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Lost: Season 2 Finale (Spolers Spoilers Spoilers)

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  • Lost: Season 2 Finale (Spolers Spoilers Spoilers)

    Holy shit ... wow. Here's what we've learned so far... and I'm gonna work backward on my summerization.

    1. The pnumatic tubes that have been sending the notebooks seems to end in the middle of nowhere. Thousands of tubes decorate the ground where they lay.

    2. The "Pearl" station seems to have been tasked with following the Swan with its endeavors in pushing the button. The Pearl also has a security camera installed inside.

    3. The button inside the Swan was connected to an electromagnet. This electromagnet charges up every 108 minutes. And when you put in the numbers and push the button, the electromagnet powers back down.

    4. This electromagnet was let loose by Desmond on accident when he fought and killed Calvin on accident out on the rocks. When he came back the electromagnet was charging to a substantial amount and its power brought down Oceanic Flight 815, and so, the beginning of the story is unveiled.

    5. The year the TV show takes place is 2004

    6. The fail-safe was used on the electromagnet and the whereabouts of Locke, Ecko, and Desmond are unknown and presumed to be deceased at this point.

    7. Michael sold off his "friends" Jack, Kate, and Sawyer for Walt. They are now under the control of "the Others" who are seemingly lead by "Henry Gale".

    8. New Hanzo website:

    9. Hanzo Employee, Hugh McIntyre, will be on the Jimmy Kimmel Show tonight, doing an interview. This will be intergral to watch for information for the Lost Reality Game.

    Hugh McIntyre:

    10. Desmond's Girlfriend might have located the island.
    Last edited by Dameon Angell; 05-25-2006, 02:38 AM.

  • #2
    The Hugh McIntyre guy was on the Jimmy Kimmel Live show. They're gonna go on the angle that the Hanso Foundation is a real corporation while Lost is making their show based on them. Apparently there's gonna be some sort of outside tension between the show and the company.


    • #3
      Hans Solo has a foundation? Cool as hell.

      I have yet to watch a full episode of Lost, and it's the show at the top of my list that I wish I could actually get hooked on. But whenever I watch it, I get so annoyed at how confusing it is so I turn to something else.


      • #4
        Ok, so I actually rented all 6 DVD's of Season 1 last weekend, and this weekend, I rented all 6 DVD's of Season 2.

        Holy I understand why people like this show so much. I can't wait for season 3.


        • #5
          Dameon, heres my theory.

          This shit is way too set up for all of that to be fact (by all that i mean the tubes being sent into the middle of no where, the electromagnet actually pulling down plane).

          Why do i think this? When Jack, Kate and the other few main characters were on the little boat going to the other side of the island, tell me, did you see the remains of the statue of a giant? Did you count its toes? 4. Four fucking toes, why would a monument of a human being have 4 toes? Let me tell you.

          Observations show that thousands of years ago, the average pinky toe of a human was almost double the size it is now, seriously, its not an important part of the body. It's become an appendige and will soon detereorate/fall off/people just won't be born with it. The people on the island are so far into the future that they dont need their pinky toe anymore.

          You must understand, something catastrophic must have happened to earth at this time that they're put back with such little technology, such violent and savagelike mindsets that the "Others" are the way they are.

          Come on, if an electromagnet was strong enough to pull a plane hundreds of miles off course to crash land on an island, im pretty sure buildings and boats and other planes would have been ripped off their track/ground/wherever they were onto the island along with their flight, its proposturous to think otherwise. Come ON, i'm sure there was just ONE plane in the hundred mile radius that the electromagnet could have pulled stuff in..

          If that is false, then the obvious reason for the "island" is that its the destination that people wait before entering heaven or hell. Hence why the "others" look for the "good" and the "bad" people. Henry Gale seems to be the leader of the others, this explains why when he was in the hatch with Locke he was like "yeah i was on a mission, to get you." and Locke was like why?, Henry answers with something along the lines of "because you're one of the good ones"

          Thats why the children are taken, they're not killed, just taken to either be sent to heaven or being experimented on. Henry must be god, or the devil trying to take all the good people he could take and bring them to hell. Children are innocent, nice and good-hearted, thing is; i think that they were ok with letting Walt go because he is

          Remember when they did flashbacks of Walt and Michael, and Walt was in the apartment with his step dad and his birth mother. Walt is playing his gameboy and a bird flies into the window, dying on impact. The father walks over with sympathy, Walt turns around to see whats going on, and feels no compassion, turns back around to play his gameboy. He feels no pain for things, he'll grow up to feel no pain and maybe worse.

          Another thought, wasn't it weird how most of the people on the island went to the exact same fortune teller, and were all told the same thing:
          Nothing, the fortune teller was too afraid to tell their future and everytime someone went into their mind/future/destiny to see what will happen, they were so frightened that they couldn't even talk about it?

          Also, is Libby stalking Hurley?? She was in the mental home with him, and now seems fine, wonder what that was about.

          Also, also, did you know that the people on the show don't even know whats going to happen until they start like recording it, they don't know what is going to happen to their character or anything until they film the episode, so they could be taken off the cast instantly if the directors want to.

          Another cool thing to discuss is the black cloud of smoke, Vincent(Walt's Dog) and Walt. Lets talk, that black cloud of smoke, when Eko looked into it he saw a bunch of flashbacks and images of previous moments in his life. I think that it collected his information. The reason that i think the others know so much about Jack's group is because of this cloud. But how? Who else has the cloud come in contact with? Let me tell you, Vincent.

          Vincent is a strange dog, and personally, i think he = Walt. Heres my evidence. When Shannon saw Walt in her tent, wasn't he dripping wet like he was in water? Weird that RIGHT after she saw Walt, Vincent came by the tent. Also, when Shannon was with the Asian lady in her garden, Vincent walked by and Shannon was like "wow this dog is always thursty." Weird that Walt was like dripping wet like he was drowning, or had too much water. I think that the cloud has been going through the forest, and comes in contact with Vincent, who is always around whenever something big is going on. he's being used as a spy/information gatherer for the others.

          Last edited by Pressure; 09-24-2006, 10:07 PM.


          • #6
            For season 3, the season will follow the others, apparently. That and Abrams wants to do alot more action scenes in this season, keep the plot moving with shit blowing up.

            And regarding the whole "Heaven or Hell Gateway" theory, all the writers, director, etc*, they all said that this is not a type of purgatory scenario. That and Walt and the Dog, I'll believe that until I don't see them together for the rest of season 3. But yeah, shit will hit the fan. And what about that lady who tracked them down in Antartica?


            • #7
              WHAT ABOUT THE FUCKING POLAR BEAR. Seriously.
              Originally posted by Jeenyuss
              sometimes i thrust my hips so my flaccid dick slaps my stomach, then my taint, then my stomach, then my taint. i like the sound.


              • #8
                If she finds them, holy crap


                • #9
                  Are you guys into the whole site hack angle? I'm sure it's way old news, but since I just got on the Lost bandwagon, I ran a search on the old Lost threads.

                  The old site in Dameon's OP has a message saying it was hacked, and if you look at the page source, ther url is up near the top.

                  If you go there, it's got some binary message that looks like some sort of hexadecimal code, or something. Anyone have any idea what it relates to, or how to read it? Under that message, there's a pic and a link to, which has a bunch of other Lost-related mystery wierdness.

                  The mystery just gets larger, and larger.


                  • #10
                    Oh, and what about Walt?

                    Supposedly, there is supposed to be something "special" about Walt and Claire's baby (I think it's name is Aaron/Erin). Yes, it could be hyperbole, but you actually see it in Walt with the bird flying into the window.

                    And then there's what The Others said about him being a little more than they could handle, or something like that (on the boat dock, it was said by the Henry Gale/Others Leader character). Also, the black female character with the thing on her head, asked Michael if Walt had ever "just appeared somewhere he was not supposed to be". They made it sound like he had some kind of teleportation superpowers, or something. And how was Walt able to access the computer to communicate with Michael? And was it even Walt doing the communicating? Was Walt teleporting to use the computer to communicate with Michael, or was it The Others pretending to be Walt in order to lure Michael to them?

                    My theory is there's still a Dharma Initiative in place, and they zap pre-chosen flights out of the sky---based on the intelligence reports by that Australian psychic. He finds the special ppl and directs them to the Island.

                    And there are so many "coincidental" relationships between them that there has to be something else---actually, someone else arranging all of these circumstances to bring them together. That way, it seems like fate, but it's really just a carefully orchestrated conspiracy to bring together certain people to keep the Dharma Initiative going.

                    Omfg, I'm nerding out so hard on this show. It's crazy addictive.


                    • #11
             <--- Look up "the Lost Experience" for everything that has transpired in the "real world" storyline. This side-story is like, the Hanzo Foundation is real and they're against the show because it's portraying them in a bad light, but this hacker lady is trying to show everyone that Hanzo is evil. I dunno if it'll synch up at all, but yeah. is my 1# source for all things Lost, wiki-style.


                      • #12
                        What do the numbers mean?
                        What does DHARMA stand for?
                        Why was the Dharma Initiative created?

                        The answers are all contained within this video... enjoy motherfuckers... and discuss.

                        Last edited by Dameon Angell; 09-25-2006, 03:11 AM.


                        • #13
                          lol. Martin Amis all over again..
                          Originally posted by Tyson
                          There is no such thing as hoologians there are only football supporters.
                          Originally posted by HeavenSent
                          Hello? Ever tried to show a Muslim a picture of Mohammed? I dare anyone to try. You will die.
                          Originally posted by Izor
                          Women should never be working in the first place.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Subjugation View Post
                            Cool as hell.
                            Hell, according to many religious beliefs, is a place or a state of pain and suffering. The English word "hell" comes from the Germanic "hel", which originally meant "to cover". "Hel" later referred to the goddess of the Norse underworld and daughter of Loki, Hel. Compare Anglo-Saxon helan, Greek kalyptein and Latin celare="to hide, to cover" (all from PIE *kel-).

                            According to many religions, the afterlife affords evildoers to suffer eternally. In some monotheistic doctrines, Hell is often populated by demons who torment the damned. The fallen angel Lucifer in Christian cultures, otherwise known as Satan, is popularly portrayed in popular culture as the ruler of Hell. Christian theologians portray Hell as the final resting place for the Devil and the fallen angels (demons), prepared as their punishment by God Himself. Hell is also defined as complete and final separation of God's love and mercy from sinners who have rejected his moral standards of goodness and have chosen to live a rebellious life of sin. Purgatory, as believed by Catholicism, is a place of penance for the sinner who has ultimately achieved salvation but has not paid penance for the sins committed in life. Hell on the contrary is commonly believed to be for eternity with no chance of redemption or salvation for those who suffer there. Some branches of the Christian faith teach it is a domain of boundless dimension, scope, and torment. Many monotheistic religions regard Hell as the absolute ultimate worst-case-scenario, per se. For some Gnostics including the Cathars hell was none other than this present life on earth.

                            In polytheistic religions, the politics of Hell can be as complicated as human politics. Many Hellenistic Neopagans believe in Tartarus, which may also be considered a version of Hell.

                            HELL IS NOT A COLD PLACE MY DEAR FRIEND


                            • #15
                              I am just totally lost right now..

                              is that hanso shit real? fake?

                              I feel like I have missed half of the stuff in the episodes and that I have to watch everything again extremely closely..

                              I just lost..
                              Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.

