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Conversations with an idiot

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  • Conversations with an idiot

    Background: An inlaw of mine is going through a divorce. She had been living with us while she gets a job, finds a house, and so on. She moves out today. Yay! I'm a very political person, and better informed than the average Joe (or Joeette??). Doesn't mean I'm always right, doesn't mean I think I am, but I expect a higher than average level of thought to be put into people comments or else I get annoyed. She is uneducated (high school education at best), and is about 50. That's fine, most people don't have university degrees. However, with her any time she talks I get such an overwhelming feeling that this woman hardly knows or understands anything, uses very little if any critical thinking, and will believe anything that conforms to her incorrect and preconceived notions. Not everyone without a degree is like that. Some who have them are unfortunately.

    The worst part, we disagree philosophically and profoundly on pretty much any and all issues. Usually, it's rather clear to me, the reason is because I know what the fuck I am talking about, and she doesn't. Usually I just let her go on, and don't say anything. One time I did...

    Oh, she is a conservative, and more than a tad racist even though she has said she isn't. But it's much like the child, who, when you walk into the room says "I didn't do anything". It's pretty obvious that something has been done.

    This brings us to "the conversation"!

    She comes home from work and starts explaining to us (myself, dad, and wife of dad - not my mother, she died about 6 years ago) that these foreign students (we have a university in my city, I am student there) have one on one translators that we pay for with our taxes. She also mentioned that one of them went to where she works and had poor english skills. This proves in her mind that they do get translators. Poor english skills = we pay for one on one translators. Hey! Makes a little sense, must be true.

    I inquire: According to whom, exactly, do these students get translators?

    A professor? A foreign exchange student? One of these so called translators? Any of the above would have been an acceptable answer.

    Her reply: My niece.

    Ed note: Her niece is fat, and uneducated. Nothing against fat uneducated people, except that I wouldn't get my foreign exchange student information from them. She works at a clothing store.

    I ask a follow up question: How (the fuck) would she know?

    Ed note: She wouldn't, she isn't a professor, translator, or even a janitor at the university.

    Reply? She spends a lot of time with young people. (Note: not really, she just said that for some reason)

    I ask another question: You said that when they came to your place of business they had poor english skills yet no translator to help them. I am curious, if they did have a translator where and when would they make use of such a service if not when they were out doing chores and unable to communicate effectively?

    Her reply: At school.

    Ed note: She said at school with such a great amount of certainty (even though my earlier attack seemed to make her question this nonsense briefly) that I was almost convinced. EXCEPT....

    My response: I go to school at the same school as them, in the same classes. I've been in work groups with them. They do not have translators at school.


    As of this date I still have no conclusive proof that no foreign student has ever had a one on one translator, but I can assure you that if such a service existed it would be nothing like she imagined. In her mind our tax dollars are always being spent on things for "poor" people, or whatever. You know, typical liberal wastes of money. She is wrong, but doesn't know it. I did actually ask around at school if anyone had ever heard of this.

    After living with her for a month and having many conversations like this I just needed to vent. Thanks for your time!

    Oh!! Later the same day she was telling me about how there is no such thing as global warming because, well, she had whatever reasons idiots use. I'm not an idiot so I don't recall exactly. Now, I don't claim to understand global warming. I'm not a scientist. But when given the opinion of a moron, and the opinion of scientists that I've seen on TV, I will take the word of the scientists for it and conclude that yes, global warming probably does exist. Shucks.
    Last edited by Spider; 11-01-2006, 02:13 PM.
    Formerly EEK! A Spider!
    Former TW Moderator, still an all around nice guy

  • #2
    tell her to meet up with karl


    • #3
      Probably she said 'there is no global warming because it's very chilly outside at the moment.'
      Yeah I hate people like that too, I hate racism and that stupid ass generalization s people use.
      You ate some priest porridge


      • #4
        All generalizations are evil.


        • #5
          This is quite similar to a problem I have with my grandmother. When I was young I was always told to respect my elders and accept what they say as best and what is right.

          Last few years I have noticed she talks a lot of rubbish. Particularly about immigrants, and I find myself getting really annoyed and I cant help myself but argue. She's basically completely racist and insensitive, its quite shocking what she can come out with. Once while we were watching 'World's Wildest Police Videos' she seriously suggested that the police should throw hand grenades from the chopper in order to stop people running.

          Who knows to what extent she poisoned my mind when I was young!


          • #6
            Most people are racist because of things they've heard (or made up) like my inlaw and her notion that these students all get one on one translators. They're rarely corrected, and tell these same stories to other people who have never met a foreign student. So that other person believes it. Then they hear 10, 20, 30, more stories about other things these students (in this situation, usually it's not students but more general ethic or cultural groups) get or do. Idiocy is a terrible sickness.

            Even after the conversation I had with her, she still honestly thinks they get these translators. She probably always will. If you ask me, THAT is the crime.
            Last edited by Spider; 11-01-2006, 03:55 PM.
            Formerly EEK! A Spider!
            Former TW Moderator, still an all around nice guy


            • #7
              I had a really long argument with a former TW smod one night about global warming... he didn't believe it existed. Then we argued about evolution... good times.

              For the record, we do have translators. How do I think I play Subspace? LOL!
              Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

              My anime blog:


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mr. Peanuts View Post

                Who knows to what extent she poisoned my mind when I was young!
                Is that you Derek?
                You ate some priest porridge


                • #9
                  Epinephrine don't do that! For God's sake what if she reads it!
                  Formerly EEK! A Spider!
                  Former TW Moderator, still an all around nice guy


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Spider View Post
                    Oh!! Later the same day she was telling me about how there is no such thing as global warming because, well, she had whatever reasons idiots use. I'm not an idiot so I don't recall exactly. Now, I don't claim to understand global warming. I'm not a scientist. But when given the opinion of a moron, and the opinion of scientists that I've seen on TV, I will take the word of the scientists for it and conclude that yes, global warming probably does exist. Shucks.
                    There are also scientists and there is also research that states that the percentage of global warming that we actually add to the whole process of global warming is so small that it doesn't really matter if we change or not, Global warming will happen anyway by nature.

                    Now I am not saying that I am for this theory, or for the other. Just trying to illustrate that you can pretty much always find a scientific research that sustains claims you make. So yea, academics do think more about stuff, etc. But it's not like they are always right because they do research.

                    I remember in high school, we were doing debates. And this one kid (who was awesome at it) had to debate something relating to smoking, and then the smoking with other people. And he had to be for smoking in places. He actually found an article, scientific and in a renown magazine, that said that smoking isn't bad for you at all, etc.

                    Edit: Peanuts, I think we can already agree that you are a total FUBAR.
                    Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


                    • #11
                      It isn't actually good enough to just anything could be true because you can find someone to say it is. You could find someone to tell you that any wide range of very obvious and conclusive things are actually entirely incorrect. The same can be said for global warming. It is actually a fact that global warming is just as well proven as a wide of things that if you were to debate them would cause your reputation to be somewhat shattered. Because if (and it is) global warming were to be true, a great many people (in fact, you could argue everyone) would be financially impacted negatively there are many people with a lot of money who have a great interest in debunking the global warming "myth". But, do you really believe a whole bunch of scientists made it up just because they thought it would be funny?
                      Formerly EEK! A Spider!
                      Former TW Moderator, still an all around nice guy


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by NaiLed View Post
                        tell her to meet up with karl
                        My ex emailed me at work today talking about christmas and subtley asking me if I'd heard of Flannimals at the end of the email. Word to your mother
                        Originally posted by Facetious
                        edit: (Money just PMed me his address so I can go to Houston and fight him)


                        • #13
                          global warming is a natural process. it's possible we add to it as the temperature of the earth has increased over the last 100 years. but what is interesting that a volcanic eruption could put like 10x more pollutants into the air than all of mankind has done ever.
                          violence> dont talk 2 me until u got 900+fbook friends and can take 1 dribble from the 3 point line n dunk

                          [Aug 23 03:03] Oops: 1:siaxis> you try thta ill play possom then reverse roundhouse kick your life
                          [Aug 23 03:20] money: LOL NOT QUITE VIO BUT 5:siaxis> you try thta ill play possom then reverse roundhouse kick your life


                          • #14
                            theres a finnish foreign exchange student at my school. he speaks better english than the american grown kids in the remedial classes.
                            All good things must come to an end.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Spider View Post
                              It isn't actually good enough to just anything could be true because you can find someone to say it is. You could find someone to tell you that any wide range of very obvious and conclusive things are actually entirely incorrect. The same can be said for global warming. It is actually a fact that global warming is just as well proven as a wide of things that if you were to debate them would cause your reputation to be somewhat shattered. Because if (and it is) global warming were to be true, a great many people (in fact, you could argue everyone) would be financially impacted negatively there are many people with a lot of money who have a great interest in debunking the global warming "myth". But, do you really believe a whole bunch of scientists made it up just because they thought it would be funny?
                              I wasn't saying that that research showed that it doesn't exist.. I was saying that that research showed that we can't do much about it. We can lower all the stuff we pollute the air with, but that will only buy us some year. Because the Global warming is happening by mother nature itself.. she doesn't need us for it. That was what I was saying.
                              Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.

