from it looks badass. The remake in 3D should be great. Can't wait.

        Scans from the game:

        Tales of the Tempest is gonna have lots of potential. Looks pretty neat.

        Short video:

        The first game on the SNES is one of the greatest RPG, and the ones who came later was just bad (haven't played them all, just assuming). A typical thing for the Tales Of.. series is that you control the main character, and the rest of the party is just retarded with a shitty AI, but I hope they improve the battle system in this one.

        Seiken Densetsu DS: Children of Mana; I agree, I'm sure its gonna be as shitty as the rest, the only good game was Secret of Mana 2/Seiken Dentetsu 3, the first (Secret of Mana) and the rest of the series is crap.

        New Super Mario Bros.: I'm exited, I'm gonna buy this one for sure.

        2 good RPGs, and a remake of Vagrant Story, heard some other good RPGs were coming too, and lots of other fun games, DS is gonna own, so I'm gonna buy it for sure, but I'm gonna get my Ps3 first before I buy a DS.

        Hopefully Nintendo is done releasing Nintendo DS Lite #8543 with 50 hours battery capacity til then.
        Last edited by RATTY...; 04-23-2006, 08:50 AM.
        DuelBot> You have defeated 'nessy' score: (20-11)
        Nessy> i left for 3 years clean
        Nessy> came back got on rampage, won twl, #1 in elim for 3 weeks, not even tryin, gg

        1:King Baba> i know my name is King Baba, but you can call me Poseidon

        I Luv Cook> I'll double penetrate your ass:/

        Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. But anger is like fire. It burns it all clean.

        Broaden your horizons, read my blog:


        • #34
          Sigh ratty, you're so fucking wrong it hurts, Final Fantasy has always been shit, learn yourself some Dragon Quest or get the hell out of gaming.

          Also, "secret of mana" and seiken 3 are infinitely inferior to SEIKEN DENSETSU FUCKING ONE MOTHERFUCKER, ALSO, THE TWO SEQUELS ARE ABSOLUTE SHIT.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Richard Creager
            Sigh ratty, you're so fucking wrong it hurts, Final Fantasy has always been shit, learn yourself some Dragon Quest or get the hell out of gaming.

            Also, "secret of mana" and seiken 3 are infinitely inferior to SEIKEN DENSETSU FUCKING ONE MOTHERFUCKER, ALSO, THE TWO SEQUELS ARE ABSOLUTE SHIT.
            Are you being funny with me? I've played through some Dragon Quests games on the SNES, and VII on the PS, its still shit. I'm sure you only played DQVII cause it was the first one that came to US.

            I agree with you about the Mana sequels being shit, add the first one too, and you got it right. SoM 2/SD 3 is the only good one.

            But really, our taste are quite different, anyone whos a fanboy of Castlevania is just sad. The latest games of Castlevania = Run kill same monsters over and over to you get the skills, rinse and repeat for every new monster, kill a few ez bosses, jump, jump, done. The stats doesn't even matter.
            Last edited by RATTY...; 04-23-2006, 03:38 PM.
            DuelBot> You have defeated 'nessy' score: (20-11)
            Nessy> i left for 3 years clean
            Nessy> came back got on rampage, won twl, #1 in elim for 3 weeks, not even tryin, gg

            1:King Baba> i know my name is King Baba, but you can call me Poseidon

            I Luv Cook> I'll double penetrate your ass:/

            Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. But anger is like fire. It burns it all clean.

            Broaden your horizons, read my blog:


            • #36
              Games Ratty has never played

              Dragon Quest
              Seiken Densetsu
              Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow


              • #37
                Originally posted by Richard Creager
                Games Ratty has never played

                Dragon Quest
                Seiken Densetsu
                Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow
                Yep, I haven't played the last Castlevania game, but I played all the ones on the SNES, and the 2 on GBA, and the one on Ps2.

                All of them suck, except for the one on Ps2, and it was only good cause it was in 3D, if it wasn't for it, it would've sucked.

                I'm the RPG master, if there's any RPG I haven't played, then it's because it's in japanese.
                Last edited by RATTY...; 04-23-2006, 05:21 PM.
                DuelBot> You have defeated 'nessy' score: (20-11)
                Nessy> i left for 3 years clean
                Nessy> came back got on rampage, won twl, #1 in elim for 3 weeks, not even tryin, gg

                1:King Baba> i know my name is King Baba, but you can call me Poseidon

                I Luv Cook> I'll double penetrate your ass:/

                Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. But anger is like fire. It burns it all clean.

                Broaden your horizons, read my blog:


                • #38
                  You haven't played any of the GOOD rpgs.

                  I'd tell you to name ones, but that list would consist of pure and utter overrated garbage. Also just quit fucking talking, you suck.

                  I like plenty of things that came out after 95

                  I am not a Castlevania fan, Dawn of Sorrow is actually an enjoyable game, much like seiken densetsu AKA FINAL FANTASY ADVENTURE (ahahahah canned and then revived, what a fucking moron) and UNLIKE seiken 2 and 3
                  Last edited by Richard Creager; 04-24-2006, 12:42 PM.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Richard Creager
                    You haven't played any of the GOOD rpgs.
                    Name one?
                    DuelBot> You have defeated 'nessy' score: (20-11)
                    Nessy> i left for 3 years clean
                    Nessy> came back got on rampage, won twl, #1 in elim for 3 weeks, not even tryin, gg

                    1:King Baba> i know my name is King Baba, but you can call me Poseidon

                    I Luv Cook> I'll double penetrate your ass:/

                    Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. But anger is like fire. It burns it all clean.

                    Broaden your horizons, read my blog:


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Richard Creager
                      I'd tell you to name ones, but that list would consist of pure and utter overrated garbage. Also just quit fucking talking, you suck.
                      Originally posted by Richard Creager
                      Also, "secret of mana" and seiken 3 are infinitely inferior to SEIKEN DENSETSU FUCKING ONE MOTHERFUCKER, ALSO, THE TWO SEQUELS ARE ABSOLUTE SHIT.
                      Are you trying to play smart with me? The first Seiken Densetsu were never realeased. The project died, then they revived it, calling it Final Fantasy Adventure.

                      Seiken Densetsu 2 = Secret of Mana for you Mr. super gamer.

                      The series ended with Seiken Densetsu 3/ALSO KNOWN AS Secret of Mana 2 which was never realeased outside of Japan.

                      After that they started on the shitty Mana series (which I don't consider being the sequel of the older series, its new, and its shit). Sword of Mana (crap), and now Children of Mana (lets hope this won't be crap).

                      Haven't tried Legend of Mana on the Ps actually, have to do it when I got some time free.

                      Sorry, I just can't take a Castlevania fan/FF hater serious, you got a bad taste.
                      Last edited by RATTY...; 04-24-2006, 09:46 AM.
                      DuelBot> You have defeated 'nessy' score: (20-11)
                      Nessy> i left for 3 years clean
                      Nessy> came back got on rampage, won twl, #1 in elim for 3 weeks, not even tryin, gg

                      1:King Baba> i know my name is King Baba, but you can call me Poseidon

                      I Luv Cook> I'll double penetrate your ass:/

                      Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. But anger is like fire. It burns it all clean.

                      Broaden your horizons, read my blog:


                      • #41
                        Don't mind Creager. He doesn't like most things that came out after 1995.


                        • #42
                          Final Fantasy 7 does suck, though.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Verthanthi
                            Final Fantasy 7 does suck, though.
                            Yeah, it's not exactly my fav.

                            Was their first attemp on a new game on a console though, so they didn't have much experience with making it into a nice game (graphical wise).

                            The story isn't that amazing either, just overhyped.

                            EDIT: Was having a PSP/DS discussion in elim some days ago, and Tragik mentioned that its too late to downgrade PSPs cause of the new software shit. So homebrews and emulators won't work if you recently bought a PSP, unless some geek in nomans land somehow found a new way to downgrade it (don't get me wrong, I love the ppl who does things like that).
                            Last edited by RATTY...; 04-25-2006, 10:38 AM.
                            DuelBot> You have defeated 'nessy' score: (20-11)
                            Nessy> i left for 3 years clean
                            Nessy> came back got on rampage, won twl, #1 in elim for 3 weeks, not even tryin, gg

                            1:King Baba> i know my name is King Baba, but you can call me Poseidon

                            I Luv Cook> I'll double penetrate your ass:/

                            Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. But anger is like fire. It burns it all clean.

                            Broaden your horizons, read my blog:


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by RATTY...
                              Yeah, it's not exactly my fav.

                              Was their first attemp on a new game on a console though, so they didn't have much experience with making it into a nice game (graphical wise).

                              The story isn't that amazing either, just overhyped.
                              The story was terrible. There wasn't a single cut scene I didn't want to fast forward through. That goes triple for any scene involving Barrett in a major way.

                              Moving over to a new console isn't an excuse for repetetive, unoriginal gameplay. There is NEVER an excuse for having an hour or more of gameplay where the player makes almost no decisions. The fact that it looked worse than many SNES games had little bearing on my judgement.


                              • #45
                                you can downgrade your psp to version 1.5 so you can run whatever homebrew you want, you just run the risk of bricking it, but if you know what your doing its ok, theres webbys that talk you through it step by step. such as


                                i did it to mine and its running fine, the battery life isnt that bad, like 8 hours+ but then again i havent really used my psp much only bought it for the long journey to and from uni when i go back...... and my psp only cost 70 quid, thats like 130 bucks, i think, gig pack, was a deal i couldnt pass up, (off the back of a lorry) Movies + music + internet (which you dont have if you downgrade to 1.5 mind) + ps console style games = psp winner.

                                imo psp is better than ds, ds graphics and games are mostly childish, i could be wrong seen as i havent looked that much into it.
                                Last edited by thesearcher; 04-25-2006, 06:05 PM.

