i just got into youtube recently watching chappelles show clips but id like to see some other funy shit for what are some good keywords u guys serach for, you know what do you search for funny shit, sry im im fucking barred out drunk high coked up and popped 2 x and now im home already at 6:45 pm
wanna eee some funnt shi da baby sleep THANK GODA I SWEAT MY DAUGHTER, SHE DOESNT CRY HARDLY LOL.....BUT WHEN SHE DOES OMG I SWEAR. drivesm CRAZY, I KNOW SOME of you know about it man, i thought haveing a kid owuld be ez but i guess i never knew how it is when they babie...shit i know notie i was always thinkin of likr 3+ years up in m ymine, meaning i forgot how babeis cry and sbit :< makes me sad but at least i know she will be a beautiful girl i everyone thinks shell be tall cuz her legs are getting really loing bbut u know how it is when u see somethiging every day as compared to someone seeing the samething 1 time a moneth the pereson seeing shit 1 time a month will notice more change i my dayghter, but i do notice shes gettin biggre for all you ppl that talked bad abot her, that was low and im sry for sshit ive said on this forum, if any of you hsve noticed. ppl act COMPLETELY DIFFIERTON on rtge forums than in game, it amazes me, im taling aboyt shit now i ve wanted to talk aboyt for a long time, now that im hammered im just typiong away like a mufucka
but im orignally from T# the gauntelt zone so if any of you think im an aliased player im not i ONLY jpin squads on money in tw and its the only name i u se in tw and if i talk shit in game, its cuz im bored, its never personal, UNTIL PPL LIKE FACETIOUS say things about the thing i love mor than anyhing in this world not even knwoing me, dude u might be a great guy but that wasnt cool to say and i do forgive everyoine, after all tis is the internt but i promise u ppl if u think im a loser tant cool, cuz there are a lot of succesful ppl whop lay this game and gratz to thim, i dont caim to be on all i alimed is that im so happy that my wife will never have to work and jaylyn my baby will have the best of everything, and GALLELEO, you right that was wron about the stuff i said of my great grandma passing and haveing money, but im an asshole im sry, i would hav never said that i nreal life and ur right for saying im an asshole for even thinging that i love my G gma shes out livin her daughters (my grandm and her 4 sisters
but im sryt for the drunk typing forgive me, but pkz dont take me eriousl i ply this game to talk shit and have fun,i know u ppl thins im som white boy when u see me but honestly if you 1/2 of the shit ive done...i dunno ive had a criminal life and it sucks im done with it, its not worth it i have a baby to take care of and eventually my dads company, its gonna be hard like someon said, and yes sarien it does eist and ur right i, myself prolly would run it in to ground, i dont know how to run a business shit.....i cant lie...even though i sday im fro a rich family, i am..and i have NEVER h aev borrowed or asked for money from my gma, im the type that likes to work for mine, and i know alot ppl on this forum are really diff that IRL
just somethning to podner, sorry like i said im fuckiog tore up wasted im out
my bdat on nov 18T i get unbanned from TW 16th
so see ya than :P see i got banned for 1 teamkill and 1 one moneth ban and i loived with it, look at israeli he cheated and evaded too lol hes no soldier is a butt pirate :/ sry im wasted pz

but im orignally from T# the gauntelt zone so if any of you think im an aliased player im not i ONLY jpin squads on money in tw and its the only name i u se in tw and if i talk shit in game, its cuz im bored, its never personal, UNTIL PPL LIKE FACETIOUS say things about the thing i love mor than anyhing in this world not even knwoing me, dude u might be a great guy but that wasnt cool to say and i do forgive everyoine, after all tis is the internt but i promise u ppl if u think im a loser tant cool, cuz there are a lot of succesful ppl whop lay this game and gratz to thim, i dont caim to be on all i alimed is that im so happy that my wife will never have to work and jaylyn my baby will have the best of everything, and GALLELEO, you right that was wron about the stuff i said of my great grandma passing and haveing money, but im an asshole im sry, i would hav never said that i nreal life and ur right for saying im an asshole for even thinging that i love my G gma shes out livin her daughters (my grandm and her 4 sisters

but im sryt for the drunk typing forgive me, but pkz dont take me eriousl i ply this game to talk shit and have fun,i know u ppl thins im som white boy when u see me but honestly if you 1/2 of the shit ive done...i dunno ive had a criminal life and it sucks im done with it, its not worth it i have a baby to take care of and eventually my dads company, its gonna be hard like someon said, and yes sarien it does eist and ur right i, myself prolly would run it in to ground, i dont know how to run a business shit.....i cant lie...even though i sday im fro a rich family, i am..and i have NEVER h aev borrowed or asked for money from my gma, im the type that likes to work for mine, and i know alot ppl on this forum are really diff that IRL
just somethning to podner, sorry like i said im fuckiog tore up wasted im out
my bdat on nov 18T i get unbanned from TW 16th
so see ya than :P see i got banned for 1 teamkill and 1 one moneth ban and i loived with it, look at israeli he cheated and evaded too lol hes no soldier is a butt pirate :/ sry im wasted pz