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Part Time Student Job

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  • Part Time Student Job

    It's a bit early to post about this, I know, but it's on my mind at the moment, so I thought I may as well post this while I remember and then refer back to it when the time comes.

    I'm a student at Southampton University (UK), and so far I've survived my 1st and 2nd years without having a term time job. (Worked over the summer). Well now it's pretty clear for me that it'll be a lot less of a stretch for me financially if I had some sort of income during the term, via a part time job, doesn't need to be much. If the worst comes to the worst, I'll probably just work part time at my local convenience store or something along those lines, but I was wondering if anyone had any better suggestions?

    I kinda hope to do something that'll either be fun or at least semi-interesting. Just something different, as shop work is pretty dull. I'm not _too_ bothered about pay, obviously the higher the better, but as long as it's not stupidly underpaid I'll be fine with whatever the wage is. I don't want to do bar work.

    So... any suggestions?
    USS Banana after years of superior jav play has amassed 17999 kills, he is 1 kill away from 18k, Type ?go Javs FOR A GAME OF HUNT (no scorereset) -Kim
    ---A few minutes later---
    9:cool koen> you scorereseted
    9:Kim> UM
    9:Kim> i didn't
    9:cool koen> hahahahahahaha
    9:ph <ZH>> LOOOOL
    9:pascone> lol?

  • #2
    I was thinking about this earlier today.

    I really want a knuckle-dragging job. Hopefully I will get one in like a garden centre hauling rocks around the place. It will help me build my body while working which would be ideal for me now. I guess thats not what you're looking for, but I heard working on production lines is pretty good for a laugh- my mate works at a local water boiler company, they all sit around and have a laugh and if they can be arsed, occasionally build the odd boiler, all for around £8-9/hour which I think is pretty decent to get you through university.

    You should go to the job centre and have a chat with one of the people there, you can specify exactly what you're after.


    • #3
      lol asking for suggestions for a fucking job, just go get one, simple as that


      • #4
        a fucking job?
        1: Pasta <ER>> lol we are gona win this bd talking about porn on our squadchat

        1:EpicLi <ZH>> but should i trust you, you are mean to the ppl
        1:trashed> wha
        1:EpicLi <ZH>> you will hack into my computer and steal my child porn
        1:trashed> i am a very nice person actually.
        1:trashed> i do not steal other's child porn
        1:trashed> i download my own


        1:turmio> i was fucking certain that the first time she would touch me i would come


        • #5
          bar work is good i hear, but I've been tied down to the same shop work for 5 years now - i can't wait to graduate so i can finally leave bloody sainsbury's
          1:LMAO> lets do everything dirty
          1:LMAO> hack
          1:LMAO> i will back u up
          1:LMAO> whatever it takes to win


          • #6
            Originally posted by Money
            lol asking for suggestions for a fucking job, just go get one, simple as that
            New rule: No one's allowed to discuss anything on a discussion forum called General Discussion
            Originally posted by Facetious
            edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


            • #7
              u dont have to work during the term. i choose to work my ass off during the summer to save up enough so i can concentrate on my studies during terms.

              last summer i did 6/7 days in a call center.
              this summer i'm doing 6/7 days checkouts in Tesco.



              • #8
                What ever you do..Don't work at a fast food'll kill you.. and they underpay matter what you think...*shudders*


                • #9
                  Yeah I work my ass off summers usually and then stretch my cash out as long as it will go. It worked well this year because I made a lot of money last summer working 6 days/40-45 hours a week as a server. The year before it worked alright making $6.50 as a construction worker but I had to loan some money by school's end. This year I'm going to have to figure something out because it's almost June and I'm still unemployed.


                  • #10
                    Get an internship doing something useful this summer (and work a shitty job too if you really need some money), and then get a well-paying job with the same people next summer. That's what I do... I'm making like $15/hour, and I can't even legally vote yet!
                    1: hed> does aquatiq go to your school
                    1: oar> yeah
                    1: hed> go talk to her and be like "baby, lemme get those digits"
                    1: hed> and after dinner
                    1: hed> "howbout you unban apt"

                    7: flared> so me and my friends talked shit back to him
                    7: flared> THEN we find out he's in the crips

                    3: oar> do you like strawberry shortcake?
                    3: Nimesh> my sis does
                    3: oar>


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ZeUs!!
                      New rule: No one's allowed to discuss anything on a discussion forum called General Discussion
                      Get a job drug testing other people's urine so you might know how to defreat it if you ever have to take one. Oh wait, is that ok to post here?


                      • #12
                        No its not, thats why I got rid of it
                        Originally posted by Facetious
                        edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Ephemeral
                          Get a job drug testing other people's urine so you might know how to defreat it if you ever have to take one. Oh wait, is that ok to post here?

                          Probably just about exactly as ok as it is for me to say you're being a dick.
                          "Sexy" Steve Mijalis-Gilster, IVX

                          Reinstate Me.


                          • #14
                            or as im saying u need a life


                            • #15
                              why dont you just donate sperm?

