Here is some GAMEPLAY footage taken from Tokyo Game Show.
MGS4 part 1
MGS4 part 2
It was recorded by someone with their video camera. If you think this looks good, wait until some Hi-Def videos are available so you can REALLY see how the game will look like.
These videos show Solid Snake's Octo-cam, which is the new type of camouflage he will have in the game. It will make him blend into the walls, the ground, just like a cameleon.
MGS4 part 1
MGS4 part 2
It was recorded by someone with their video camera. If you think this looks good, wait until some Hi-Def videos are available so you can REALLY see how the game will look like.
These videos show Solid Snake's Octo-cam, which is the new type of camouflage he will have in the game. It will make him blend into the walls, the ground, just like a cameleon.