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Hmmm - Izor's thread

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Troll King
    You seem to have a pathological need to throw race and racism into seemingly every argument you have.
    ????????? Only recently when the topic most certainly is largely due to race differences (middle east threads)

    Originally posted by Troll King
    Izor's stance seems to be that if the rule doesn't apply to certain groups then it shouldn't apply to any groups at all; that is flawed logic as the approach should be that the same rules must be applied to all instances. The spirit of the rule should be inclusive instead of exclusive.
    As I said, I dont really mind that ban. I feel that it is unjust, but only because discrimination by nationality only gets banned in certain situations. If you let it go in 90% of cases, why punish it in 10%? To compare this to other aspects of racism, such as racial ethnicity, this is comparative to banning people for using the words sp** and n****r, but not cr****r or g**k (LOL that game of fill in the blanks is hard). It really just undermines the whole policy imo and makes it a joke.

    Originally posted by Sarien
    Ok.. saying hey mexican, and hey canadian.. same thing in principle. Not the same thing in effect. Why? Because the policy is a subjective policy. It's left to a mod's discretion, as it should and has to be.
    The policy is only subjective in that I can refer to mexicans like this: "Texas and California have a lot of illegal mexicans living there" which is not discriminatory to them. The discretionary part is determining what is discrimination toward a group and what isnt. "A hamburger eatin' yank" most certainly is discrimination against americans, but you wont see anyone get banned for it even if a mod were present/being called that. It is NOT at a mod's discretion to determine which races/groups are going to get preferrential treatment with their protection
    I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
    I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


    • #32
      Vykromond Writes An Essay In Response To Izor

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Proin ornare cursus nisl. Morbi arcu dolor, varius in, adipiscing at, adipiscing vitae, nulla. Aenean sem quam, sollicitudin quis, tristique a, luctus ac, nibh. Cras erat enim, dictum at, sagittis non, euismod nec, risus. Fusce molestie. Nullam ligula. Phasellus feugiat sollicitudin diam. Aliquam justo enim, molestie quis, interdum nec, nonummy at, ipsum. Nullam ipsum. Maecenas tempor, orci fringilla suscipit scelerisque, tortor ante scelerisque ante, et porta eros libero sed metus. Aliquam lacus. In diam mi, suscipit ac, eleifend et, aliquam et, dui. Vivamus luctus ante vitae erat. Nullam nonummy. Mauris urna urna, cursus nec, auctor eget, laoreet vitae, tortor. Vivamus tristique congue felis. Maecenas consequat, ipsum sed ornare malesuada, ipsum nulla cursus eros, luctus convallis augue nibh sit amet velit.

      Duis nunc velit, sodales vel, imperdiet eget, pellentesque id, lorem. Proin vel lacus vel enim dapibus semper. Proin tempor libero vitae tortor. Mauris feugiat, arcu sit amet scelerisque iaculis, felis eros auctor urna, accumsan tristique tortor libero pellentesque tellus. Integer facilisis nibh id neque. Sed placerat ultrices sapien. Vestibulum quis massa. Donec sollicitudin pulvinar tellus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vivamus elementum tempus neque. Suspendisse vitae nulla. Aenean volutpat commodo risus.

      Fusce condimentum, ipsum sed tincidunt sollicitudin, augue eros interdum ligula, nec volutpat est mauris sit amet sem. Cras risus. Aliquam vitae justo. Nulla leo purus, porttitor sit amet, auctor nec, feugiat sed, nunc. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum tempor, dolor at condimentum tincidunt, massa leo porta magna, at hendrerit nibh justo quis augue. Nunc sagittis sem quis pede sollicitudin imperdiet. Aliquam rutrum pellentesque eros. Nulla feugiat, leo sed consectetuer nonummy, quam augue ultricies libero, ut consequat turpis tellus eu tortor. Mauris vitae dui sed arcu molestie pulvinar.

      Etiam ac velit. Donec sollicitudin, eros et condimentum fringilla, neque dolor fermentum tellus, eu tristique nunc ipsum eu massa. Nullam eu ipsum in erat ornare viverra. Fusce porttitor mattis enim. Donec ac tortor vel mi aliquam ornare. Vestibulum placerat. Suspendisse potenti. Ut elementum. Nunc odio mauris, elementum in, faucibus vitae, lobortis sit amet, orci. Donec volutpat tincidunt sem. Morbi consequat, mauris in luctus vulputate, quam risus dictum sapien, in viverra leo augue sit amet erat. Pellentesque aliquet. Phasellus dolor libero, consequat luctus, vehicula a, scelerisque ut, urna.

      Cras malesuada accumsan magna. Proin erat metus, lacinia ut, suscipit non, vulputate at, justo. Vestibulum et massa. Vivamus commodo, mauris sit amet semper mollis, sapien odio tincidunt libero, nec vehicula tortor erat sed lorem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut mi est, vulputate sit amet, vulputate quis, tristique in, tellus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Cras porttitor convallis massa. Proin lobortis sem. Pellentesque ac neque quis felis porttitor tincidunt. Vivamus sollicitudin, felis sed interdum euismod, orci lorem dictum nisi, sed semper mauris nulla at dui. Sed dignissim risus et justo. Sed eleifend sapien eu est. Cras non turpis sit amet pede fermentum blandit. Praesent rutrum, tortor vel egestas nonummy, lacus nibh tempor nibh, quis placerat nisl diam sed neque. Vestibulum molestie, quam vitae convallis ornare, erat sapien ullamcorper libero, vel tempor libero mauris sollicitudin dui. Praesent dapibus pretium augue. Vivamus massa. Cras ut turpis et tellus consectetuer luctus.

      Sed luctus, sem rutrum mollis viverra, pede tellus scelerisque turpis, et eleifend tellus eros et quam. Duis dictum mi. Sed lobortis condimentum quam. Praesent ac leo eu ipsum commodo ornare. Nulla venenatis, mi non hendrerit rutrum, dolor lectus viverra pede, sit amet lacinia diam augue id pede. Cras diam. Vivamus a mi quis felis bibendum lacinia. Ut eget felis. Praesent porttitor nisl. Quisque sed lectus. In viverra nisi vitae dui. Cras mattis, ante sed interdum varius, dolor dui sagittis tellus, eu pellentesque metus risus id est.

      Nam laoreet ante at turpis. Cras molestie vulputate nunc. Pellentesque nec felis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec sagittis, nisl et tristique luctus, risus metus vulputate massa, nec cursus quam metus at risus. Donec faucibus viverra ante. Aliquam eget elit. Sed convallis purus eget erat. Nullam fringilla consequat odio. Fusce urna pede, aliquet nec, feugiat in, ornare non, quam. Duis lobortis, libero vitae euismod ultricies, mi tortor pharetra dolor, a luctus neque nibh id turpis. Sed libero. Vestibulum dapibus lorem nec nisi.

      Sed sit amet arcu vel dolor hendrerit rutrum. Sed sem libero, condimentum nec, pharetra quis, tempor at, orci. Suspendisse nisi lorem, suscipit quis, auctor eget, gravida ac, massa. Vestibulum et turpis ultricies odio congue congue. Ut id risus at tellus tempor vehicula. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nunc ac velit. Pellentesque ut nulla. Morbi luctus suscipit urna. Phasellus placerat porta turpis. Duis quam. Phasellus nec odio. Etiam luctus venenatis purus. Suspendisse condimentum tortor ut arcu. Cras nisl.

      Ut imperdiet, ante ac hendrerit posuere, quam eros scelerisque massa, cursus facilisis nulla ante in nisl. Curabitur diam. Duis at pede interdum massa venenatis pellentesque. Donec nunc odio, vehicula a, semper tincidunt, mattis vitae, enim. Quisque et urna elementum nisl sollicitudin vehicula. In blandit tortor id leo. Fusce mollis, est in dignissim varius, velit neque gravida diam, id fermentum sapien orci sit amet leo. Pellentesque ac erat. Aenean interdum. Aenean nisi eros, egestas et, sollicitudin at, pharetra quis, ipsum. Ut venenatis volutpat lacus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Quisque vulputate. Quisque iaculis sodales ante. Vestibulum at lectus vel nisi molestie lobortis. Nulla iaculis varius nibh. Proin purus sem, consectetuer id, auctor dapibus, suscipit eget, eros.

      Etiam placerat tempor quam. Pellentesque mi dolor, luctus nec, mollis non, pulvinar auctor, nisl. Praesent blandit. Nam placerat, augue eu rhoncus pretium, mauris pede euismod purus, sed tristique lectus mauris sit amet purus. Proin eget ipsum. Cras dapibus orci quis arcu. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Morbi sit amet neque in magna adipiscing tempus. Duis eu sapien. Mauris elit orci, auctor vel, ornare at, iaculis vel, urna. Sed vestibulum. Fusce pulvinar blandit turpis. Pellentesque id ipsum eget sapien luctus faucibus. Nunc dictum lorem nec turpis. Proin urna nunc, suscipit ac, iaculis eu, tempor ut, nisi. In in elit. Donec consectetuer iaculis pede.
      Originally posted by Ward
      OK.. ur retarded case closed


      • #33
        Originally posted by Kolar
        In fact Europe is being flooded by people from Africa and the middle east right now.
        Kolar has a point, but it's also because of the issues going on in South Africa; If they weren't having a war about slavery, then I highly doubt that many africans would immigrate to Europe
        1:Hydride> who we play next week
        1:ReNdErED> Pandora
        1:ReNdErED> gulp
        1:ReNdErED> if i see Ease im shiftin across map

        1:Hydride> best feeling EVER
        1:Hydride> its like if you get sacked and when the pain goes away feeling x 999999999999999999999999
        1:cranium> uve obviously never fucked a plastic bag filled with jelly inbetween the couch cushions
        1:cranium> talk about a feeling


        • #34
          Hydride you're probably THE most uninformed person. At least Izor has been informed by his white supermacist and hateful parents.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Izor
            It is NOT at a mod's discretion to determine which races/groups are going to get preferrential treatment with their protection

            Guess again. That is precisely what discretion it is left to. That is precisely how it works, has always worked, and will always work. You might not like it or agree with it, that's exactly what it is.

            If I didn't mind bigoted nonsense about asians, while moderating it, I could just ignore posts with it in it, and leave it for a different mod to clean up. I don't do that, but I could do so pretty easily. It's the very definition of subjective.
            "Sexy" Steve Mijalis-Gilster, IVX

            Reinstate Me.


            • #36
              Originally posted by genocidal
              Not that it even matters, but UK's 92.1% white population is hardly multi-cultural (granted they are of various Scottish, Irish, Welsh, etc. descent but come on, they're white).
              Holiday in London
              Originally posted by Facetious
              edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


              • #37
                Originally posted by genocidal
                Hydride you're probably THE most uninformed person. At least Izor has been informed by his white supermacist and hateful parents.
                If he wasn't banned he would be more informed.
                Originally posted by turmio
                jeenyuss seemingly without reason if he didn't have clean flours in his bag.
                Originally posted by grand
                I've been afk eating an apple and watching the late night news...


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Sarien
                  If I didn't mind bigoted nonsense about asians, while moderating it, I could just ignore posts with it in it, and leave it for a different mod to clean up. I don't do that, but I could do so pretty easily. It's the very definition of subjective.
                  Well, you're leaving out also that the person who says it also comes into play. Thanks though for clearing it up that that policy is only there as an excuse to ban people, and not protect people from racism. If the people who made it cared a damn about protecting against discrimination, this would be equally enforced regardless of which stereotype is on the receiving end

                  can we also agree that my racism does not come into play here? In fact its quite the opposite. I am saying that people of every nationality should be treated with the same protection here. In fact the roles are quite reversed from usual. You're proposing that TW staff continues to show bias against certain people by implying they need to be protected while people from other nations do not, and I'm saying everyone should be treated equally. If you find fault in that, then I do have to ask how you can preach your anti-racism in the first place
                  Last edited by Izor; 07-24-2006, 04:43 PM.
                  I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                  I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by izor
                    Thanks though for clearing it up that that policy is only there as an excuse to ban people, and not protect people from racism. If the people who made it cared a damn about protecting against discrimination, this would be equally enforced regardless of which stereotype is on the receiving end
                    No, he's just saying that you don't catch everyone all the time, you just catch some of the people some of the time and make everyone else think twice about doing it themselves. It's still working to protect the minority, just not through an "iron fist, kick ass on everyone doing anything at all times" method. It's effective, unless you're a jackass little 14 year-old who doesn't learn by example.
                    Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.


                    • #40
                      I can go through forums, probably just by searching 'fat yank', and show you a bunch of american insults, but staff neither here nor in game does anything about it. Its not a matter of catching something, its a matter of them being biased themselves, whether it be because they dont think the insults 'mean anything' or what. But it is still protected under the racism policy as well as mexicans are
                      I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                      I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


                      • #41
                        Forums are an entirely different beast from in-game, but that's another story.

                        If someone says "fat yank," I'm inclined not to do anything about it because I myself am a "yank," and don't really give two shits about the term. I actually find it kind of endearing and funny. Does it bother you that much? If it does, I'll go out on the proverbial limb and say that you're caring wayyyyy too much.

                        Normally, if something doesn't make me wonder or even flinch about being racist, I'll just let it go (like Sarien noted above). However, if someone is offended enough to notice and reports it, I'll edit it. (You yourself, Izor, have done this several times. Is your memory a little shaky these days?)

                        More or less it comes down to one thing--if you act racist, sooner or later you're going to be bitten by it, so why start/continue? It's a moot point. Racism WILL NOT be tolerated ingame or on these forums. Case closed, end of story. Whether you get caught by it the first time or on your fifth time, your ass will be out roaming MySpace profiles soon enough, because you won't be allowed to participate here.
                        Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.


                        • #42
                          but you dont think that people who are so eager to defend mexicans are caring wayyyyyy too much?
                          I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                          I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


                          • #43
                            Should it matter to you? Are you Mexican? Maybe someone who's Mexican DOES care? Again, I'd like to point out:

                            Originally posted by My bad self
                            More or less it comes down to one thing--if you act racist, sooner or later you're going to be bitten by it, so why start/continue? It's a moot point. Racism WILL NOT be tolerated ingame or on these forums. Case closed, end of story. Whether you get caught by it the first time or on your fifth time, your ass will be out roaming MySpace profiles soon enough, because you won't be allowed to participate here.
                            Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.


                            • #44
                              One problem you have, Izor, is that your arguments might make sense on some level on their own, but when put together, they contradict each other. For instance, if you are so dead set on making sure that Anti-American insults should also lead to staff action, a stance that is admirable in its own right, then stick to it. Turning around and accusing others of caring "way too much" when it's applied to a different matter (and especially with a matter you are currently facing a ban over) not only renders that first stance moot, it shows people that you only care about your particular ban, something you continue to refute, despite how much less convincing each denial becomes.


                              • #45
                                TK, my personal stance IS that people are caring 'way too much' just like conc said and that people should just let that shit go.

                                My stance on what staff should do if trying to enforce this type of policy, is enforce it equally so that no one group receives favor. The two contradict each other and that is the source of the confusion.
                                I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                                I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan

