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Working out in a gym

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  • #16
    No matter how "experienced" you people sound, I'd most likely rather not take work out tips from a video game forum.

    It's like taking relationship tips from Hollywood stars, sure some may know what they are talking about, but I'd rather not take chances.

    not that I excersize anyhow, :wub:
    Originally posted by Jeenyuss
    sometimes i thrust my hips so my flaccid dick slaps my stomach, then my taint, then my stomach, then my taint. i like the sound.


    • #17
      Squats, deadlifts

      I wouldn't bother targeting these too much. Do hanging leg raises or gorilla chins. If you're smart you wont need to do much of abs at all since you'll be working them along with the other exercises. Deadlifts, cleans, and front squats are good examples.

      Dont forget your back


      • #18
        lol.. and what am I talking about? %))))

        Yeah DoTheFandango is right. Talk to your treiner and ask him to watch you. Program is individual for everyone. A 6-day workout may work well for one, but neseserely for others. Besides some people just dont have time to go almost everyday to the gym, so 3-4 times still holds the position of the optimum for the most people.
        If you won't get yur ass outta here immediatly, I'll make the hole in it bigger than the Grand Canyon!


        • #19
          Yeah, I thought so as well and thats what I heard from all people. But then I just decided to try simple folds without my spine touching the bench (thats about 80 degrees to the floor) and I was amazed with fast results! My abs became much stronger and on the second week I got squares drawing out on my stomach. So its worth a try, but do it in the end of the workout, when you did all the important excercise.
          If you won't get yur ass outta here immediatly, I'll make the hole in it bigger than the Grand Canyon!


          • #20
            Originally posted by Chao.
            You know not go more than 3 or 4 times a week right?

            why not? the idea is not to train on the same muscle day after day...

            there are programs that are ABCDE and such...


            • #21
              Originally posted by gran guerrero
              Hi yeah, I had a free session with a trainer in the gym. I worked on my arms and back. I learned how I should conduct my routine. But I'm not paying a shit load of money just to train my body into a toned shape. Any of y'all who knows how it goes, can you describe to me the best way to work on my legs and abs, the gym has all the machines and shit i believe, so throw in the name you know and i could probably figure it out.

              the only advice i can give you about leg training is one...

              work for atleast half year on low weight!!!

              its very importenet, i got CMP because foolishly i could lift high weights, but apperently, my straps in my left patela (weak) couldnt handel it. i also might damaged it with wrong perfoming on the leg extention machine, cause the chair was far when i did it (did it with someone who was almost 200cm tall).

              so be extra careful! 2 months physotraphy and pain all the time, feeling that my knee is weak when i run, really doesnt worth it :-\

              just dont listen to your muscles, start slow.


              • #22
                well this is how my trainer told me in response to some of you guys arguing about how much days to train.

                3-5 days maximum.


                Monday - Arms and back
                Tuesday - Legs (hip, thigh and calves)
                Wednesday - Abs and Chest
                Thursday - Break
                Friday - Arms and back
                Saturday - Break
                Sunday - Legs

                I took a break yesterday cause i needed it. Today I did my legs and did a shit load of stretching, and squats including my cardio of 10 minutes running. I also found a dead lift machine and worked on it for like 20 reps.

                Also, I found this site which is absolutely wonderful, if you are interested in doing the right exercises and stuff you didn't know about check it out. They got video clip and description on how to do each one and how its benefitful to each muscle using each type of exercise with each type of machine.
                Click Here
                All good things must come to an end.


                • #23
                  Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, working all bits and limbs
                  Originally posted by Facetious
                  edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by gran guerrero
                    well this is how my trainer told me in response to some of you guys arguing about how much days to train.

                    3-5 days maximum.


                    Monday - Arms and back
                    Tuesday - Legs (hip, thigh and calves)
                    Wednesday - Abs and Chest
                    Thursday - Break
                    Friday - Arms and back
                    Saturday - Break
                    Sunday - Legs

                    I took a break yesterday cause i needed it. Today I did my legs and did a shit load of stretching, and squats including my cardio of 10 minutes running. I also found a dead lift machine and worked on it for like 20 reps.

                    Also, I found this site which is absolutely wonderful, if you are interested in doing the right exercises and stuff you didn't know about check it out. They got video clip and description on how to do each one and how its benefitful to each muscle using each type of exercise with each type of machine.
                    Click Here

                    few things:

                    1) exrx is cool, but not everything that shown there is healthy and right. so better ask\read\watch more opinions.

                    2) the training schudel the trainer gave you is weird abit, i would go for A training if you are new, 3 times a week. A-rest-A-rest-A-rest-rest.

                    if you are more advanced, AB could be good, like A-B-rest-A-B-rest-rest.

                    ofcourse there is ABC and ABCD and HIT and 5x5 and more programs, if thats what the trainer gave you, so he maybe know better than us all, cause he can see you and know whats your pyshical strentgh


                    • #25
                      I'm not sure whether you guys are getting your stuff out of a book or online somewhere, because you CAN workout 5-6 days a week if you focus on different parts of the body. Alternating between push and pull days is probably the easiest way to keep track of things. There's really no "ideal" way of working out that will work for everyone. So I suggest trying out all sorts of stuff and making up your own routine. Just remember to have fun doing it instead of making it one of those stupid necessities every once in awhile.
                      TelCat> i am a slut not a hoe
                      TelCat> hoes get paid :(
                      TelCat> i dont


                      • #26
                        I swim 12-14 miles a week and supplement in weights every now and then.

                        that doesnt answer any questions.

                        1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


                        • #27
                          'm not sure whether you guys are getting your stuff out of a book or online somewhere, because you CAN workout 5-6 days a week if you focus on different parts of the body.

                          1) You're right, you can workout 5-6 times.
                          2) But sometimes you just dont have time to do it 5-6 times.
                          3) you just wont wear yourself out in such workouts... And whats the point of a workout if you didn't even get any tired?
                          4) As I mentioned before, base excercises might train hard only one particular muscle, but they really make most of the other muscles work out as well. For example, after deadlifts you might find your butt hurting a bit and lateral muscles tired as well, despite the fact that deadlift is purposed to train your spine So it's practically impossible to work on _different_ muscles everyday, you're just got rape them and overtrain which leads to progress stopping, unless you just take out all base excercises out of your programm. I suggest learning the biomechanics, you'll be amazed how hard the most unexpected muscles work in some excercises. Like lateral muscles in bench press.

                          So dont jack off and just do it 3-4 times a week.

                          gran guerrero
                          I also found a dead lift machine and worked on it for like 20 reps.
                          20 reps? Why? Arnold told us to do it 6-8 times. Well, if you are boxing, I suppose a high amount of reps could be useful. But in BB and PL it's useless, move on to bigger weights.

                          Far Scape
                          work for atleast half year on low weight!!!
                          Nah, 1.5-2 months is pretty much enough. Just dont forget to take a light weight before you do reps with heavy weight. And stretch stretch stretch.
                          If you won't get yur ass outta here immediatly, I'll make the hole in it bigger than the Grand Canyon!


                          • #28
                            Considering gran guerrero has a trainer telling him what to do I'm pretty sure the exercises he does are way better for whatever he trains no matter what Arnold (bodybuilding, are you kidding me?) says.
                            Jesus Christ on a pogo stick


                            • #29
                              The only advice I would give is that every body is different and if a specific exercise feels uncomfortable, stop doing it. My legs are my strongest muscle group, while my back muscles are the weakest. Squats and deadlift are leg exercises, but they were causing a lot of lower back pain so I gave them up.


                              • #30
                                well wouldnt you do more reps with lower weights?
                                All good things must come to an end.

