unban this lovebly fungi
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A Good Idea:
Originally posted by Mr. Spam
Thinks backwards... it would be much easier to impliment ?chatinvite and ?chatuninvite then a ?chatban. Only people on a nick that has been invited may join the chat. All others are ignored.Bilange> i love getting repped
Bilange> i said repped, not raped :X
Sending priority 'mail' to weasels and levs since 1999.
Originally posted by Mr. Spam
Thinks backwards... it would be much easier to impliment ?chatinvite and ?chatuninvite then a ?chatban. Only people on a nick that has been invited may join the chat. All others are ignored.ataris/justin/altitude
Theres So Much Expansion that should be added to the Chat features!This is what I'd think
- Player Commands
?chatnotify - Notifys you when a player has signed off/on. In a red message that says "1: Kingz <ER> has signed off chat "TWForum" on 12:00AM (18GMT)." heh, something like that.
- Player Commands (Moderated Chat)
?chat=TWForum:cookie,BBFans:cake - Used to join Moderated Chats.
?chatowner=ChatName (Displays the Owner of the chat)
?chatwel=ChatName (Turns On/Off wheither you recieve welcome messages)
?chatignore=ChatName:Player (Ignores the Player on the Chat Only, this is a Half and Half from the ?ignore Command, so if someone is bugging you in the chat, you can just use this command)
?chattags=ChatName (Doesn't Show Admin/Mod Tags, Or Turns Back On (Automatically turned on in Continuum for the first time)
These Commands Can be Used Before/During/After a League Match, when the Deciding Leaders can choose the Line-Ups. Or just to silence the chat during a very close game to avoid distraction.
- Player Commands (+Mod)
Allright, before I list the commands, I wanna think about how the +Mod will work. I mean, hey? How would they give access, newer squads would abuse this entirely. Kicking people who did really nothing, offending an ego. So maybe there would be a new billing text, so the SMod+'s that can access it, and list the chat name, and list the mods and admin's of the chat. What can admin's do? Nothing really except kick everyone off the chat, and give access to players so they can kick ONLY.
* Admin Commands
?chatbomb=ChatName,ChatName2 (ChatName2 and the ',' is optionalBombs the listed Chats <Kicks Everyone Off>)
?chatadmin=PlayerName:chatname (Grants Owner of the Chat)
?chattopic=ChatName:Topic - (Max 50 Characters, Displays in a Red Message when a Player has signed onto the chat, in a red message it would say 1: TOPIC: Game this Sunday, Be There! -ChatMod+)
?chatban=ChatName:Player (Bans the Player Off 'ChatName', Do it again, and does an Unban)"
?chatmodo=ChatName (Allows only Mods+ on the chat, done again turns off this mode. This can be useful for Staff League Chats, etc.)
* Moderator Commands
?chatpub - Turns the Moderated Chat into a Public Chat (No password required)
?chatpas=BBFans:c@ke - Changes the Chat Password, or Makes your Chat Moderated.
?chatmodon=BBFans - Silences the Chat so Only the Owner, or a VIP can talk. (Other messages will not be sent to the players, aka. like a blueout)
?chatvoice=BBFans:Player - Would allow 'Player' to be allowed to talk. May only be used during a Mod session.
?chatmod - Returns the Chat to a Normal State (Everyone can Talk - The Password will still be there)
?chatrest=ChatName,ChatName2 (ChatName2, and ',' is Optional - Restricts the Chat so no one but the admin can enter it.)
?chatrestrict=ChatName:PlayerName (Restricts the Player from joining the squad, Admin's get "Message" from the Chat in a red message saying something around 'ChatMod+ has kicked user PlayerName from chat 'TWForum')
?chatpermit=ChatName:ChatMod+ (May only be used during the "ChatRest" stage, to allow certain people in)
?chatkick=ChatName:Player (Kicks the Player Off 'ChatName')
?chatresign=ChatName (Gives Away Your Moderator Access, Admin's View This When they Next Login in the Chat Message, or directly when the Mod+ does so).
Admins/Mods will be listed like this (Tags):
1:*Kingz <ER>> Hey Guys! - Would Show the Admin
1:+Kingz <ER>> Hey Kingz! - Would Show the Mod
Of course, there is a bundle to work on, and work be rough for the programmers to nail all these commands down. But it'd be pretty cool to have features like these, eh?
Probally think I'm a nerd for doing this, so I'll stop. But I'll end with one command.
?chatidea (Lists the Creators of Such a Fabulous Idea, etc:
Kingz (Head Idea)
Kingz (Supporting Idea)
Kingz (Public Associations) heh, I made that one upLast edited by Kingz; 07-18-2002, 11:29 PM.// cool //
Considering theres probably no record of who created the chat, when/if this comes out, lots of people will get different hats to own them and....piss people off like their hobby. So instead how about a collective kicking, where like more than 5 people have to ?chatkick then he/she goes. (Or a % majority of the chat channel.)
i've been over this with myself a long long time ago, i forgot who i was talking to about it too. chatowner, kicking ppl off chat....
or even allowing only certain ppl in the chat which the owner decides. of course it's a lot of work, it may even come in handy... but as always, the simpler the better.
suggestion: keep your chats private, and dont tell ppl.. even by accident!
Of course it will piss off Staff :P. Conti-iRC - haha. Well of course it'll have that kind of stuff, maybe those commands should be in the server billing text ... something like this :
/Turns on Chat Features available for players
It looks geeky with all those commands just for using a promotive/non-promotive chat. But it'd be neat to have those kind of things around. Some people would most definately disagree with me. Because some don't need it, and you'd see all these newer players fooling around with the commands. Its like giving Wolven's <ZH>. I mean, who in the hell would do that? Thats why I added that Server Billing Action that the System Operators can turn on/off. Some zones can just turn it off, and some can have it. I know SSHX has this kind of stuff where you can own a chat, lock it, all that kinda fun stuff. But the "Bomb"'ing the chat was Mine, so gtfo. Not sure about "Admin" though. Sure your gonna get some egos there... so I was thinking calling them simply Owners. Haha, ruin some fun there. Most of this was probally thought up allready most definately. And as I sit here, with my Vanilla Coke. I say they should have a ?coke command. What does it do? It says :
You have been rewarded for your curiosity. Try a Vanilla Coke!
Bomb downgraded
Guns downgraded
Energy depleted
Recharge Downgraded (100%)
10 Seconds Later:
WARNING: You have been disconnected from the server.
And when you try and log-in :
WARNING: You have been banned from this server until 6-10-08 12:00GMT. For more information email this address to evade your ban. (Curiosity@Porn4Dollar.Net)
EDIT: I can't spell// cool //