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Supreme Commander

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  • Supreme Commander

    I remember back in 1997 when Total Annihilation was released. I didn't know anything about it but it had caught my eye, and am I ever glad it did. Some argue it's still one of the best RTS games out there to this day, and I'd have to agree with them. Come 2007 the sequel to TA will come out. Judging from the trailer of actual game footage...the game looks like an orgasm-fest (if you ask me anyway). If you go to the Supreme Commander website and check out the media section, you can watch some actual in-game footage. I CANNOT wait till this game comes out!!! Any of you ever played TA? What did you think of it? What are your guys' thoughts on Supreme Commander? Anyone else stoked about this game?

  • #2
    Originally posted by Asmodeus
    Anyone else stoked about this game?
    Me and my friends can't wait, We still play TA over lan at times and I designed and made some units a long time ago for TA, still one the best RTS games around for sure. As for Supreme Commander it looks awsome :wub:
    Izor> euros have hot accents but you still talk funny :P
    Izor> and youre a stupid nebwie
    AngelGirl> I know <3
    AngelGirl> but you still <3 me
    Izor> ROFL

    pee pee so> ur name make no cents kid, pick a knew one wow ur stoopid
    pee pee socK> im top 10 wb in tw

    (paradise)>hey deluge said he wants to have kids with u

