The new law, which boosts fines to as much as $325,000 per violation from $32,500, could help congressional Republicans woo conservatives in a tough election year as they have faced ebbing support from key core constituencies.
The Christian Coalition had placed legislation to increase the fines as the No. 5 item on its 2006 legislative agenda. The new law also caps any continuing violations from an incident at $3 million.
The Christian Coalition had placed legislation to increase the fines as the No. 5 item on its 2006 legislative agenda. The new law also caps any continuing violations from an incident at $3 million.
Ok...I could understand if somehow the program you are watching was interrupted by someone doing a defined act of sexual debauchery...trying not to be graphic for the kids here.
But when you have children watching the news every day and seeing a murder take place on a daily basis, not to leave out drive by shooting and crack dealers on many corners of the urban streets that relate to your every day life walking to school, how is someone saying a 4 letter word or the exposure of Janet Jackson's breast in the Super Bowl 1/2, of which the air time of this event lasted a total of 2 seconds on TV, going to morally corrupt society itself?
Such legislation is waste of time and perhaps if the parents did their jobs as being a parent rather than asking the Govt. to do it for them it would not even be an issue.
The FCC is a waste of time and tax payers monies in a society corrupt in the issues of what in most societies would be of greater importance.
Soon, Art museums will need to place covers or pasties over nude painting and sculptures.
The full story is on CNN HERE